WATCH: GOP Rep. Molinaro Says Many in House GOP Fed Up With Marjorie Taylor Greene

Republicans may have won back control of the House of Representatives in 2022, but they haven't been able to do much with their power. The party jettisoned Kevin McCarthy after less than a year, and Mike Johnson, his replacement, has gotten nothing done as he tries to control the warring factions in his body. 

A big part of Johnson's problem has been the bombastic Marjorie Taylor Greene who is already trying to replace him. During a Wednesday interview on CNN, GOP Rep. Marc Molinaro gave his take on the Georgia lawmaker's antics. 

The New York Republican told CNN's John King:

"We have a bipartisan government, and the only way good policy is gonna be made better, the only way we’re gonna stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies – Israel and Ukraine – the only way we push back against evil like Putin, is to do it in a bipartisan way. And I want to be judged by my ability and willingness to work across the aisle with anyone who’s honest and earnest about solving the problems that face America and the people I serve."

The host then asked, "Is Marjorie Taylor Greene honest in earnest?"

"Her theater and this constant effort to hold the Congress hostage has to come to an end," Molinaro responded. "I’m gonna have no part in it. And a good number of my colleagues – conservative and moderate – believe that enough is enough. It is time to move on and to move past this kind of nonsense."