“Taking This To My Grave”: People Share Their Darkest Secrets

Everyone has secrets but some people’s secrets are far deeper and more dangerous than others. There are secrets that if anyone was ever able to trace back to you, lives would collapse and chaos would ensue.

Those are the caliber of secrets that we are hearing today. Read on as these strangers share their deepest darkest secrets with you.

1. I’m hurting inside

I witnessed my fiancé’s death last year and it broke me to pieces in ways I can’t describe.

I moved states afterward and started a new life. My coworkers, clients, and new friends call me the sunshine of whatever room I walk into, but I’m completely dead inside.

The wild part of all this is this; Even though I choose to fake it, I resent them for not seeing how messed up I am. They are my friends and family. They should know!


2. My Universe

I have a secret fantasy life, populated with imaginary friends. It started in grade school, and I have continued all my life with this imaginary bubble.

I am in my 50s now and still prefer to be alone in my imaginary world instead of being with family or friends. It’s just so much more fun and peaceful to me.

I can't even tell my psychiatrist because I am afraid he will lock me up or give me drugs to make it all stop. It’s my own little secret.


3. Family Secrets

Last Christmas I learned that my Sister and I don’t have the same father and are technically half-sisters. My sister's biological father tried to start a relationship with my mom that resulted in a pregnancy and ultimately didn’t work out.

That biological father is dead now but I didn’t probe any further about his identity or how he died in case it was something traumatic for my mom to remember.

So she raised my sister as a single mother at my grandma's house in the 80s, then she met my father and they started dating and it worked out because they got married in the 90s, moved into a new house, and a short time after that I was born.

She told me never to call my sister my half-sister and just pretend all of this doesn’t matter because she’s my sister and I’m keeping it that way, and if anyone asks about the 10-year age gap I just tell them “It’s a long story”.


4. Family Affair

I'm the spitting image of my grandpa on my dad's side. Both my parents are almost a foot shorter than me, but I'm almost the same height as him.

When my mother got sick when I was a kid, my grandpa went to visit her daily for extended periods of time in the hospital. In his final months, she did the same.

After he passed, we found out he kept a whole other family on the side in secret too. Looking back at my dad's military deployment history, it would also be dicey if she could have gotten pregnant by him around the appropriate time.

Based on a collection of various hunches, I'm fairly convinced I'm the product of an affair between my mother and my supposed grandfather. More disturbingly, this would probably be one of the most lighthearted revelations about my family.


5. Revenge For My Dog

When I was young (probably around age 9 or 10) I was walking home with my dog from a house around the block when he cut the corner and walked diagonally through the yard of this super mean old lady who lives at the end of your street.

She was in her yard at the time tending to these really fancy-looking rose bushes that she had growing in beds along the border with her neighbor.

My Dog was a very friendly golden retriever who didn't even really come near her and certainly didn't do anything threatening, but she sprayed the heck out of him with some kind of insecticide or other chemical she was using on her roses.

I ran back home with the dog and hosed him off. He coughed a bunch but seemed otherwise fine. I didn't tell my parents because somehow I thought I was going to get into trouble for letting the dog walk in her yard.

I'm glad I didn't tell them, though, because I decided that night to sneak downstairs, out the half-bath window, and down the street to her yard where I cut down every goddamn rose bush I could get my hands on.


6. Cost An Innocent Person Their Job

When I was a teenager, I worked at a novelty tourist shop near me. Being the idiot that I was, I stole a wad of cash from the store.

It was $100 in ones. I told nobody, but they knew it was missing. Right about the same time, a coworker who was always trying to get me fired was telling someone she got about $100 in tips from her other job.

That was all the evidence they needed to start mistrusting her. Eventually, they ended up firing her because they didn’t trust that it wasn’t her.


7. Maybe I hate Food?

I've struggled with disordered eating for at least a decade. It ebbs and flows. I know it's unhealthy, but the toxic part of me loves the feeling of being empty.

Several years ago it was really bad. I was at my lowest weight ever, I had brain fog, and difficulty breathing. When I started eating again my stomach would get really bloated even if I only ate a small amount.

