Tommy Tuberville: Most Migrants Coming Over Border are 'Garbage'

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville went full racist on Tuesday, telling Fox's Larry Kudlow that most migrants coming into the United States are 'garbage.'

Tuberville has been a controversial figure since taking office, notably holding up months of military promotions against the will of his party. The former football coach also has an issue with saying racist things almost anytime someone puts a microphone in front of his face. 

Fox host Larry Kudlow invited the Alabama Republican on his show to fling mud at Kamala Harris. "She is even farther left than Joe Biden,” Tuberville opined. “I didn’t think they could pick anybody worse, but they did."

Tuberville then went on this rant:

"I mean, how can you put somebody in charge of a situation where you let 15, possibly even 20 million people come in our country? Now, some of these people are good, but most of them are garbage. They come from jails and prisons from other countries. And they’ve known that. And so, we’re gonna live in very tough times in the years to come because of a lot of these people that have come in here with different agendas other than living in the great country that we live in now."

Watch a clip of the segment here

The race for the presidency looks to be tight, and each party will have to win Independent voters. Republicans continuing to say the kind of things that Tuberville did on Tuesday is going to make doing that much more difficult.