WATCH: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison Trashes Lindsey Graham

During a Thursday morning appearance on Morning Joe, Jaime Harrison tore into his former opponent for a senate seat, Lindsey Graham. 

As the current head of the DNC, Jaime Harrison is doing damage control as calls grow for Joe Biden to drop out of the Presidential race. Harrison joined the Morning Joe crew to discuss the state of the race. 

Harrison began by talking about Nancy Pelosi's recent spot on the show where she left the door open for Biden to drop out of the race. The DNC Chair had a different take, saying, "Well, the speaker made clear that she supports Joe Biden, has always supported Joe Biden and will support Joe Biden. You know, this is the thing that folks have to understand: why do you vote for a president?"

Harrison then harkened back to his race against Graham, telling the hosts:

"Do you vote for a president because of their age? Do you vote for them because they debate well? If debating well was the real key to winning elected office, I'd be U.S. senator right now. I dragged Lindsey Graham's behind across the debate stage. That's not why you vote for a president; you vote for a president to get stuff done. What president has gotten more stuff done than Joe Biden? This has been the most consequential, the most transformational president of my lifetime."