I gained weight in the last year or so and my depression and anxiety got really bad for a while. My family thinks I don't want to spend time with them. However, I just wanted to stay home because trying on my clothes and the idea of being in public made me want to puke.

It was easier on me mentally to just stay home. I can feel myself slipping back into my old disordered eating habits, unfortunately.


8. Do I belong in jail?

A man broke into my home about ten years ago. Well, kind of. He knocked, I answered the door, and he pushed his way in violently.

He spoke about the four horsemen of the apocalypse and tried to extort me for protection or he and his brothers of doom would come and kill me.

He was huge. Ex-navy, if he was to be believed. Drunk as hell, hand covered in blood holding a broken bottle. I was terrified. I told him to leave. He wouldn’t. He was getting aggressive.

I told him I would splatter his brains against the wall if he didn’t. I didn’t have a gun at the time. Anyway, he didn’t leave. I went into my kitchen and grabbed a knife and sliced at him a few times.

He staggered away, seemingly okay. I assumed he was all right, just wounded a bit. I never saw him again. A neighbor told me days later a man was found dead, with some wounds on his arms.

I can only guess he bled out, but I never got questioned, somehow. There was a lot of blood in and around my house. I lived in a pretty seedy area so I guess the cops just didn’t care.

The guy was apparently a repeat criminal. I killed a man- at least indirectly- and have never told anybody. But it was self-defense right?


9. I did what was best for her

When I was younger I lived with my grandmother. Not long after I turned 18 her health started to decline, that sort of decline that you know means she won't be around for much longer.

Over the months, I did my best to take care of her. Getting her to the hospital when she needed it, and other things. We had someone coming every day to help her with things I couldn't.

Well, what my family doesn't know is that the night she passed, I was in the living room watching TV. My dog was in bed with my grandma, and I started to hear him whimper, and bark.

I knew what was happening, I knew that if I acted I could potentially save her. I didn't want to watch her suffer anymore though, to watch her live with so much pain, and unable to do anything for herself anymore. So I made the choice to let her pass before making any calls.

She lived 92 years, and the only regret I have is that she passed a month after I would have graduated if I hadn't been kicked out of school.

She had been in good enough health at the time to go to my graduation. I still kick myself for how stupid I was back then.


10. Jimmy’s Heartbreak

It's not my secret, but my mom's. And I'm not hiding it from everyone, just the person who it potentially matters to the most.

When my mom was in high school in the '60s, she had a long-term serious boyfriend named Jimmy. They were each other's first, they had been together for years and were planning on getting married.

He went away to college, and my mom stayed behind, but they were still together. You know what happened next. He cheated and got the new girl pregnant.

He comes home to break the news to my mom. He basically says that he wants to be with my mom, but he has no choice but to marry this other girl. My mom was devastated.

Here's the secret: my mom was also pregnant by him, but hadn't told him yet. She decided she wasn't ever going to tell him.

Jimmy went on to marry the other girl and never knew my mom was also pregnant. She told me that she later fell down a flight of stairs and had a miscarriage.

My mom actually reconnected with Jimmy during the early days of Facebook. She didn't have an account but asked me to look for him using mine.

He was still married to the same person. My mom was married to my dad. They wrote to each other for a while (using my account! ugh!). Signed their messages saying "I love You."

My mom passed away a number of years ago. I think about this knowledge I have that Jimmy doesn't. This major life event thing that he doesn't even know happened.

That one incident could have changed the trajectory of many lives. I'm certainly not going to tell him. It's not my secret to tell.


11. The scary house

My wife, her mom, and I bought a house about two years ago. Just from talking to the neighbors, I’d gathered that the family who lived here before had a daughter who was mixed up with the wrong people.

We even had some random person knock on our door at night saying he needed gas (we are down a long driveway, so there is no way you’d randomly walk up to OUR house to ask for help).

I think he was looking for the people who used to live here, and then another time Sunday morning making pancakes for the family I got a knock on the door and it was 4 sheriff officers saying they received a 911 call that hung up and it was from the house.

We don’t have a landline and I assured them my wife and 2-year-old did not make any calls. They mentioned the name of the previous occupants and I let them know we moved in earlier this year and they seemed ok with that and left.

