Unbelievable Tales: People Share Their True Accounts Of Their Wildest Stories

Sometimes, the craziest encounters we experience are unexpected ones. It’s funny how coincidences align and how the chances are made of this kind of happening.

We tend to never forget these things because they are simply just too wild, weird, or shocking to forget

Here are 40+ real-life stories that are almost too impossible to believe, but have happened anyway.

1. Chance Meeting: My Unexpected Encounter with My Father

When my mom was pregnant with me, she and my father divorced and he gave up all parental rights. I’ve never met him or spoken to him, I’ve only seen a few pictures.

About 2 years ago, I worked at a healthcare facility where I would float to different offices around the county based on who needed the help.

This one particular morning I was checking the doctor's schedule and saw my father's name. He was scheduled to be in the office next door to where I was working and I thought it was pretty crazy.

But, I most likely wouldn’t even see him. The time of his appointment came and he walked into my office straight up to me and said he had a doctor’s appointment.

My heart was racing cause I knew it was him as soon as he walked through the door. I told him the doctor was at the office next door and he left.

A little while later I walked over to the other office to deliver some faxes and on my way out he trailed behind me and I held the door for him. He said thank you. And that was my only interaction with my father in my 30 years of living.


2. Meeting My Uncle's Old Flatmate at a Bar

This happened 3-4 years ago. I have been living in this bigger European city for some years now. I went with a girl to a pub and since all the tables were full, we sat at the bar.

An older guy was sitting next to me (50 years old, white hair, smoking a cigar) who kind of distracted me because he reminded me of my uncle.

Now mind, my uncle had been living in the US for around 25 years already, he didn't look like that dude, nor did he act too similar. That bar guy just had some gestures that reminded me of him, mixed with the look of another distant relative.

So the girl I was with goes to the toilet, so I can't hold back anymore and look this dude in the eyes and tell him he reminds me of my uncle. He jokingly asks: "what's his name?”

I tell him and also tell him "Well, he lives in the US” and I also tell him his work, and then the guy looks stunned and tells me the names of my whole family.

Turns out he was the flatmate of my uncle 30 years ago for about half a year. That was definitely one of the weirdest bar stories I experienced!


3. A Twin’s Connected Dreams

So me and my brother are fraternal twins. My stepmom passed away due to breast cancer when we were around 15 years old. She was like a 2nd mother to us and had been around since we were very young (5 years old).

Now fast forward to our junior year of college. I attended a school in upstate NY while he attended a university in the state of Florida. One night I woke up in sweat with tears coming down my eyes.

I had the most vivid dream. I was in a house and my stepmother was there. I knew she had passed in this dream, which was a first for me.

She hugged me, told me how handsome I had become, and that she loved me. I woke up drenched in sweat thinking “What was that.” I didn’t say anything to anybody and went to class.

As I’m walking back to my apartment after class, I get a call from my brother. His first words were “I know this is going to sound weird but I had the most vivid dream about Maggie last night.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as he went on to describe the same dream I had just experienced the night prior.

We’ve never had a twin moment like this and I don’t really know what to make of it, But it’s always been a story that I wanted to tell.


4. Midair Panic

During a flight, I was served lunch. While eating, noticed that the woman next to me was slowing down in her movements, slower cutting, slower chewing, etc.

Suddenly she stops completely in her movements, fork, and knife in her hands, half-cut food on her plate, face bowed forward above her plate, and nothing else.

I touched her on the shoulder, pushed a little bit, and asked her if everything was okay, but no reaction. I couldn’t tell if she was still alive. Was it the air conditioning or her breath? No idea.

I didn't want to panic and frighten everyone else. You know. A person who passed away. I made eye contact with a stewardess, pointing towards next to me.

A couple minutes later, five stewardesses including a pilot form a barrier around our seats and like in a movie try to get a reaction "Don't you die on me.”

The woman wakes up, looks up, and says just this one sentence: "I took really strong sleeping pills." And goes back to the same sleep posture.

It’s as if this has happened before, and she had anticipated this conversation as if she knew that her mind would only be awakened long enough for one sentence!

So for the entire remaining 6-7 hour flight, there is this lady next to me, mimicking a tyrannosaurus, her hands still grabbing the now removed fork and knife, drooling on the table. Everyone passing by gave me this questioning look. Best flight ever.


