Donald Trump and his staff have been working overtime to distance themselves from Project 2025, the dystopian blueprint from the Christian cult known as the Heritage Foundation.
Trump has been photographed shaking hands with Kevin Roberts, the cult leader of the Heritage Foundation. They've also been on the same private jet. Weird how they don't know each other, huh?
Blessed be the fruit (-less endeavors of a no-longer-secret cabal run by right-wing cultists)!
They really are so, so bad at this. If you want to secretly take over America and turn into The Handmaid's Tale 2.0, you shouldn't tell everyone ahead of time. Kind of ruins the whole surprise.
While the Trump propagandists try to tell us we're not hearing and seeing what we're hearing and seeing, one group has ruined all of that for them with an explosive undercover interview with one of the architects of Project2025.
A journalist and an actor working for the Centre for Climate Reporting (CCR) scored a meeting with Russ Vought, Trump's former head of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), by pretending to be "deeply religious" and wealthy donors "concerned about the direction of America." That's all it took to dupe Vought into revealing exactly what they're planning to do if they can get Trump back into the White House.
Russ Vought-a vetted them better before giving up the entire plan, but show me anyone associated with Trump who isn't a bumbling moron in one way or another.
We owe CCR a debt of gratitude for exposing Project 2025. Watch the full expose, below.