Anyway, I was doing some yard work and struck up a conversation with the neighbor. He saw the police cars and asked what was up, I told him the situation and he just said “Oh yah that family was messed up, the cops were probably being cautious considering the shooting”

“What shooting?” I asked. He kinda looks at me with a sad worried face “The shooting in your house.” “Wait what?!” I say, truly baffled.

He then proceeds to tell me that about two years before, the father in the house confronted his daughter and boyfriend he didn’t like and shot him in the house.

Our state doesn’t have a disclosure law so we never knew. I was blown away, all the strange happenings kinda made sense now.

He said the friends of the victim had kinda terrorized them for a while cause the police were taking so long to press charges.

They had slashed tiers, midnight fireworks odd stuff that the neighbors hated. I was shocked but just said, “That’s crazy, but hey do me a favor and never tell my wife or MIL about that, they are a little spooked by things like that.”

So the summary of the matter is that we live in a shoot-out house and I’m the only one in my family that knows. That’s heavy.


12. I see him every night

My PTSD isn’t getting better. I have nightly nightmares of the industrial accident I was in. I see my coworker ripping his burnt face off every night.

I no longer scream in my sleep because of it. I’m no longer terrified as much by it. Even though I know it’s not my fault I feel an enormous amount of guilt for what happened to him.

Sometimes when I’m not sleeping I’ll hear the scream he made in the distance and it’ll make my blood feel like ice. Therapy hasn’t done much.


13. Feeling unwanted

I found my adoption papers a few years ago when I was looking for a copy of my birth certificate. I know my birth mom, I just never had a relationship with her.

My maternal grandmother took me in, in 2002. I never knew she adopted me I just knew that one day I ended up living with her after telling her one day I don’t want to go back home lol.

I also found the letter that my mom wrote as to why she was giving me up. That one really hurt. I definitely am more grateful to my grandma.


14. Blame it on grandma

My grandma was in a car accident and broke her ankle so she stayed at my house and my mom/we took care of her while she recovered.

I was entering puberty at the time and discovered that you could order explicit materials on cable and was like a madman ordering adult movies.

The bill that month came out to $500 my mom thought it was my grandma because her novelas were on like channel 50-60 and the porn was 500-600 LMFAO. I’ve literally never told anyone to this day.


15. Missing the last call

Not a huge secret in comparison to some of these answers, but I feel the guilt of it often. After my fiancé passed, I napped all the time for over a year.

My aunt was calling me one day and I just denied her call and went back to napping. I did not feel like talking to anyone, not even her.

She was calling because my grandma (who was very sick with cancer) wanted to say happy birthday a day before my birthday. Grandma passed away the next day. I should have picked up the damn phone.


16. Revenge of the nerds

In high school, I was a super good kid. Straight A student who loved homework, keeping out of trouble, and who was quiet as hell during class.

So anyway, there was this guy who was also in AP classes with me but he was super loud and obnoxious but would pull stunts in such a way that he would have some margin of plausible deniability.

Though we never spoke (I’m not sure he even knew I existed), he rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was from the one cold day when this other girl in our class had her nipples poking through her shirt because she forgot a sweater and he kept saying to her “Oh man, it’s cold, huh?”

Maybe it was from when he would pretend to be friends with the kid who was definitely spectrum and desperate to be friends with him to do the bully’s homework for him and then bully him the next day. Idk.

So at random—sometimes once a week or a month or once every couple of months—I would whistle. It’s this high-pitched whistle that sounds like a tea kettle that I can do while barely moving my mouth.

Back then, no one knew I could do it except for my family. The super obnoxious kid always got in trouble. I was never once suspected.


17. Academic Secret

I didn't complete my college final exams because we couldn't afford paying for my course through COVID-19 and the college didn't want to make a payment plan after the fact.

My family is super competitive and will never let me live it down if I tell them I'm a college dropout. I finished the entire course, but just couldn't write my exams to get officially certified, so technically I do have all the skills, just not the paperwork.

Another one that maybe isn't so dark, more so sad. I sometimes imagine my mom, brother, and I sitting together having a picnic in a field, laughing and having fun.

Then I cry for an hour about how shit my childhood was because of my father's antics. This happens once every few weeks.