5. Destiny’s Reunion

I am from a tiny province in the Philippines and decided to work in Manila right after college way back in 2007. I got into a call center and met a lot of friends. Stayed in the company for about 2 years, graveyard shift wasn’t for me.

Fast forward to 2013, my widowed mom in the province met through a mutual friend a French guy and they both got interested in each other.

They eventually got engaged in 2014 and married soon after so they could move back to France. As they were planning their trip, I posted on social media about possible Filipino connections in France to help my mom transition well.

A former colleague of mine in that call center in Manila many years back sent me a message. She told me that she had a Filipino friend.

Let’s call her friend, Rowena. She has been living in France for more than 20 years now and she may be able to help my mom. So, I told my mom to add Rowena on Facebook and connect with her.

They did and they got into talking. One day my mom was on a video call with her, they were talking about their husbands when my mom pulled out and showed her a vintage photo of her husband when he was in university.

An old photo of him sitting on a couch with his then-best friend whom he has not seen since graduating. Career opportunities abroad and no cellphones during that time led to them growing apart.

As soon as Rowena saw the photo, she gasped. “That’s my husband beside your husband!” she said. She then hurriedly went to her office.

She took out the same photo that her husband had kept through the years as well. After a few shocks and tears, two long-lost best friends were able to catch up after nearly 40 years.


6. Supermarket Acquaintances to Lifesaving Allies

I work in a supermarket as a team leader. I'm quite social so I like to include everyone new and make them feel comfortable. So there was this new guy, around 17 years old who was very quiet.

He spoke only when spoken to and no one tried to converse with him. So I did, I was very kind to him and at first he wasn't approachable, but over the weeks he came loose and was kind to me as well.

No other co-workers approached him, however, I did not give it a second thought. But I knew why when he quit after 3 months.

Turned out he had to do this as some kind of community service, he's an ex-con and my cheap supermarket hired him because they only had to pay him 1/2 of the normal salary.

But that's not all. a year later or so, some drunk dudes in a bar started a fight with me, it was not a big deal until I went home. 5 of them waited for me at the exit.

I did not want my friend involved so I just kept on walking away as they weren't there, until they legit stopped me to punch me. And there he was, the guy from the supermarket with his gang friends.

I never felt so cool in my life. 6 dudes around 21-25 years old came to my rescue because he was my “friend.” They threatened them and asked them “Tell us why we shouldn't end your lives right now'.”

I couldn't thank him and them enough after that. We went our separate ways again. Sometimes I still see him and we give each other a nod.


7. Human Cat Proposal

A little while back my roommate was contacted by a wealthy man in the area who wanted to pay her to be his "live-in pet" for an entire month. She thought that this was a cutesy way of saying that it was a Sugar-Daddy/Baby arrangement.

Turns out what he meant was that she would be given room, board, and a very healthy allowance to spend a large portion of her day dressed as a cat.

She was supposed to be walking on her hands and knees, eating out of a bowl, using a litter box, and, yes, sleeping in a little cage at night.

Physical intimacy wasn't even on the table. He was only interested in having a human cat for a month. She seriously considered the offer for a weekend, and then politely declined.


8. Close Call In The Skies

When I was learning to fly at a sketchy flight school, I was doing a pre-flight check flight close to the end of the program. I was doing the run-up in a Cessna when I smelt something. "Do you smell that? Smells like gas" I say.

The 21-year-old instructor just shrugs. Annoyed, I open the door, and there is a spreading puddle of Av-gas under the plane. The instructor panics, "Stay in the plane, I'll get help!" and runs off.

As soon as I got the engine off, I noped out of there and watched the plane dump all its fuel on the runway. They kindly gave me another plane and instructor.

They “fixed” their plane, and a month later, I read about the same plane crashing due to fuel issues, one fatality. No significant repercussions for the company.


9. Feces To Fortune

I used to open letters for a state-run bureau. We had a dedicated unit of people just opening letters all day long by the tonne.

For some reason, a person not in their right mind started to send letters with human feces in them, perhaps as a form of retaliation, I do not know. This went on for weeks, if not months.

Certain units had to use disposable gloves and face masks in case of number two letters. For my inconvenience, I had the honour to open one of this perpetrator's mail.

This time it was different. Along with the poo, something rolled out of the envelope. Something shiny. With the aid of some hand disinfectant and paper towels, I cleaned this tiny, round, and golden piece of metal.

