WATCH: GOP Rep. Demands That Congress Take Us Back to the 60s

On Thursday, Glenn Grothman, a GOP Rep. from Wisconsin, vowed to help Congress take America's values back to the 1960s. 

Grothman has the same kind of misogynistic and racist instincts of most of his fellow Republican House members, but he takes it to a bit more of an extreme. The Republican is against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday but is also pro-smoking

Speaking from the House floor, Grothman was particularly incensed by Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Project, saying, "I would ask the press corps to look at this. And I would also ask leadership in both parties as they plan what they’re going to do in January of 2025."

Grothman continued his rant:

"And of course, they have succeeded in that these single-family units are much more likely to depend upon the government. And every year, of course, I am lobbied by people who want the government therefore to take up an even greater role in their children’s life, be it daycare, be it preschool, be it after-school programs, whatever. They clearly want the children raised by the government.

So, I hope the press corps picks up on this. And I hope Republican and democrat leadership put together some sort of plan for January in which we work our way back to where America was in the 1960s."