Report: Trum Spoke About Tim Scott More Than Any Other VP Candidate During Republican Speech

While no candidate was going to defeat Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024, Tim Scott gave it a pretty good run. The South Carolina Senator went as far as to back Donald Trump Haley even though it was Haley who initially placed him in his position. 

It seems like Scott's willingness to grovel to the 45th President has paid off. During today's speech to Republican lawmakers, Trump reportedly praised Scott more than any other potential Vice Presidential candidates. 

Punchbowl News' Andrew Desidrio tweeted on Thursday, "Trump heaped praise on Tim Scott during Senate R mtg — more than any of the other VP shortlisters. He mentioned Rubio/Vance by name but talked the longest about Scott. Trump joked that Scott 'wasn't a good presidential candidate' but has been a 'great surrogate for him."

The tweet thread also noted that Trump was kind to Mitch McConnell, who he has butted heads with in the past. The reporter continued, "MORE, per two attendees — Trump said abortion was the reason R’s lost Senate in 2022, “not because of Mitch, not because of me.” Trump went out of his way to be nice to McConnell, per R senators."

It certainly wouldn't shock anyone to see Trump make Scott his Vice Presidential candidate, though non of the current competitors seem likely to move the needle for his 2024 campaign.