Van Jones Explains How Numbers Are Backing Up Harris Enthusiasm

During a recent segment on CNN, pundit Van Jones talked about the incredible momentum behind the Harris campaign and what a change that represents for Democrats. 

It wasn't long ago that Republicans were about to have their Convention and Democrats were feeling quite bad about their chances. That has all changed since Kamala Harris has taken over as the Democratic nominee and turned the election on its head. 

Jones began by noting that Harris had been doing very well raising money; "people are excited about Kamala Harris. And it's showing up in the numbers, it's showing up in the polls. What a turnaround in the past two weeks in terms of energy, momentum and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris.

The Democratic strategist continued, "There's things on the horizon, but where she is right now, there's — sometimes, the person makes the moment, and sometimes the moment makes the person. This was a moment that was crying out for some kind of breakthrough, some kind of hope."

Jones closed:

"Democrats are looking at this thing like, 'Holy crap — are we going to have democracy after this election?' And you got a heartbeat of hope: Kamala Harris raising her hand and saying, 'I'll handle this.' And it has just released a flood of energy. And I think it's going to continue for a while."