Statement From "Melania" About Her Husband's Shooting Has Liberal Twitter In Tears--Of Laughter

It was announced on Friday that Melania Trump, who is almost never seen in public either with or without her husband, would be attending the Republican National Convention later this week in Milwaukee.

Absent from the campaign trail and all of his rallies--including Saturday's event in Butler where a shooter was able to get off eight shots, grazing Trump on stage, before he was killed by law enforcement--Melania's return to the spotlight also now comes with a statement that she absolutely could not have written.

You hopefully are also old enough to remember this moment from January 2017. We still don't know what he said to her, but this side-by-side perfectly encapsulates their entire relationship for me.

Melania famously stayed behind in New York after Trump's inauguration with their son, Barron, under the guise of wanting him to finish out his school year in his home city. But she always appeared miserable, decorating the White House at Christmas to suit her mood and scorching the famous Rose Garden to the earth. I can't confirm this, but she might have done that last thing by shooting laser beams of hatred from her eyes. 

While plenty of people were making jokes about how "disappointed" Melania might have been by yesterday's events, it's the statement she put out that really has Twitter rolling on the floor while rolling their eyes.

This is real. You can't imagine her writing this either, can you?

Like, seriously, who wrote that? Is there a new program called ChatGPTrump?

Because she didn't write this. It reads like it was badly translated from the original plodding Russian.

"Dawn is here. Let us reunite."

Did Yuri the Russian Bot Farmer watch one of the new "Planet of the Apes" movies before sending it to the Trump campaign? 

"The winds of change have arrived. For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide – thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.'


No one talks like that letter was written. NOBODY.