WATCH: CNN Political Director Explains How Biden Was Different Last Night

After last night's NATO press conference, CNN political director David Chalian argued that Joe Biden was different last night than he was last week. 

President Biden has been defiant in the face of calls for him to drop out of the presidential race. Still, that hasn't stopped the calls from both the media and Democrats in the House and Senate. 

According to Chalian, Biden could be becoming more amenable to those calls. He told Anderson Cooper, "But I think, Anderson, what was most telling for me from this — you ask the question, did he, did he assuage concerns? He actually himself acknowledged that he is still on a mission of trying to allay concerns, as he said, and I thought that was very telling."

The pundit continued:

"He said, he doesn't think he's the only one that can beat Donald Trump. He said nobody yet has presented him with presented him with evidence that he doesn't have a viable winning path to the presidency. But that still may come. That seems to me that he was sort of opening up some metrics that he's willing to consider, perhaps this was not a president who was shutting down the notion and the conversation, or a president and that seemed unaware that his party is still looking for him to grapple with this decision and they don't consider it closed. And I think tonight we saw him in a different headspace about this."