This poop person sent a gold coin from the 17th and 19th centuries along with his excrement. The coin is small, around 2 grams, but it appears to be solid gold.

I doubt that the person who lost this item is willing to get it back since sending human feces to a bureau is considered a crime.

The coin itself is not worth that much, but this is by far the most ridiculous story I have to tell from my previous mind-numbing job as a bureaucrat. And this kids, is how I got myself a gold coin from a letter full of crap.


10. Missed Beats

My dad went to secondary school with John Lennon and was a couple of years older than him. The dad was known for playing the drums and being quite musical.

One day John asks him whether he'd like to be the drummer in a band he's forming. Dad was keen, but my granny said he needed to prioritize studying so he didn't join.

The band formed and was called The Quarrymen, and I think a guy called Colin was the drummer instead of Dad, who I believe was later replaced by Pete Best and then Ringo as they changed to The Silver Beatles, and then The Beatles.

I like to imagine that in an alternative universe, my Dad said yes and that was history. I don't even mind that I wouldn't have been born if this had been the outcome. He deserved to have had that lifetime.


11. Unexpected Adventure

Years ago, I was hitchhiking north of Richmond Virginia when a car with two dudes picked me up. We got to chatting and it turns out they were headed to their friend's place to shoot guns and asked me if I wanted to join.

I asked if his friend would be okay with a random homeless-esque fellow shooting his guns and he said "Hell, just pretend to be my cousin from Seattle."

So instead of sitting on the highway in 100-degree weather, I spent an afternoon eating hamburgers, shooting guns, and blowing up with bags of explosive targets.

We did all of these on some random DOD employee's woodland property. I don't remember your name dude, but you were the man! Thanks for a great memory.


12. Retrieving My Classic Car

I stole my car back once. I used to restore classic cars. I had the most valuable one I’ve ever had at a body shop, and he took forever to finish it. He had painted other cars for me but developed a substance problem.

I would check on the car every week to see if there was any progress. Finally, after a year he told me he painted 90% of it, but he’s asking for more money than we originally agreed.

I drive there on a Friday afternoon unannounced and see my car outside the shop with the shop owner nowhere in sight. His neighbour told me he had left the car outside for 3 days and several people had tried to steal it.

So I called a tow truck and towed it to my garage right away. At my home, the shop owner calls me over and over again. He thought somebody had stolen the car. He kept calling me for months. I never responded.


13. The Bike Swap

When I was a kid I lived in the projects of a small city. Once I forgot to bring my bike inside and, of course, it was stolen. A couple of days/a week went by and I was wandering up the street and spotted my bike!

I hopped on that thing and rode and rode while a boy chased after me saying to bring his bike back. I knew it wasn't his bike because it was a purple girl's bike, and it was mine.

In hindsight, it's kinda sad because that kid's dad or older sibling probably stole it and gave it to him. I was in 3rd grade and he wasn't any bigger than me.

We both lived in the projects, but obviously, I was better off because I had someone who would buy me a bike and he didn't. Poor little kids.


14. The Ostrich Encounter

I'm a pretty avid cyclist, which means whenever I have the time, I will ride my bike away from the city I live in, into the mountainous suburbs to challenge myself up some of the local climbs.

It was another one of these excursions, I had just ridden up and down a big mountain, on the road headed back to the city center. I was fairly tired, and still had 40 km to get back home.

All of a sudden, I saw traffic in the opposite lane stopped for some reason. What I immediately saw next I was not prepared for. I saw an ostrich in my lane, in front of me, running after the car ahead.

It's not like the country I live in is a habitat for any ostriches. Slowly, I follow the ostrich, which is running after the car ahead, faced with a decision: do I overtake the ostrich?

Now I'm no expert on ostriches, but I do remember reading that ostriches run quickly and that they can be aggressive towards humans.

I didn't want to become the victim of an ostrich attack, but I did want to get home quickly, as it was starting to get dark. After hesitating for a while, I gave it all I had and overtook the ostrich.

The rest isn't that interesting, I managed to get home unharmed. But to this day, it remains one of my most surreal experiences, running into an ostrich on a bike ride.


15. The Midnight Giraffe

I also have a story about a very unexpected animal sighting. My brother and I had visited our sister in Utah and were driving back to California.

It was about 3 the morning and we had been driving for 12 hours but were nearly home. We hadn't taken this freeway home before so things were a little unfamiliar, but had been perfectly normal so far.

