WATCH: CNN's Enten Explains Why Vance is Worst VP Pick in Decades

During a recent appearance on CNN, pollster Harry Enten explained why J.D. Vance was the worst vice presidential pick of his lifetime. 

It wasn't so long ago that Donald Trump was considered to be a significant favorite to be the be Next President. And feeling like he was the favorite, Trump selected J.D. Vance to be his running mate. 

Vance, though, has been anything but a positive for the Trump campaign. In fact, he's been a total negative. CNN poling expert Harry Enten explained just how much of a negative Vance was during a recent spot on the channel. 

The pollster explained, "He is the first guy after, immediately following a convention, a VP pick, who actually had a net negative favorable rating that is underwater."

Enten continued, "I mean, it’s the worst vice presidential pick of my lifetime. If we look at the net favorability ratings, you know, we did this segment last week, which basically said that he was the first one that had a net negative favorability rating coming out of his party’s convention."

The pollster closed: 

"It’s only gotten worse, from negative six points to now, negative 15 points. Mark my words, this is the worst vice presidential pick probably since 1972 when George McGovern chose Thomas Eagleton as his VP pick. He got replaced.  I don’t think Vance is gonna get replaced, but that’s what we’re talking about. In no planet did I ever think we’d be talking about VP this late into the cycle after he was picked like 10 days ago."