18. All that work for fruit rollups

When I was in college I had been watching a lot of the show “Supernatural” so one night I was at a friend’s house and got really stoned and I decided I wanted to be like the guys in the show and break into a house.

The back door was open, so I just walked around their bottom floor while the people who lived there were upstairs in their rooms with girls doing whatever.

I stole all their Costco boxes of granola bars and fruit roll-ups. I always wonder which roommate they blamed for stealing their fruit roll-ups.


19. Doctored Scene

My neighbor confided in me one fateful day back in 2001 that he owes a lot of money to some unsavory characters. They had been harassing him, even threatening his life too.

He asked me to keep that information to myself.

Two days later, however, he was found dead in the nearby forest. They called it suicide.

They said that he had consumed poison apparently and parts of his body were eaten by wild animals. I didn't say anything to anyone and I feel guilty about it.


20. Slow poisoning

In middle school, I made a smoking pipe out of copper pipe just for fun. I know you should not smoke out of copper as the fumes are potentially toxic, but like I said, it was just for fun.

My stepdad took it from me and started using it himself. He smoked with it for years and years. I hated him for being physically aggressive with me so I never said anything about the dangers of the act. I kept quiet.

It’s now 30 years later and he was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s and likely only has a few years to live. Truthfully, I hope he rots in hell.

I don’t know if it had any effect, but I like to think the copper pipe played a role in his sickness as karma for being an absolute jerk and that makes me happy.


21. Losing my mind by the day

I think I'm beginning to lose my mind. Lately, I've been having trouble remembering things that I've known for years or other memories.

Sometimes when people talk to me, their words just don't make sense to me when everyone else seems to get it. I've become super paranoid.

I'm also having an extremely hard time concentrating, and I've been finding it more and more difficult to talk to people. I'm kind of scared because the crazy thing is that I’m only 26, and I never had covid.


22. Never trust the quiet ones

One of my closest co-workers, who is an integral part of our very large corporation offed a man in his late teens and threw the body in a lake.

He only got off on a technicality. I work remotely so I don’t build a lot of personal relationships with people I work with regularly.

To get this information. I googled his full name. It freaked me out at first. But I’ve kinda gotten over it. I wonder if anyone else knows.

It happened 40+ years ago. He will retire soon and then I might ask another co-worker about it. I just don’t want to stir the pot.


23. My word, the binding testimony

When I was around 5 or 6, my mom and dad were fighting just about every day. Well, I was napping on the couch when my mom came in very upset and she shook me awake.

She asked me if I saw “the girl” my dad brought home. I’ve always felt terrible for this because I hadn’t seen anyone but my dad that whole day, I’m pretty sure he was just playing video games like usual. but for some reason in my sleepy kid brain, I answered yes.

I said she was with him in their room. I’m honestly not sure why I lied like that but they got a divorce shortly after and I always felt like it was my fault. Until I recently found out my little sister is actually my half-sister but that’s a whole other story.


24. Sorry excuse for a mother

My mom repeatedly, in a court of law, abandoned me and my sister in favor of staying with her substance manufacturing, jerk of a terrible husband.

Under her care, when we did see her, we were heavily neglected. When she was around to spend time with us, she spent the majority of her time telling us terrible stories about our dad, in hopes of turning us against him so we would choose to live with her when we were old enough to choose.

She’s stolen from me and she’s threatened my life. She picked me up from the airport for my grandpa’s (dad’s dad) funeral higher than I’ve ever seen her when I thought she was clean.

I was super close with my grandpa specifically because of what a train wreck my relationship with my mom was, so seeing that felt like a slap in the face.

Earlier this year, I went through something rough and my mom just so happened to call me the following day while I was crying.

I told her what happened, and she brushed it off to complain about the crap my stepdad was doing. That was the reason for her call.

Yeah, my mom carried me and birthed me. I have her DNA. Our relationship has shaped who I am as an adult. But I don’t need her.

I will never accept the commentary from folks who tell me to forgive, forget, and forge a better relationship. I’m meant to be the child and she the mother - it’s up to her to mend the past, and she won’t.


