WATCH: Michael Steele Rips Into Lara Trump's Plans as RNC Chair

Michael Steele is quite familiar with the duties of the chair of the RNC. He served in the position from 2009 through 2011. The now-MSNBC host left the party around the same time Donald Trump took over. 

The embattled former RNC head, Ronnna McDaniel, left the position earlier this year. The Trump family would like to have Eric Trump's wife, Lara, take over the position. She's already highlighted the things she would do if she were to become the RNC chief. And Steele doesn't think she's up for the job. 

Trump said last week, "The RNC needs to be the cleanest, most lethal political fighting machine we've ever seen in American history. Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC. That is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country."

Playing the comments during his Sunday show, Steele remarked, "I will start by saying: wrong answer. That is not the number one responsibility of the RNC to elect Trump. The number one responsibility is to elect every candidate on the ballot on behalf of the party. It is to raise money for those candidates who are on the ballot. It is to place the infrastructure every candidate will need."

Steele continued:

"You are required — so let me give you a little bit of training here Lara since you want the job — you are required to organize and coordinate every state party and the territories of the United States who are in that Republican family and you are to provide them with a platform from which you will launch a platform to talk about what the party believes in."