WATCH: Fox News Contributor Breaks Down 'Dumpster Fire' Trump Interview

During a spot on Fox News Wednesday afternoon, contributor Jessica Tarlov explained why Donald Trump's appearance at the NAJB conference today. 

Donald Trump's campaign has been in absolute freefall since Kamala Harris became his opponent instead of Joe Biden. In an effort to reclaim some of his mojo, Trump and his team thought it would be a good idea for him to speak with Black journalists. The event quickly dissolved into disaster as Trump treated the moderators rudely and refused to answer even basic questions. 

Jessica Tarlov, a left-leaning pundit on Fox was asked about the conference and told Sandra Smith, "My reaction is that it was a complete, absolute dumpster fire for the former president. I don't feel the need to give him any credit for showing up there because he came with a terrible attitude."

The pundit continued, "He hit all of his regular hits, lying about his record for Black Americans. The comparison saying he's done the most for the Black community since Abraham Lincoln is obviously ridiculous. I thought that he was rude and offensive to the questioners."

Tarlov closed by bringing up the most controversial part of the appearance, where he claimed that Harris only recently began to identify as Black. "And then his response, that she used to be Indian and is now somehow Black, was offensive no matter the color of your skin.'