WATCH: Fox's Pirro and Ingraham Question Physical Limitations of Secret Service Agents

During a Sunday Fox News segment, Laura Ingraham and Jeanine Pirro questioned the judgment of having smaller Secret Service agents protect clients. 

There were many questions asked on Sunday how a shooting attempt like the one at Donald Trump's rally could happen. Pirro and Ingraham questioned both the actions of those agents protecting Trump and the physical limitations of some of the agents. 

Pirro began the segment by saying, "I mean, this is something that is unacceptable. We don’t need a long term investigation. We have to understand as soon as that person was seen 3 or 4 minutes before the actual shooting, the protectee Donald Trump should have been taken down and taken out right then and there by the Secret Service. But nobody’s talking about each other."

Igraham would then weigh in, " And I’ve been pinged by so many viewers tonight about that scene and it’s, you know, and you and I, in our own way, have been trailblazers in our fields. And we support women and all we do. But when it comes to shielding the body of someone who is six foot three..And shielding him, you can’t do it if you’re 5’5."

Ingraham continued:

"You can’t do it. I mean, you can do other things that are and be amazing at them, right? But there seem to be a sense of I mean, it doesn’t take an expert to see someone who is confident. We saw it in the Reagan, and you saw it with many of the other agents, including women. And they again, they’re putting their lives on the line. It’s amazing."

Watch a clip of the segment here