WATCH: Dem. Rep. Crockett Blasts the Republican Math That Disproportionately Helps White Lawmakers

By  Todd Neikirk

During a House hearing on Thursday, Texas Democrat Jasmine Crockett tore into the Republican math that added two new White Republican congressmen in her state.

The amount of Congressional representatives in any state can go up or down depending on how the population of the state changes over time. Texas is one of the fastest growing states in the country and as a result, added two new congressional seats in the 2024 election.

While the vast majoirty of those new Texas residents are people of color, that wasn't represented in the new lawmakers, both white men. Crockett talked about the disparity and how Republicans made it happen from the House floor on Thursday.

Crockett made the comments when she was questioning Robert Santos, the U.S. Census Bureau Director. She was particularly interested in how gerrymandering affected the position.

She asked the administrator, "Of those 4 million people, do you want to take a guess at how many were Anglos? 180,000. That's it, out of 4 million."

Crockett continued by saying:

"They took those Black and brown and Asian bodies and guess what? Do you think that we got a new Black, brown or Asian seat? Somehow, the way they do their Republican math in the state of Texas, that amounted to two new white seats. Guess what? To new White Republican seats."