Trump's Pollsters Are Warning Of Another Kamala Bump Post DNC

After a wildly successful national convention for the Democrats, the pollsters working for Donald Trump are warning Republicans that Kamala Harris should get a big bump. 

It wasn't that long ago that Joe Biden was still in the race and the Trump campaign was talking about trying to win states like New Jersey and Virginia. With Harris in the race and leading in the major poll averages, the Republicans are now playing defense. 

Travis Tunis and Tony Fabrizio are Trump's leading pollsters, and they recently published a memo warning, "Post-DNC, we will likely see another small (albeit temporary) bounce for Harris in the public polls. Post-Convention bounces are a phenomenon that happens after most party conventions."

The memo from the Trump pollsters continued

"So don’t be surprised to see Harris get a temporary 2 to 3 point bump. The other thing to keep in mind is that while the media is going to focus on the national polls, we need to keep our eye on the ball – that is the polling in our target states. Our goal is to get to 270 (Electoral College votes) and winning these states is how we do it."

The last time Trump's pollsters predicted a bump for Harris, they said that would be temporary too, but it hasn't been. There is no reason to not expect the bump from the DNC to last a while too.