I'm driving and he's looking out his window and suddenly starts freaking out. He's turned around in his seat, craning his neck to see out the back window. He shouted, “Is that a giraffe? Yes, it is a giraffe!”

He thought it was a statue at first because why would there be a giraffe right next to the freeway? It was an actual, live giraffe. I looked up the city we were driving through later and sure enough, there was a small zoo right where we'd been.

We both started laughing so hard we cried. We were exhausted and hysterical over this. Just the shock of seeing a giraffe when you didn't expect to.

Like, normally you'd have to go out of your way to see one. You generally only see a giraffe under very specific circumstances and driving on a freeway in the dead of night is not one of them.


16. Strange Encounters On The Commute

A few years ago I'd go to college in the morning and leave at like midnight because I didn't have a PC and needed to work on homework at school.

One time on the last train ride home (I had to catch 2 trains and 2 buses each way to get there and back) we were coming into the last station where I'd get off.

This Asian guy was acting a bit strange the whole ride, he got up and stood in the middle of the car as the train brakes coming into the station.

He falls flat on his face from a full standing position and lays there until the train stops, stands up, dusts himself off, and walks out of the open doors like nothing happened.

I saw this guy doing it 5 other separate times and since I was used to it at that point I enjoyed looking out for the uninitiated riders' reactions.

Plenty more slightly weird stuff happened on my late-night subway rides home. I really enjoyed the entertainment.


17. Bar Confrontation In Kazakhstan

My father used to live in Kazakhstan (Around 2006). One day he was with his work friend at a bar when this tall, built Russian man came in. 

He decides he wants to sit on a barstool close to my dad, but instead of finding a normal, empty stool, he goes to a chair occupied by a small woman and throws her off the chair, exclaiming that he wants that chair. 

My dad sees this and immediately attempts to intervene by saying “Hey man what are you doing!” The Russian man then proceeds to tell my dad, “I’m going to kick the heck out of you when you leave the bar” etc. 

My father brushes it off but then he notices that the Russian man’s friends have started to join them. About 4, large men inside and another 4 outside. 

At this point, my dad is nervous and decides to call the Head of Security (HOS) for the company he works for. Keep in mind my dad was the Managing Director of Kazakhstan at the time.

The HOS tells my dad to wait at the bar for him to come, and after some tense drinking with the work buddy, 30 some bodyguards start pouring into the bar, making a line from my dad to the exit of the bar. 

Because of the country they are in the bodyguards all have pistols on them as well. So the 30-something bodyguards have made a wall of people on either side of my father. 

After that, the HOS took him to his car, but there were an additional 2 black BMWs that were there to escort my dad home.

Not the most insane story but it was insane to hear my dad tell it to me, he also said the urge to flip off the big Russian guys was massive but he didn’t want to risk it


18. False Accusation Of Cat Theft

I have never stolen a cat. I'm actually allergic to cats so I can't even have a cat as a pet of my own. Despite this, I have been accused of stealing 3 separate cats on 3 separate occasions by 3 different people. 

One guy threatened to gun me down for stealing his cat but I didn't steal his cat, now that was a wild Thanksgiving. I didn’t even know why they thought that I had stolen their cats.


19. A Pizza Delivery Reunion

I am 26 years old and I am adopted. I have nothing to do with my biological family save for a half-brother, who I reconnected with last year. We're friends on social media.

About a year and a half ago I spent 6 months as a pizza delivery driver. While there I met a man, probably in his 50s or so. We got along. He was a driver just for something to do since he's retired now.

I quit the job 6 months in but a couple of months ago I came back and the guy is still there. A week ago my brother tagged me on social media, as well as my coworker. A few days later, I asked my coworker how he knew my brother.

After a misunderstanding (my brother has the same name as his father, so when I asked, he thought I was talking about my brother's father), we found out that the coworker is my uncle by marriage. Or was.

He was married to my biological mom's sister for some 20 years, until their divorce a couple of years ago. The guy used to babysit me when I was a baby and has pictures of my brother and bio mom that he gave me.

He's currently looking for baby pictures of me because I don't have any from before I was adopted. My mom and dad would be super happy if he could find them.


20. An Electrifying Encounter

I was travelling in Honduras with a girl I was seeing. We were travelling with her sister and some other people, staying in a hostel.

