WATCH: Bartiromo Explains How Tariffs Raise Costs But Trump Doesn't Understand

During a Sunday interview on Fox Business, Maria Bartiromo attempted to explain the reality of tariffs to Donald Trump, but the businessman didn't seem to understand. 

Trump, whose companies have filed for bankruptcy on numerous occasions, considers himself to be a successful businessman. But when he gives his ideas on improving the economy, they are usually terrible. 

This is the case with his latest push, which concerns tariffs. If as President, Trump was to slap tariffs on foreign goods, those companies would then raise the prices of their products passing the costs on to consumers. 

Trump attempted to explain his plan, telling Bartiromo, "If I do this, you're gonna have car companies coming back to the country because of the taxes and the tariffs. I'm gonna put a 200% tariff on every car, and you're not gonna ever sell them into the United States."

Bartiromo tried to explain why the plan wasn't very sound, saying, "But what about the criticism, and the Journal has done this as well, that if you do put something like a 200% tariff on a product, that it's only gonna mean higher prices for consumers? It's gotta be passed on somehow."

Trump kept plowing ahead, though, telling the Fox Business host: 

"All I'm doing is saying, I'll put 200 or 500, I don't care. I'll put a number where they can't sell one car into the United [States], I don't want them to sell their car because I don't want them hurting our car companies."