During a fiery speech on Wednesday night, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel was defiant in the face of a potential gay marriage ban from the Supreme Court.
Gretchen Whitmer has been an incredibly popular Governor in the state of Michigan, but she hasn't done it one her own. Another star-level Democrat in the state is Attorney General Dana Nessel who has been in office since 2019.
On Wednesday, Nessel delivered an address to the DNC crowd with a focus on gay marriage. Nessel is married to a woman and has been since 2015.
She told the crowd of Kamala Harris:
"In 2011, she refused to defend California’s ban on same-sex marriage. She refused to argue that some families should have fewer rights than other families. It meant a lie. She was fighting for families, like mine. Now, in 2022, I faced a similar situation when after Roe v. Wade was overturned, Michigan’s archaic abortion ban was resurrected. But Vice President Harris had my back. And she reminded me that protecting people’s lives and defending their rights is our job. And just as the same-sex marriage ban was overturned in California, so, too, was the abortion ban in Michigan."
Nessel continued, "I got a message for the Republicans and the justices of the United States Supreme Court. You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay, hand. And I’m retaining a lot of water, so good luck with that."