[WATCH/COMMENTARY] Writer Frank Schaeffer Gives Joe Biden a Send-Off For the Ages

Emotions were running high on Sunday as Americans began the process of accepting that President Joe Biden would only be a one-term President. 

Cycling through all of the stages of grief in one day can leave even the strongest of us drained. It felt, as I wrote on my personal Substack, like my brain had survived its own version of The Poseidon Adventure.

While most Americans are still coming to terms with the President's selfless decision to step aside--MAGA is "melting down," according to House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)--there has been a palpable shift in energy now that Vice President Kamala Harris has stepped up.

Vice President Harris has received President Biden's endorsement, along with many other Democratic powerhouses. Several notable Democrats waited for Monday to endorse the VP out of respect for the POTUS on Sunday.

The overwhelming tone coming from Democrats is that of gratitude towards Joe Biden for putting the country's best interest ahead of himself--something he's done for his entire career.

Joe Biden will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents, and I'm sure there will be grandiose essays and biographies written about him.

But none will touch the eloquence of the 3-minute speech writer, filmmaker, and "Joe Biden fan" Frank Schaeffer delivered on Sunday night, definitively eulogizing Biden's lone term and solidifying the 46th President's legacy. 

Schaeffer, a former Christian conservative who now self-identifies as an "atheist who believes in God," is the author of several books including his autobiography, Crazy for God. 

This video is currently going viral for all of the right reasons. It left me and millions of others sobbing. It should be required viewing for all Americans and preserved for the future generations we can ensure will exist if we only heed these wise words.

You might want to have some tissues handy, because one won't be enough. Thank you, Frank Schaeffer. 

And thank you, President Biden.