During the September 15th celebrations in this little town, there were a whole bunch of festivities going on so we went out and enjoyed the day.

At night, walking back to the hostel, we started to fool around a bit. We were making out in the town plaza.

We couldn't go back to the hostel to take it further since our friends were there, but it was dark outside, and the town plaza had some columns and areas that were relatively private. So we just decided to fool around there.

We start to be intimate, in between a couple of the columns. So she is leaning back against a column and we are kind of on the ground.

After a little while, she starts shaking and I look at her and she has this weird look on her face and is shaking like crazy.

I think whoa, she is having the craziest reaction I've ever seen. Then I felt a really strange sensation all through my legs, and I thought whoa I'm having a crazy reaction too!

I had this sensation I couldn't place, but it was familiar. Then I place the sensation. Electricity. I realize I'm being electrocuted through my legs (I was wearing protection), and I look at her and realize she is too.

I pull us both to the side. I looked at the column she was leaning against, and exposed wires were coming out of it. She was kind of crying and freaking out because she thought it was the end of her and couldn't move.


21. Hotbox Penguin

When I was 19, I would deliver illegal substances to a friend of mine. One of the guys I delivered grass to worked at the local zoo. One day we decided to smoke up in the somewhat hidden area behind the indoor penguin enclosure.

After the session, we went inside to find the penguins acting very weird. Turns out we were smoking right next to the air intake for said penguin enclosure. And that was the day I accidentally hot-boxed some penguins.


22. Surprising Return of Nubs the Cat

About 19 years ago, my mom, my dad, and the 3-year-old me came home to find our cat, Nubs, is missing. The entire family turns the entire apartment upside down but no trace of our cat is found.

My mom decided to make missing flyers even though all the doors/windows were locked at the time. Days turn into weeks, then into months. She finally comes to terms with the fact that her cat is gone and has disappeared.

Cut to last year, my grandma out of the blue says she lost Nubs. She says while we were out shopping, she decided to go to the mall across the street and took my baby stroller to hold extra bags

While she was in the middle of the mall. Nubs, unbeknownst to her, wakes up, jumps out of the bottom mesh pouch under the seat, and takes off.

My grandma, being too nervous and scared to ask for help, just left the store and our cat there. Cue us coming home like half an hour after she gets back home. She helped us look for this cat too.

It makes me hysterically emotional to think about what happened to my mom's favorite cat. This is the story of how our cat just one day out of the blue, vanished into thin air. Now we finally have the answer.


23. Seat Downgrade To Life’s Upgrade

This story is about how I met my significant other on a plane, flying from Bangkok to Doha. I was downgraded when my better seat upgrade fell through. Got sat in the third to last row.

I hit it off with the Spanish girl next to me. 3 weeks later on a whim, I flew from the States to Spain to meet her. 3 weeks after that I moved there. Just hit our second anniversary and are celebrating the birth of our first child.


24. Stick Shock

I was picking up sticks around my parent's house with my brother. I threw a stick on the pile when one of the little branches pierced my inner forearm through and through.

I look down befuddled not knowing what the heck to do. I tried pulling it out but the skin moved too much. Finally, I got the strength to give a big yank, and out it came. Surprisingly not a lot of blood from the holes.


25. Cheeky Carpenter

My dad is a carpenter and was doing some work on a lady's roof one day. Somehow he missed a rung in the ladder when he was coming down fell two stories, through a bunch of branches, and landed in a bush. 

He got up, seemingly unscathed, and went inside to let the lady know he was done. He said he noticed he was talking funny, and she was just staring at him with her mouth open. 

She asked him if he was ok and led him to a bathroom. He looked in the mirror and had a small stick pierced through one of his cheeks. 

It wasn't bleeding and he didn't really feel it (probably the adrenaline), and he just yanked it out and left. It healed up fine and he barely has a scar, and it's just another in a long list of crazy injuries in our family.


26. Chasing Fireballs In The Dark

Me and my friend were bored and decided to go skating at like 1 am and ended up in a car park. We started talking about all the scary stories and stuff when out of nowhere we noticed a fireball in the sky.

We stopped speaking and watched in amazement and shock about what we were witnessing until all the light we could see suddenly went out and the fireball was gone. I don’t think either of us has run so fast in our lives.