25. Deny, deny, deny

My uncle owned an old Camaro that collected dust in his garage. When I was around 10 my family and I were in town visiting and I wrote the word “screw” in the dust on the hood of the car.

I used my thumb so that the letters were fatter than my normal index finger. A few hours later my aunt/uncle asked us who did it and I “proved” it wasn’t me by showing how the person who did it had bigger fingers than me.

I’m taking that secret to my grave. I’m 33 now and the entire family definitely “knows” it was me. It’s an inside joke now where someone tries to get me to admit to it and I never will.


26. Caught in the middle

I've been an accessory to both my parent's infidelity. At age 5 my mother cheated on my dad while he was deployed and my brother told me what was happening and that I shouldn't tell anyone.

My father slept with his secretary 2 years later (for a few years) and would even bring me on dates with her telling my mother we were going to the movies.

He took me to her house and had her roommate watch me while they went out or just hung out in her room. They're still married. I don't know if either knows the other did the thing or if they still are doing the thing.


27. Just leave me alone

Everyone in my family is nagging me with the fact that I don't want to date girls anymore and think that I'm strange or gay. They are putting so much pressure on me.

The truth of the matter is that I lost my girlfriend and what I assume could have been a good life with her. She passed away and I never talked about that with them.

I know I can speak with some members of my family but my parents are different. They are the only ones who understand and the rest will never know.


28. Positive Affirmations

It’s not a dark secret I guess, but sometimes while I’m on the train to work I try to mentally do whatever the opposite of road rage is.

Like I’ll pick a person and aggressively think at them “I hope you get a crazy big tax refund” or “I hope you stumble across $20 on the sidewalk” or “I hope someone compliments something you’re normally insecure about.”

I think maybe I’m trying to balance the karmic scales or something because it seems like so many folks do the opposite without really thinking about it too much. Hope you people get a really comforting hug next time you need it most.


29. Casper the friendly ghost

Funny, light-hearted story from my childhood. My little brother was in the shower, I could hear him singing. I put a coat on backwards, and a stocking cap pulled over my face and waited outside the bathroom door.

He opened the door ( still singing, and dancing kinda), and I did the Frankenstein thing. Arms out, moaning “Uhhhh”.

He screamed and fell backward knocking the toilet completely over. Water went everywhere, the top of the toilet tank broke, the shower curtain ripped down, and he lay on the floor in the middle of all this.

I ran back down the hall; coat and hat off, and sauntered back casually. By then my mother and father and our sisters were there, and everyone was like, you know, what the heck.

I’ve heard him tell this story as proof of the existence of ghosts. To this day (little feller is now a 52-year-old bank manager with two kids)he believes in ghosts. I don’t feel a bit bad.


30. I miss her

It's been 6 months since my little sister died in a horrible way and everything I see and everyone I talk to reminds me of her.

I can't seem to finish my day without crying at least for a few minutes at most for hours. I feel guilty for living while she is lying under the dirt.

I hate every Sunday and 29th of every month. I pretend like I'm okay and laugh like I'm used to it but I’m not. I’m broken in ways I can’t describe.


31. Fake alumni

Nobody in my family or even my circle knows that I didn't graduate from college. I failed one course my senior year, 2nd semester.

The ceremony was already set up so they let everyone walk. I had no diploma in my award...nobody knows to this day and it's been 17 years.

I had failed one course, 3 credits. I was ashamed so I never went back for those 3 credits. So everyone believes I graduated.


32. Admit it, she’s gone

My grandmother has dementia, she’s been dying for years now. The woman she was before is entirely gone. My grandfather is still convinced she is there— he talks to her and tells us he thinks she’s getting better.

She’s not, and he’s deluding himself. She doesn’t laugh anymore, or remember anyone’s names, and can barely eat. In my eyes, she is already dead.

Still alive to everyone else. I wish this husk of her was gone so I could remember her as she actually was, and so that I wouldn’t have to watch my grandfather or the rest of my family delude himself.


33. Worst dad of the year goes to…

Cutting off my dad was the best decision I’ve made. I hope it kills him inside every day to not know how his only child and only grandchild are doing.

I tried for years to have a relationship with him from age 10 until 18. From 10 to 13 he would tell me he wished I would’ve died when I was sick as a kindergartner because I wouldn’t have tattled and ruined his marriage to my mom.

