During Wednesday's broadcast of Morning Joe, the host opined that the national news media has never quite figured out how to report on Donald Trump's behavior.
On a nearly weekly basis, Donald Trump says or does something that would have ended a politician's career in the years prior. There was a point where the Republican party was all about etiquette, but the 45th President shattered those norms and his voters didn't seem to care.
According to the Morning Joe host, members of the media haven't picked up on his issues yet either. The host said on Wednesday, "The shocking statements come every day, and not surprising but still shocking what he says, and, you know, even Arlington [National Cemetery], it's seen major newspaper outlets talk about how will this impact Kamala Harris and the issue of Afghanistan after he goes and just acts like a brute and, you know, desecrates Arlington."
The host continued:
"They just don't know how to put it in proper perspective because, as I said yesterday, they are so concerned about being objective that they're treating this race like it was 1996, Clinton vs. Dole, or 2004 Bush vs. Kerry. Their objective, and I put that word in quotes, their objectivity is actually not objective at all. It ends up playing to Donald Trump's advantage every day because they are so numbed by the hate, the hate speech that has spewed out of his mouth for the past nine years."