27. Family Feuds And Political Triumphs

There was a politician who hit on my brother's girlfriend way back. He tried to cheat on his wife with my brother's girlfriend. He’s like 40 and she’s like 21. My brother always hated that guy.

He was in power for 20 years. My dad campaigned for the candidate that beat him. He went door to door for weeks.

The candidate never would have won if it wasn’t for Dad. He won by like 30 votes. Dad never knew about the incident involving my brother. It felt like sweet revenge.


28. The Case Of Sobe Kush

Not really crazy, but when I was a teenager my friend and I were pulled over for supposedly rolling a stop sign. The local police were notorious for pulling over anyone who looked young driving late at night at the time.

I swear they got off with kids. No pun intended. We were high that night. Before knowing about any rights I had or could exercise, the police asked for my phone.

He probably saw me trying to delete the texts between me and a dealer from earlier. He went through my text messages. Which nowadays would be like oh hell no.

Coincidentally, my other friend made a new online game account, and in the text between us, I was asking what the name was. He named himself sobe_kush.

So the police officer told me, "So how about that sobe kush tonight?". And all I could think of was this can't be happening right now. I am indeed high, but how am I going to explain the sobe kush?

Should I tell him about the online game? He did let us go though. Maybe he realized it was illegal to go through my phone like that, though I did hand it over like a fool. I wasn't even driving!


29. Teenage Tough Decision

My ex-girlfriend was pregnant with her other ex-boyfriend's kid the first time that I met her in person. She decided that I was going to raise this kid whether I liked it or not.

For context, I was 14 and she was 16 and I was only going to be with her for a few weeks because I went to a summer camp near her city.

I kept on telling her that I wasn’t taking this much responsibility for a kid who was not even mine. She then threatens to knife me because of how unwilling I am.

I decided that I could try to diffuse the situation by trying to get her to consider adoption. This is when she lost it. She took a couple of swings but I was able to leave mostly unscathed.

A few days after I had left, I texted her and apologized for being kinda inconsiderate. She apologized for trying to force me into such a hectic situation and for trying to injure me.

We talked and she realized that adoption was going to be the only real option for her. She had the kid safely and I have yet to hear from her since his birth.


30. Love And Loss

I am a gay man in my 50s. When I was young, you shouldn’t tell anyone you were gay, so I was 100% closeted. In my early 20s, I fell deeply in love with a man who was HIV positive. 

I didn’t know what it meant at the time because AIDS was just on the scene. I am a classically trained singer as well. 

On Halloween night, I was outside of a historic church in the graveyard waiting to perform the bass solo for Mozart's Requiem when a friend came to me and told me he had just passed away. 

The show must go on, so I did my performance and fell apart later. It was surreal. I had to endure his passing alone. At his funeral, I walked away from the group and had a complete meltdown.

My conductor came and put his arm around me walked with me to his car and drove me to the burial in silence. I will never forget that single act of kindness for the rest of my life. Every time I think of it I cry.


31. Rainy Day Rock

When I was 20 my friend asked if my band wanted to play at this arts festival his mom was organizing in Pilsen. We agreed and were pumped to do it.

Our band was more of us just messing around in the basement and having fun, we never had dreams of making big anything and were never really that good.

We had only done a few shows before this and all of them went badly, so we were hoping this one would be better.

The day came, we got there to start setting up and we asked where the stage was. My friend's mom tells me that because it was raining they were going to have us play inside the gym where they had all the artists set up with their booths.

I told her, "I don't think that's a good idea, it's gonna be really loud." She insisted that it would be fine and not to worry, so I said, "Alright" and we started setting up.

We play one song and his mom comes up to us after and is like, "Yeah I don't think this is going to work, let's just wait for the rain to die down."

We of course thought it was hilarious because we warned them that we were going to be loud. It felt a bit punk rock too getting kicked off the stage because we were too loud, so we weren't mad or anything.


32. A Painted Wake-Up Call

I got pretty hammered on a Friday night so at about midnight I took myself home like a wounded animal and passed out on my bed.

An indeterminate period later, I'm roused from my drunken stupor by a furious knocking on my bedroom door. I stagger to my feet and open the door.

In front of me are 4 people I've never seen before. Three of them are completely red: faces, clothes, hands, and shoes, and the fourth is a paramedic.

I go full goldfish with my mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out. These strange people tell me that "she" is my responsibility now and leave.