I tried multiple times but was unsuccessful. I still tried to have a relationship with him for my mom, to help her financially, and would visit him for months.

He’d keep me locked in a closet for hours at age 14. From 16-18, he thought throwing money around would help me but I was already working by then and it didn’t matter.

I still have my daily battle where I ask myself if he’s right or not but I see my kid and I can’t imagine thinking such vile things about them at that age like my dad did about me.


Pexels, cottonbro studio

34. Date me, please?

I’m feeling very lost and very alone even though I’m surrounded by friends all the time. The fact that I’ve been single practically all my life and the older I get the less I have confidence it will ever happen.

Some people know, but most don’t know this about me and think I’m happy every day when in fact that’s just a facade I built years ago.

I have created a coping mechanism to cope out there in the world, but it’s all a facade. Deep down I’m lost and honestly quite lonely.


35. Not good enough

Nobody knows that I’m a kissless virgin. I’m a male, closing in on 40 years old, never been kissed, never went on a date, and I hate myself.

It's not the lack of intimacy that makes me hate myself, it's the lack of anyone finding myself worthy of caring about. I've become scared of going out and meeting people.

I know people see me as a weirdo, but other than to my shrink, I don't talk about it. Whatever aspect of life, I always feel I'm not good enough.

Friends don't remain friends, jobs are probably above my level, any love interest I might have could never give a crap about me, and for any hobby, I just don't have the talent. Or that is how I see it after waaaaay too many years of feeling and being alone.


36. Dark, baseless thoughts

Sometimes I can clearly see in my head a truck smashing into me while I'm driving & then a voice in my head says that would actually be a good thing.

Yes, I went to therapy & they found nothing wrong, no signs of depression, etc but this is something haunting me for years.

This and the thought that if there is a fire, I won’t even attempt to get out. On paper, I love my perfect life & I'm grateful for it. Do I want more of it? No.


37. I’m the bad guy here

When I was very little (in the early 2000s,) my sister's friend had this big Pikachu plushie that she really liked. One day, we were attending some sort of event at our school, and for whatever reason, I took the Pikachu and hid it in a filing cabinet in a random classroom.

As my family and I were leaving, I saw her frantically asking her mom where her Pikachu went, but I never said anything.

To this day, I still feel absolutely horrible about it, and almost want to track down this girl who I haven't spoken to in years and apologize for what I did.


38. I’ve got to leave this place

Not really a dark secret, it’s just sad. I live in a small town where more or less everybody knows everyone or at least has some connections to others.

I have family and friends (some best, some close, some good, and some acquaintances). Lately, I feel like everyone's forgotten about me or they just grew tired of me.

They don't include me in major or minor gatherings, outings, or events anymore. We used to have a group chat but ever since me and 1 person in the group fought it's just never been the same, I mean I reached out and tried to mend things, but it's just never been the same.

I feel lonely and depressed and seeing everyone happy makes it worse. The majority of the time I am by myself. They sometimes post about their gatherings and I know that they sometimes hide it from me.

I know because I have a private account where we follow each other but they haven't hidden their post from that account idk why. It just sucks cause I thought they were my friends so why do they have to hide it from me?

I want to disappear. When I have the money or opportunity I'm contemplating cutting and leaving everything behind and starting from scratch somewhere else where no one knows me. At least there I'll be free.


39. Liar, scammer, fraud, and everything in between

I have an ex-friend I know is stealing money from people/strangers on the internet who they have convinced they have a multitude of health problems.

I’m convinced they are a sociopath and/or have Münchausen syndrome. This is why they are my ex-friend and they have no idea I know, but I am waiting until they have stolen enough money.

That way, I can tip off the FBI and let them deal with them. Call me petty but they deserve to be in deep crap for preying on good people who just want to help.


40. Plan A: Expose Them

I purposely tanked a church's finances while I was the treasurer. Both pastors were making obscene amounts of money for the lack of work they were doing.

They were misusing funds to the tune of $5k a month. One Pastor refused to abide by the direction of the board not to give money to certain individuals.

