WATCH: Jen Psaki Backs Up Her Former Boss Joe Biden

Members of the media have all been discussing Joe Biden and his future since the President's poor debate performance on Thursday. Jen Psaki, who now works for MSNBC, knows him better than most. She served as his Press Secretary when he first took office. 

Psaki dedicated a significant portion of her Sunday show to talking about her former boss. And while she gave some cover to Biden, she also noted that there is no way to make the questions stop. 

She began, "So no, not a good night for the Biden campaign. And what came next was a full scale freakout inside several factions of the Democratic Party. My old boss, David Plouffe, who I’m going to talk to in just a minute, and is one of the smartest political minds in the country, called it a Defcon 1 moment that night. And he was right."

Psaki continued, "And our job is not to ignore those questions because they are real, they are valid, and they aren’t going away. Today, the president is at Camp David with his family for a photo shoot. The trip was pre-planned and announced a week ago, and honestly did not raise any alarm bells to me."

The MSNBC host closed, "And the speculation is not going to stop anytime soon. But right now, it’s also important to remember there is no real indication that Joe Biden plans to step aside, and he and the campaign seem to be quite invested in the fight to keep going."