WATCH: Megyn Kelly Furious That Fox News Partnered With Univision For GOP Debate

During a recent segment on her Sirius Radio Show, Megyn Kelly was furious over Fox's decision to partner with Univision during the most recent GOP debate. 

In order to be successful in national elections, the Republican party needs to appeal to some percentage of the minority vote. And the party did better than expected with Latino voters in 2020. It made sense for Fox News to partner with a Spanish-speaking station for the debate. 

Former Fox employee Megyn Kelly doesn't think so. She raged on her show, "What on Earth was Fox thinking, partnering with Univision?! That, that woman, Ilya Calderon, is a leftist who’s been partnering with Jorge Ramos, who more than anyone is responsible for the abandoned objectivity approach to Donald Trump and to journalism."

The pundit continued, "And it was intentional! She’s his co-anchor! This is a leftist news organization that’s basically propaganda! They’ve been in partnership with the Clintons. It was like having Hillary Clinton out there, this woman’s questions."

Kelly closed:

"And while I mean, I’ve anchored five presidential debates in the GOP primary field, and you can go out there and it’s perfectly fine to say, hey, here’s an issue that’s going to be a problem for you if you’re the nominee when you get to the general, you can do that. Like you’re too extreme for moderates on abortion. What say you? Is that true or not? That’s okay. We’ve been doing that from time immemorial. But the issue selection and the way in and out of the questions showed her bias time and time and time again!"