WATCH: Jill Biden Goes Scorched Earth on Donald Trump

After a bizarre four years with Melania Trump, America returned to a more traditional First Lady with Jill Biden in 2020. She has mostly worked behind the scenes, still teaching full-time and participating in charitable endeavors. 

Jill Biden hasn't been used much on the campaign trail, but that could be changing. During a recent event in Atlanta, the First Lady went scorched Earth on Donald Trump, blasting him for reversing women's rights. 

Biden told event-goers, "I’ve been so proud of how Joe has placed women at the center of his agenda. But Donald Trump? He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocks women’s bodies, disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault. Now he’s bragging about killing Roe v. Wade."

The First Lady continued, "He took credit again for enabling states like Georgia to pass cruel abortion bans that are taking away the right of women to make their own health care decisions. How far will he go? When will he stop? You know the answer: He won’t. He won’t."

Biden closed her remarks by saying, "Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families. We simply cannot let him win."

Watch a clip of the First Lady's comments below: