WATCH: Al Sharpton Points Out Trump's Hate for Cities With Black Mayors

During this year's election season, Donald Trump is attempting to earn the support of Black voters. After avoiding cities like the plague over his first Presidency for fear of being booed and mocked, he has recently held events in the Bronx and Detroit. 

Still, when he's up on the stage riffing, or sitting in a meeting with Republican lawmakers, he can't control himself from saying what's on his mind. Trump recently called Milwaukee, the biggest city in crucially important Wisconsin, a horrible city. The Morning Joe panel discussed his gaffe on Wednesday morning. 

Al Sharpton opined

"I notice he's been very selective on the cities that he attacks. They usually have Black mayors and usually have a large urban community, and I had the mayor of Milwaukee on 'Politics Nation' the other night and we talked about that. You know, he never attacks certain cities who have some of the same challenges, but I think that we're getting ahead of ourselves."

"The rev really just broke the code, really," Scarborough weighed in.  "After Trump trashed Milwaukee, people said, 'Oh, he would never say that.' Okay, well, we found out that he did say that and they made a lot of different, [saying] it was about crime, it was about the Brewers' middle relievers. It was about this, it was about that. No, it wasn't."