WATCH: Milwaukee Mayor Responds After Trump Reportedly Calls City 'Horrible'

If Donald Trump is to win the Presidential election in 2024, he is going to have to carry some swing states in the mid-West. Wisconsin is one of those important states and the GOP will be holding its National Convention there this summer. 

Donald Trump is terrible at politics and his speech to Republican lawmakers today went further toward proving that. Rather than having something nice to say about his party's convention host city Trump instead decided it would be a smart move to trash it. 

Soon after his meeting, news leaked that Trump had said of the place, "Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city."

It didn't take long for Trump to get a response from Democratic Mayor Cavalier Johnson, who responded, "I find it kind of perplexing, I find it kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in Wisconsin because he's running for president. To insult the state that is hosting your convention I think is kind of bizarre, actually, kind of unhinged in a way."

Johnson continued to discuss just how stupid it was for a Presidential candidate to rip into the most important city in a swing state, saying, "You're calling their home horrible. I don't understand that."

Watch a clip here