WATCH: Dem. Colin Allred Demolishes Ted Cruz in Senate Debate

The debate last night between senate opponents Ted Cruz and Colin Allred wasn't much of a contest as the Democrat repeatedly landed huge blows against the Republican. 

Ted Cruz is a wildly unpopular lawmaker who has been able to stay in office largely because of the fact that he serves in a red state. But Beto O'Rourke came close to defeating him in 2018 and Colin Allred is polling quite well against him. 

Allred may have given his campaign a big boost last night after he wiped the floor with Cruz. The Democrat was particularly effective on the topic of abortion, saying at one point: 

"You should look into the camera and speak to Kate Cox, who’s watching right now, and explain to her why you said that this law that you said is perfectly reasonable—why she was forced to leave her two children behind and flee our state to get care that she needed. Or, look into the camera and talk to Amanda Zurawski, who’s watching right now, and explain to her why it’s perfectly reasonable that, because she had a complication in her pregnancy and was denied care so long that she may never be able to have children of her own. Or to the 26,000 Texas women who’ve been forced to give birth to their rapist’s child under this law that you called ‘perfectly reasonable.’"

Allred, a former NFL linebacker, also talked about Cruz's attack on transgender people, saying, "I’m a dad. I’m a Christian. Of course I don’t support these ridiculous things that he’s talking about. But he wants you thinking about kids in bathrooms so you’re not thinking about women in hospitals. Because it’s indefensible that we have Texas women being turned away from hospitals, bleeding out in cars, in waiting rooms, being found by their husbands."