My flatmate had gone out and gotten even more bombed than me. She hadn't made it up to the third-floor walk-up and had passed out halfway through the door to our apartment building.

The red people found her and called the ambulance. There was red paint on every light switch in the house the following day.


33. The Sheepish Garden Heist

I lived on a big property. I grew grass down the back fence. We had sheep. I came home and my 4 shoulder height plants are gone. All of the sheep are passed out on the back porch.

I have 15 minutes to get all these sheep down the back behind the shed before Mum gets home. I load these sheep on the lawn mower trailer one at a time.

Mum gets home and doesn't notice a thing. Two weeks later my mum asked me what happened to my plants out the back. She was wondering if the sheep ate them. I said yes. She laughs.


34. A Journey To Napa

Last year, I drove to Las Vegas to work at a music festival, then parked my car at a friend's house and flew to Oakland after.

There I'd rent a car, then drive to Napa to work another one, then fly back to Vegas and drive back to LA. I missed my flight to Oakland by 20 minutes.

My car had a major issue and I had to find a last-minute mechanic that could take it. There were no more flights to the region that day.

So I flew to Fresno, took a Lyft to Amtrak, took the 3-hour trip to Oakland, called an Uber, picked up my car (it was a Turo rental), and then drove to Napa. Made it to Napa at 1 am, and started work at 9 am the next day.


35. A Comedy Of Errors

A friend of a friend accidentally took a dump on his then-girlfriend, now-wife's face. He had come home from the bar pretty drunk and found his girlfriend sleeping. 

He thought it would be hilarious to climb onto the bed, pull down his pants, and release a casual fart right into her face.

However, this was no ordinary fart at all like he anticipated. He gambled on a fart, and it came out as a liquidy shart.


36. A Teen's Adventure In Airport Comedy

Many moons ago. I won a year's stay in the US with the Rotary Club to experience living in California. I ended up living in L.A. and was at school for a year. Nothing really exciting happened other than being in another country.

Anyway, on the trip home, my parents decided they were coming over for 2 weeks to experience the place I lived in for a year. That's fine.

At the airport, I went looking for them before boarding the flight and they weren't in the waiting area (as I had gone to the toilet just before boarding).

They went on the plane without me, having been used to their son not being at the house for a year. They also had my ticket and passport.

So I, a 13-year-old boy, had to explain that my parents forgot about me, took my passport and boarding pass, and were on the plane. They go ask the cabin crew and someone appears with my passport and boarding pass.

I get on the plane, to my seat beside my parents. I go, “The heck was that?” to which people in my immediate area burst out laughing.

I later found out they had announced my predicament to the whole plane on the intercom and my Mother had put her hand up with my passport and boarding pass.


37. A Lesson In Caution

During summer vacation in 2000 when I was alone at home playing video games, I had this stranger knock on my door asking for an address.

While I told him that I did not know of the address he was looking for, he asked me for a glass of water. Being the naive idiot that I am at the time, I was 11 at that time, I left the door open and went into the kitchen to get it.

The guy then proceeded to invite himself in and locked the door. Over the next two hours, I sat there looking scared and dumb while he showed me a knife.

He searched my place for anything valuable he could carry in broad daylight without suspicion. However, finding nothing he left.

All the time I was scared as to how to explain to my mom what happened to my video game that he had taken. She told me not to open doors to strangers. I have never told a single soul about this experience till now.


38. A Rock ‘N Roll Adventure

The Deftones were in town and I wanted to go, but didn't get tickets in advance. My friend suggests we just drive to the venue and see if we can get in at the door.

We go, but as we are walking across the parking lot this roadie-looking guy stops us and says, "Hey ladies, wanna meet the band?" We exclaimed, "Hell yeah!"

We get onto the tour bus and there's the band, just chilling, drinking beers. We introduce ourselves and the next thing I know, I'm ripping bong hits with the Deftones!

The Pamela and Tommy Lee porno was playing in the background. Just felt surreal. It's almost showtime and my friend is like, "Uhh, we didn't get tickets." All good, they gave us backstage passes to wear.

We ended up walking with them backstage and even did the little group hug and pray with them before they went on stage. They asked us to wait backstage when the show was over.

The show was amazing. My friend and I snuck out after the show ended, we just had this gut feeling that the band would expect certain "things" if we continued the night, plus we needed to get home for curfew on a school night.


