Wife Thinks Teacher Husband Has Ulterior Motive When He Wants To Adopt Pretty 17-Year-Old Student

She's Pretty

The young lady was attractive. Even she had to agree. She had lived in twenty-four different foster homes before the female accepted her into her residence as if she were her own child.

She should have noticed the indications when they initially came up. She ought not to have been so oblivious. Seeing as the video recording ran, all she could do was point the finger at herself.

A Happy Occasion

For Amanda Johnson, this was meant to be a joyous moment. After long wanting to start a family, she had at last become a mother.

She believed this transformation of life would bring happiness to her family. However, her spouse, Mark, was against the idea, asserting that taking in a young adult would only be a nuisance. Yet, as soon as he laid eyes on the girl that Amanda desired to welcome into their family, his opinion suddenly shifted.

Foster Parents

Amanda was accustomed to having visitors in her home. At the age of forty-seven, she and her husband Mark had been providing foster care for the past decade.

They accepted numerous children into their family, both as long-term foster parents and as part of a program for foster families who needed a break while caring for their foster kids. Amanda had no idea where this experience would lead her.

Meeting Her

Connecting with Kristy seemed like it was meant to be. Amanda hadn't considered taking her in when they first encountered each other.

At the beginning, she had no thought of consenting to the social worker's appeal. Even her partner was against it. Nevertheless, something inside her kept telling her to say "Yes".


Kristy's foster family wanted to get away for a few days, so they asked their social worker to help them find a place in the countryside.

Elsie, who had been close to Amanda for a long time, got in touch with her right away. She said, "I have something I need you to do for me." Amanda had no clue that this would have a permanent effect on her life.

A Snowy Evening

On that chilly Friday night in mid-November, Amanda was informed of a phone call. A strong gust of cold air from Wyoming swept through the town. At the same time, Amanda had six young foster children under her guardianship.

She wasn't sure if she had the capacity to take on something else, particularly with the awful climate and all that she was already managing. In any case, her companion wouldn't stop badgering her.

No One Else To Call

Elsie, the social worker, desperately asked for help, saying she had no other options. She didn't mention that the kid she wanted Amanda to look after was a young adult.

She told her friend that the break only went until the end of the weekend and no longer. Amanda knew that her pal wouldn't come over like this without a valid explanation, so she accepted.

Talking To Mark

Subsequently, Elsie informed Amanda that the foster daughter was seventeen. Elsie guaranteed Amanda that the female was well-mannered and reliable.

Amanda discussed the circumstance with her husband. Initially, Mark had a problem with the suggestion. He stated that even if the young lady was going to be around for the weekend, she was still a juvenile. To him, this meant problems.

Convincing Him

It took a long while for Amanda to eventually convince him. She kept reminding him why they had chosen to be foster parents in the beginning.

Taking him back to the past made her cry. Grasping her abdomen with one hand, she reminded him of the promise they had made when they tied the knot. There was no way he would decline her request.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

When Amanda and Mark began dating, they discovered that they were unable to successfully conceive a child. They both had always desired to be parents, both coming from big families.

Amanda was devastated when the doctor informed her. Her uterus was unable to support a baby, so she was unable to conceive, not to mention holding a baby for nine months. But that wasn't the most upsetting part.

The Root Of The Issue

She had a lot of difficulties with her reproductive system; her fallopian tubes, which link the ovaries to the uterus, were not able to provide the ovum for fertilization when it was time for conception.

No egg was able to make it through this damaged region. Each perished right away when it departed the ovary - a tragic revelation that left Amanda completely devastated. That was when Mark stepped up with a response.


He posed the question, "What if we take in a kid?", and that was the course of action they had in mind. They explored multiple options, checking out each and every foster family and adoption center they could find.

But with each moment they spent in these places, it became apparent that adoption wasn't the proper solution. Amanda was confronted with the awfulness of kids being deserted by their folks or becoming parentless. If she had been able, she would have taken in every one of them.

How Will They Do It

She and Mark were far from affluent. How were they going to manage to provide for so many children? After acknowledging that they couldn't adopt numerous children, Amanda opted to become foster parents.

Being a foster guardian would guarantee that she and Mark could lend a hand to as many children as they could. They would make sure the underprivileged juveniles had anything they desired. Though, Amanda had no thought of what the outcome would be.

A Decade Of Foster Parenting

For the past decade, she and Mark have looked after a total of fifteen young ones. Her last group, the half-dozen under five, were the toughest she'd ever had to take care of.

She adored the children as if they were her own and would never exchange them for anything. Nevertheless, caring for six kids was a big challenge. What could have made her decide to take responsibility for a seventh youngster?

She Can Never Say No

Amanda is always willing to help children who are in need. No matter how many she has, she would still take in more.

The young woman felt positive when she heard that the visitor would be a teen. She was optimistic that the youth wouldn't cause any problems throughout the weekend. Nonetheless, before she could have Elsie come with her, she had to persuade Mark.

The Girl's Information

Mark began hesitantly, however once Elsie sent the female's details, his perspective shifted. The paperwork contained her name and history, yet most notably it had a handful of pictures.

Mark initially took a look at the information he had been given. His expression shifted to one of disapproval when he informed Amanda that the girl had experienced living in many different foster homes. However, his opinion soon shifted.

He Says Yes!

Mark kept looking at the details, his face getting more and more anxious. He was curious to see if the girl had any previous legal problems.

He was obviously pleased with his discovery and requested Amanda to show him the pictures of the girl in a sitting position. Even before the first picture was finished loading, he nodded his head in agreement. "Yes," he declared. "She can stop by.

