Trump Is Fundraising Over Having to Miss Melania's Birthday

Donald Trump and his wife Melania have quite a strange relationship. While Trump is photographed or videoed on a near daily basis, you seldom see his wife by his side. None of Trump's close family has attended his trial, and that includes his spouse. 

Still, Trump knows that he could use the fact that he has to be on court on his wife's birthday to paint himself as a victim. He did that today and even sent out a fundraising email about missing the big day. 

Trump told reporters assembled outside the courthouse, "It would be nice to be with her. But I’m in a courthouse for a rigged trial. It’s a rigged trial — terrible."

He also made a point of saying, "I do have to begin by wishing Melania a happy birthday. She's in Florida."

The Trump campaign later sent an email to supporters that read, "I love you Melania! I wish I could be with the lovely first lady on her birthday, but instead I'm stuck in court."

The most hilarious thing about this complaint is that Trump is in court over paying hush money so that affairs he had didn't go public. The affairs, of course, happened after he had married Melania.