39. Lost In The Night

When I was 8 years old I was in Bangkok, Thailand with my family, and we were walking in the red light district at night time, so think of brothels, gangs, child abductions, the usual.

Anyway, my dad walked ahead so I decided to walk ahead with him but at some point, I lost sight of him and continued walking and walking. And eventually, I was completely lost.

Keep in mind, I was a small blue-eyed, blond-haired white boy, in the most dangerous part of Thailand which is known to be a haven for child abductions.

I eventually stopped to look at some roadside entertainment (a baby elephant doing tricks). And my dad came sprinting through the crowd, tears running down his face, and I was safe.

But Jesus this story could have been so much worse if I happened to pass the wrong kind of person.


40. Blacked Out Brawl

I got into a fistfight with a man dressed as a snake charmer (wearing nothing but a loincloth and a turban) while I was dressed as Marilyn Monroe (complete with boobs and wig. I'm a guy) 

The Snake Charmer was angry that my friend who was dressed as Elvis Presley was encroaching on his performing space outside of the Chinese Theatre in LA. Also, I was blacked out from drinking so I don't remember any of the fight.

I did not win the fight. I was told we both threw a punch, his punch connected, mine did not, and I was sort of confused and walked away.

I am not a street performer, we were visiting LA and I saw that people do that so I thought it would be fun to dress up and get pictures with tourists.


41. The Frozen Potato Case

So this literally just happened a few hours ago while I was working at a hospital emergency department. A guy brings his friend in through the registration area because of an opiate overdose.

Security brings him back to a room on a cot. The dude is blue in the face and not breathing at all on his own. We move him to the room's bed and a few nurses and the doctor walk in.

I, a paramedic, am starting an IV and I hear one of the nurses say, “What is the very large and round object in his pants?”

The nurse proceeded to start taking his pants off and to our surprise, the dude had a frozen potato in a plastic bag sitting on his private part. Never have I ever seen anything like that in my 5 year career and I never expect to see it again.


42. Creepy Pizza Delivery

One time my girlfriend and her friend, let’s call her Molly, were hanging out and ordering a pizza. Their other friend, let’s call her Anne, was coming over shortly. It was snowing out, with about an inch of fresh coverage on the ground.

The pizza arrives, and about 20 minutes later, so does Anne. Anne comes in and is like “Sweet I’m just in time.” My Girlfriend and Molly are like “What do you mean the pizza got here like 20 minutes ago.”

Then Anne says “No, I just saw the driver leave.” They are immediately spooked and go outside where they find footprints in the snow all around the back section of the house (where their apartment was located).

They also found patches below and around windows where the guy had stood for a while. When he dropped off the pizza he was being normal.

But then, he was asking what they were up to, if they were hanging with their boyfriends, etc. They were high and just sketched out so didn’t get cops involved. What a creep!


43. The Mysterious Book

I'm from Hong Kong, and I'm still under 20 years old right now. 4 years ago I was the host family of an exchange student from Italy. Then 2 years ago me and my family went to Italy and visited her hometown.

She then showed me to a local church. Seeing that we were the first Chinese to visit the place, the church decided to show us a mysterious book that they discovered.

I took a look and found out instantly that it was a Chinese Bible. The church stated that the book was found in the 15th century, after an earthquake.

However, after I took a photo of it (which they allowed) and did some research with my friend, it was printed in Hong Kong in 1865. There were also no earthquakes at the church after the year.


44. Justice In The Aisles

One night a guy comes into my work with his missus in tow. He’s screaming about how that’s his missus and he’ll punch her because that’s his property and he’ll do what he likes.

A pack of huge Maori guys heard this guy talking crap and decided to teach him a lesson. They started punching the guy in the middle of the store.

It went from the liquor department, into the bakery area, into the food prep area, and back out into the store. It had to have lasted 5 minutes at least and staff were hiding wherever they could.

By the time the Maori guys were done, the other guy was covered in blood, with a huge gash in his head.

The Maori guys left after that and the other guy ended up dragging himself out of the store. I doubt he touched his missus after that.


45. Unwelcome Travel Companion

They took a worm out of my shoulder a week ago. It was there for 2 months. It's probably from Bolivia and travelled all of Argentina and Chile with me until I took it out at the hospital in Chile.

It was the most disturbing 5 hours in my life from when I found out that my "infected" wound was inhabited by a parasitic worm until I got to the hospital. The worm itself is disgusting as well.
