WATCH: CNN's Enten Explains Why Dem's Weird Attacks Have Been So Effective

During a recent segment on CNN, Harry Enten explained how the Democrat's messaging that Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are weird is working. 

Donald Trump selected J.D. Vance to be his running mate right around the same time that Kamala Harris was taking over the Democratic ticket. And the Harris campaign has painted the two men, but especially Vance, as weird and out of touch with most Americans. 

Enten, who regularly explains polling on CNN, was asked if the attacks on Trump and Vance are landing with voters. He responded

"Oftentimes, there’s these attack lines in politics that really just don’t take hold. But to me it feels like a lot of folks are interested in this attack line. So this is Google searches for ‘weird,’ this is compared to the three last three months. Look at this: It’s up 22%, my God, over the last week. How about over the last three days? Searches for weird are up 32%."

The pollster continued, “It seems that the attack lines against JD Vance are working. And one of those big attack lines, of course, is the idea that he is weird. And it’s definitely being increasingly searched with his name and obviously other things associated with Republicans."

Enten closed, "The fact that he is so disliked so early on, to me that suggests that there’s something unique about JD Vance. And it’s not just the weird thing, but I think the weird attack line is absolutely having an impact. Folks just have a visceral dislike for him, as you see in these numbers right here."