She Should Have Been Vigilant

Mark's behavior when he saw Kristy's image should have been a red flag for Amanda that something wasn't right. She should have paid attention to the fact that her spouse didn't want the young person in their residence before looking at the image.

He made a speedy decision that Kristy could come over after he saw what she appeared to be. He even proposed that he go to the shop, in the heavy snowfall, to purchase some treats for Kristy. What was his aim?

Getting Ready

She had her thoughts on something else completely. She did her best to give Kristy the best experience, going around the house making sure everything was in order for her arrival. She made a meal that she knew Kristy would enjoy and made sure the other children were prepared to welcome her.

Whilst she was occupied with her tasks, Mark went to the shop. When he returned, he was carrying many full bags and had a sense of excitement about the evening. Was he privy to information Amanda was unaware of?

Quarter Past Nine

At 9:15 pm, the doorbell sounded. Amanda hurried to the door, but Mark was quicker and warmly greeted their guests. He offered to hang up their coats. Kristy surveyed the area with interest, her jet-black hair slightly below her shoulders and wearing dark mascara and lipstick.

Gazing at her, Amanda was reminded of a hardcore metalhead. Nonetheless, this wasn't the only thing that caught her eye in the room.

Do They Know Each Other

Amanda noticed that Kristy and Mark seemed to understand each other. She pondered if they had crossed paths in the past. Her spouse was an educator at the nearby college and had a multitude of pupils go through his teaching every twelvemonth.

Was Kristy included in the group? It appeared to be true. Amanda could only think of that solution immediately. She put her ideas to the side for the moment and invited Kristy and Elsie into her house.

They Shake Hands

Amanda presented herself and Mark, plus the six young people they were looking after. Meanwhile, Elsie made Kristy known. However, the maiden quickly grabbed Mark's hand first.

Elsie raised her eyebrows and Mark gave a nod. "Can you believe it? She's in my philosophy class and one of my top scholars." Even though he kept a casual expression, Amanda sensed he was concealing something.

A Good Weekend

Kristy spent a couple of days at Amanda and Mark's place. She was a joy to be around, always ready to give Amanda a hand with the housework and babysit the children.

She started talking to Mark about philosophy, demonstrating that she had a good grasp of the ideas in his class. Amanda should have realized that something else was going on.

Falling In Love With Her

By the end of the weekend, Amanda had developed strong feelings for Kristy. Over the subsequent half-year, she often welcomed Kristy into her home, whether it was for a single day or a longer stay. She had not considered taking her in, since Kristy was only a year from reaching the legal age of adulthood.

Mark presented Amanda with the suggestion one evening of taking in a seventeen-year-old girl, inquiring if she was against the concept.

The Adoption Process

Amanda was taken with the notion and, following a conversation with Elsie, began the adoption course of action. She had noticed how well Kristy had blended into her family. Every person appreciated her, from her foster children to Mark.

She would come around every week to lend a hand around the house, have some fun with the children, or have conversations about school matters with Mark. The adoption procedure was successful, yet, not too long after, everything altered.

A Different Turn

By now, Kristy had been visiting Amanda's house for a year and a half. She had been a joy during this period. Nevertheless, as soon as Amanda welcomed her in as her own child, matters changed.

Kristy began to distance herself from everyone and refused to communicate. She spent the majority of her time in her bedroom, expressing her discontent if Amanda attempted to have a conversation with her. What was the cause of this behavior?

She's Only Happy When He's Around

It was captivating that she only verbally responded or chuckled when Mark was in the room. During the time Amanda had known Kristy, which was a year and a half, she had never seen her be unhappy or silent.

Her fear increased dramatically one afternoon when she arrived back home earlier than expected. She noticed Mark's vehicle still in the driveway, which was the same place it had been when she left that morning. She figured he would go to work after her, however he didn't. The door to the house was unlocked, so she quickly rushed in, uncertain of what she might find.

The Voices And Giggles

Amanda heard a young female laughing and softly chatting. She realized it was Kristy and hoped she was coming back to her usual self. Just as she was about to feel relieved, she heard her husband talking.

Amanda was perplexed. There were sounds coming from Kristy's bedroom. She considered if she should let Kristy know she was back or go to the door in a rush. But she decided to take an alternate route.

The Ring App

Amanda began using the Ring app on her cell phone and sat down, eager to find out what was taking place. The video started to play, and the mother viewed the scene with her eyebrows furrowed. Mark was sitting on the corner of Kristy's bed, and Kristy was reclining in her bedding, grinning. Mark was speaking and moving his arms around.

Amanda cranked up the sound, and finally listened to what her spouse was conveying. At the start, he declared to Kristy that she was precisely in the spot she should be. He talked about how all the times her many temporary parents had broken the relationship with her had a more profound intent. It had all been driving her to the spot she was in presently. However, that was only the start.

Opening Up

He discussed how fortunate he and Amanda were to have a girl of their own. He detailed how they had longed to be parents for a long time. It was at that moment when Amanda understood the true cause of Kristy's sudden behavior.

The young female had the impression that Mark and Amanda were merely raising her expectations only to desert her just like all the other families had done. Amanda was weeping as she saw Mark manage the event. He skilfully walked the boundary between being sympathetic and joyous, guaranteeing Kristy wasn't embarrassed discussing with him in this way.

He declared to her that he and Amanda would never abandon her. Although what he said was genuine, Amanda was still suspicious that he was keeping something from her.