WATCH: Legal Expert Explains Why Trump Will Have Trouble Paying E. Jean Carroll $83 Million

Donald Trump has always been eager to tell anyone who will listen about how rich he is. And his supporters even buy into it despite plenty of proof that he is inflating the value of his assets. 

If Trump was as rich as he often says he is, he wouldn't have much of a problem paying an $83 million settlement to E. Jean Carroll. According to legal expert Lisa Rubin, Trump is going to have a real hard time doing so. 

Rubin said on Monday's Morning Joe, "Let me give you the satisfying part first. Someone is going to have to post a bond in 100 percent plus of the verdict here. The bigger question is who that is."

The legal expert continued:

"Many defendants in situations like this will find a company that will post a surety for them, and then you pay, as Donald Trump did, for example, in the Fulton County case, you pay a percentage of the verdict to the person who posts the bond. In New York, the last time E. Jean Carroll won against Donald Trump, he wasn't able to secure that; he ended up putting $5.6 million in an escrow account directly with the court."

Rubin closed, "It'll be interesting to see if any surety is willing to put themselves out there for Donald Trump in exchange for 10 percent to 20 percent plus collateral. My guess is he will be hard-pressed to find that person in New York than he was, for example, in Georgia when he faced that Fulton County indictment."