WATCH: Fox's Kilmeade Claims That Donald Trump is 'Unaware of Race and Gender'

During Thursday's edition of Fox & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade attempted to defend Donald Trump by saying that the former President is unaware of race and gender. 

It is odd to see the hosts on Fox News attempt to humanize Trump and act as if he is a normal person. And that job can be incredibly difficult on days like today. During yesterday's NABJ Conference, the 45th President made a spectacle of himself by saying that Kamala Harris decided to identify as Black just a few years ago. 

Kilmeade told viewers, "He walked into an extremely hostile environment. She asked the five questions that, I guess, angered her the most about him all at once without even saying hello. It ticked him off, he’s a human being. He said: ‘Okay. This kind of caught me by surprise.’ Also, he couldn’t hear Harris’ questions. She was two seats away he goes: ‘I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. You’re only two feet away.’"

The host then made one of the most absurd claims ever made on Fox, "I also don’t think that it’s a winning issue to bring up Kamala Harris – Indian, Black, it doesn’t matter. He’s just running against a Democrat. I think the thing is, President Trump is so unaware of race and gender. A lot of people say: ‘Wow you don’t talk to women like that. You don’t talk to minorities like that.’ He said ‘I’m running against that person.’ That’s all he sees. And we all know this by now."

Of course, Trump is a deeply racist and misogynistic man who is obsessed with race and gender. Just because Kilmeade says he's not certainly doesn't make its true.