WATCH: Fox's Cavuto Pushes Back When GOP Sen. Calls Harris a 'Ding-Dong'

Neil Cavuto chided Louisiana senator John Kennedy on Monday after the Republican attacked Kamala Harris by referring to her as a 'ding-dong.'

Kennedy appeared on Cavuto's show on Monday to discuss polls showing that Harris is closing the gap on Donald Trump. Kennedy did not sound interested in talking about the issues, though. 

The Louisiana lawmaker began the conversation by referring to the Vice President as a "ding dong" and saying that she is part of the "loon wing of the Democratic Party." 

Cavuto countered by asking:

"I’m wondering if the strategy to focus on her laugh or the former president calling her nasty and crazy, really promotes that push to show she’s not up to the job. Does it look petty?”Does it say to judge her on this level looks like a strategy that could backfire on Republicans? By all means get her on the issues… but to focus on this other stuff just looks dumb."

After some back and forth, Kennedy complained, "Well I didn’t call her a loon, you’re putting words in my mouth! She’s a member of the loon wing of the Democratic party."

Cavuto shot back, "Well what's the difference between the loon wing and being a loon? She is running even with Trump and I’m just wondering about the approach you're taking – it’s going to come back to bite your heinies, isn’t it?"