WATCH: Morning Joe Says Trump's Team is Hiding Him Post Debate

Last week, Donald Trump participated in a debate against Joe Biden and came out ahead. That wasn't because Trump was an effective debater, he mostly lied through the event and ignored every question asked of him, but Biden's performance led many to call Trump the winner. 

It would regularly be expected that Trump would be all over the airwaves touting his victory, but that hasn't happened. During the Friday airing of Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough accused the former President's handlers of hiding him. 

Scarborough began, "You'll notice, too, for all the talk about Joe Biden being hidden, 8 p.m. and all of this other stuff, you notice Donald Trump has kept his head underground politically since this debate. His staff is scared to death of having their old man go out and say crazy things."

The Morning Joe host continued:

"They know Donald Trump forgets if we had World War II or not, he forgets who the current president of the United States is — he thinks he is running against Barack Obama and has beaten him. He thinks he is running against Barack Obama again. Sometimes he tries to get to the end of a sentence and sort of kind of goes off into left field, into the pasture."

Scarborough closed, "Again, they're hiding Donald Trump right now. They don't want Donald Trump to get behind a microphone because the less he says, the safer they believe they are."