Rudy Giuliani Worries That Wishing Trump Happy Birthday Could 'Set Him Off'

Many things about Rudy Giuliani might make Donald Trump angry. The former President allowed his friend to represent him in his attempts to overturn the 2020 election and the results weren't pretty. From holding a press conference in front of a sex shop to dripping with hair dye while arguing a case, Giuliani is a non-stop embarrassment. 

Trump turned 78 the other day. Despite his constant attacks on Joe Biden, he is just a few years younger than the current President. While Giuliani wanted to wish his benefactor a Happy Birthday recently, he also didn't want to insult him. 

Giuliani said during a recent episode of The Rudy Giuliani Show, he said, "We called him and left a message for him. And I hope he doesn’t listen to it ‘cause we sang happy birthday, this could set him off."

The former New York City Mayor continued, "He likes [opera singer Luciano] Pavarotti, so this could set him off… in a whole new direction. Who knows, it could put him in a bad mood."

It does seem kind of cute that a constant source of humiliation like Rudy Giuliani thinks that he could still do something that would set Trump off. But he's in his own world now.