WATCH: Fox's Bartiromo Claims People Are Spending $13 For a Loaf of Bread

When it comes to Fox News anchors who are willing to spread false information, Maria Bartiromo is near the top of the list. There is a reason why the personality was named in lawsuits filed against the network by voting machine companies. 

It doesn't look like those lawsuits will do anything to stop Bartiromo from making outlandish claims and statements. the long-time Fox anchor came up with an all-time whopper while discussing inflation during a Thursday show. 

Bartiromo was asked by Sandra Smith, "So we've seen this even though the White House keeps touting, you know, economic improvement in economic policies that are working for Americans, the polls still show people are not happy."

You're right," Bartiromo responded.  "And you know why, Sandra? I think it's because the kitchen table issue of everything's too expensive, and that's really what keeps getting."

Then the Fox news personality decided to get a little silly, continuing, "In the last few years, real wages have gone down, and inflation has gone up. We're talking about up 20% or so on Joe Biden's watch. As someone told me the other day, they spent $13 on a loaf of bread; I thought, what?"

At the moment, loaves of bread are available at supermarkets across the country for less than $2.