None of the board members wanted to be the bad guy. The Pastors technically weren't doing anything illegal. It was morally reprehensible.

It happened 10 years ago and everyone who isn't in the know thinks I made a few clerical errors that nearly put the church under. I'm a fairly hated person by a lot of people to this day, but super respected by a handful of people that knew that I did it on purpose to expose them.

Pastors couldn't get the authorities involved because they knew I would sink both their careers and family dynamics. No regrets at all about what I did. I'm Super successful career-wise after the fact.


41. Complete Fall Off

After my 11-year relationship ended I was in a bad place and I ended up having a thing with a married professor who was twice my age that I was friends with.

His wife found out and it was a completely catastrophic disaster. I've been a perpetual good girl my entire life so this was extra out of character for me.

He told me a lot of lies and I trusted him. I know now that was really stupid. I almost paid with my life and career for that stupidity.


42. If only he had got in

I feel guilty for someone’s death. Here’s the story: Years ago I was working as a doorman at a bar/pub. An obviously intoxicated older gentleman attempted to enter the establishment.

Due to his inebriated state, I turned him away. He got into a skirmish nearby and died as a result. I feel that he’d be alive if I allowed him into our bar. It’s a guilt I carry to this day and not many people know about it.


43. My secret son

Okay, so … I have a son. Nobody but me and the mother knows. The mother was a really really good friend who was somewhat homely never had a bf and was in her early 40s.

She always wanted a husband and a child but decided at this point if she couldn’t get a husband then she would have a child.

12k dollars later she gets artificially inseminated with a whopping 12 percent chance of it taking. Well, it doesn’t take and she’s on a teacher's salary and her dream of kids and marriage is drifting away and especially with the kid, time is of the essence.

So I stepped up. We hashed it all out and we decided the story would be she got artificially inseminated and doesn’t know the father. We went to a lawyer and paid a good little amount to basically absolve me of responsibility.

To this day I see it like I donated to a bank and somebody used my sperm. It would’ve been 12k a pop every time she tried and with this method, she could try as many times as it took.

Luckily it only took a couple of tries. We’d wait till she was ovulating and I’d “donate”. So ya technically I have a son but everybody thinks I’m childless.


44. Anger Management

I was in high school and a big girl used her height advantage to tower over and bug the shorter guys, she was super butch and athletic.

I was really mad at her pushing me around one day so I drew in pencil all over a stairwell something fairly mean about her..and couldn't erase it.

So I panicked and got the heck out of there. So she sees it and rages thinking it's her ex she confronts him, violently attacks him in the schoolyard, and gets suspended for a month due to violence against others in her sphere.

All of it provoked by what I wrote in the stairwell but I never told anyone it was me. I was about 13 and she was 17, anyway one day I ran into her and she ended up moving schools way back then and attending copious years of anger management retraining specifically due to that incident.

There was no real trigger of it all, super privileged life. She just had an extraordinarily angry streak. One of the most rageful people I've ever encountered.


45. She’s mine and I’m not giving her up

My daughter is not biologically mine. Been with the same girl since 2011, I relapsed HARD in 2018 and she left me, I got clean and completely 180'ed my life around.

We got back together and she was pregnant. We had had 4 miscarriages so I took it as a blessing, the first time I held my daughter she was maybe a week old and had the biggest smile, she only smiled for me and I instantly became a a dad in that moment.

I love her, she keeps me clean and makes me want to stride as hard as I can every single damn day. Her real dad I guess is someone who has harmed many people.

We still live in the same state and within 50 miles of him and he has no idea I'm in the picture, it's getting scary and I can't seem to get my wife to want to move out quickly.

Our daughter is almost 4 so soon will be saying my name and understanding that I am Dad. Oh, and my mom and dad don't know, more so my dad because I have no idea how they would react since my mom kept me from my dad for 18 years.

It all hurts every day, and I just want to leave this place and move far away so I feel safe with my daughter. I love y'all...I haven't told anyone, even my friends.

I work in construction (down here in the south) and seems like raising a kid that isn't yours is one of the biggest taboos there is.

All this makes me feel like I'm a weak little sucker sometimes, but nothing matters more to me than MY daughter. She’s mine so far as I’m concerned.
