On Friday morning, the panel on MSNBC's Morning Joe laughed about just how unhinged Donald Trump became following the end of last night's DNC.
A month ago, Democrats felt terrible about their chances of winning the 2024 election. Fast-forward to now, and the campaign is on fire, with rising poll numbers and a wildly successful convention.
Donald Trump felt pretty good a month ago, but that was not the case last night. The former President was in total meltdown mode last night, calling any Conservative channel that would have him.
Claire McCaskill opined:
"Should I confess now that the thing I enjoyed the most about this convention, that it was so good at all the stuff that bugs Donald Trump. The production values were off the charts, everything looked great, the timing was seamless, there was no big drama anywhere, there were no tensions. We had more stars than he had. We had better ratings than he had; all the stuff that he thinks are important, they did really well this week. I confess that kind of gives me a grin."
Willie Geist then jumped in to say, "Well he desperately, after Vice President Harris' speech, was desperately calling into TV networks, sometimes appeared to be sitting on some of the keys of his phone while he spoke. Called Fox News, they kind of cut him off. Called into Newsmax."