WATCH: Bakari Sellers Hits at Nikki Haley's Lack of Backbone

Bakari Sellers, who served with Nikki Haley in the South Carolina House, said her flip-flop on Donald Trump's capabilities is no surprise. 

While the most recent Republican primary was supposed to be an intense battle between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, it ended up being Haley who fought Trump the hardest. Over the course of the campaign, Haley regularly attacked Trump's fitness for office. 

Last night, though, Haley was more than happy to back her former rival at the RNC.  When asked about her move, Sellers said, "I can tell you is that this surprises no one who knows Nikki Haley. She has the backbone of an octopus and so politically, when you have somebody who floats with the wind, this is not a surprise."

The CNN pundit continued, "I mean, I think this is one of the larger issues that Donald Trump actually had with Nikki Haley; the fact that she can do one thing in your face, then behind your back, do something totally different so that's kind of what we're seeing amongst the people around Donald Trump."

Seller closed:

"It's fascinating to see the Lindsey Grahams, the Marco Rubios, the Ted Cruzes, the Nikki Haleys who he [Trump] talks about like dogs. He talks about their wives. He called her 'birdbrain,' sent literal bird foods to her room. She says this and that, and then they kind of just crumble and it's missed and so the Republican Party that we're seeing on display is a Republican Party that is not like any Republican party before."