Now that he is off of Fox News, we don't hear much about Tucker Carlson these days and he's now doing a subscription-based program. Not being associated with a major corporation any more also allows Carlson to speak to whoever he wants to. Right now, he is in Russia for a talk with Vladimir Putin.
Putin who invaded Ukraine with no provocation, wants to tell his side of the story. And since Carlson is a stooge, the Russian President knows he will get no pushback during the interview.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, not surprisingly, thinks that Carlson is doing very important work. She told Steve Bannon this week, "But what's happening with that war and the numbers that you're speaking of is a true, unbelievable tragedy on a massive proportion. And to think that our tax dollars were spent on basically just grinding down an entire generation of Ukrainian men, no wonder they don't want to serve."
The Georgia congresswoman continued, "And I have to praise Tucker Carlson for going to Russia and being willing to interview Vladimir Putin just to get the truth out, just to get the story out, and let the American people decide for themselves."
Greene closed, "It doesn't mean we have to believe everything he says, but we should be able to hear from him."