"No More Mr Nice Guy": People Share Their Villain Origin Tales

Humans are sweet by nature, well at least most of us. The main goals are simple; to live a quiet life with friends and family who love and respect you. Sometimes though, people take advantage of this kindness and manipulate you till you break. 

These are the stories we are reading today. Continue to read on as strangers from all over the world share the stories of them reaching their breaking point.

 1. Missing Parts 

I lived with random roommates one summer in college. This one guy used to regularly wake up to his alarm hit snooze, and then manage to leave for the day without ever turning it off.

He always locked his door and it would just go off endlessly. I complained about it constantly but he still would never manage to turn it off.

It woke me up an hour earlier than I needed every single day and it was driving me mad. Finally one day he forgot to close his door so I took the radio, disassembled it, removed the speaker, and then put it all back together and set the correct time.

I think he missed a couple of quizzes because of it, but screw it he deserved it. He finally got a new alarm which had a much shorter snooze timer and it never happened again. It was awesome.


2. Revenge Of The Nerds

I was a big kid growing up, but a real softy. You could tell by looking at me that even though I was 5"11 and 210 at the age of 12, I wouldn't do anything.

I got picked on a lot as a result. The little bullies got to get major props by making me tear up. One day the kid who sat behind me in class had been flicking me in the back all day and I finally asked the teacher to stop him.

She said, and I still freaking remember this at 25 "Are you going to cry now?" in the most disgusted-sounding voice an adult can level at a child.

I was crushed by the adult figure responding in that way and was deeply shaken. 15 minutes later my bully, having been affirmed by the teacher pretty much, decided he would walk by me and break my pencil.

I didn't go into a fit of rage or scream or shout. I started crying softly. I stood up and slowly walked to the bully. The teacher asked me why I was standing up but I wasn't in a state to answer her.

I lifted up this kid who weighed about half as much as me by the neck and the testicles and slowly walked, still crying, to the closed classroom window, knocking the teacher out of the way with one shoulder.

I slammed him into the window 3 or 4 times before it broke off the hinges and then proceeded to shove him out of the window.

The crapstorm that followed included my parents suing the school and the teacher and winning. If anyone reads this buried deep in the comments I'd be happy to explain how that happened.


3. Drink it all up

Back when I was in school, this girl used to bully me in year 7 when we caught the bus home. Thus bus drive home was my time of torment.

She used to pull my hair and pinch me and steal my water bottle and drink it. Pushed to the edge I filled said bottle with vinegar one night.

The next day she began our daily torment not realizing what I had up my sleeve. She snatched my bottle and drank it and then threw up. Minor victory!


4. Try, try, try again

This is unfortunately not my story, but I did get to witness it. A few years back we got a very large snowfall. My neighbor decides to take his two small children (~5 and 2) out to build a snowman.

The kids were so proud of it, they could not wait to show anyone walking down the street what they had made. We woke up the next morning to see tire tracks through the neighbor's front yard going right through the newly complied snowman.

When the kids found out, they were very distressed and crying, so being the awesome dad he was, he took them back out and rebuilt the snowman.

Wake up the next morning, the same thing happens again! So this time, the guy and his kids built the snowman around this giant boulder that he had in his front yard as part of his landscaping.

At about 2:00 o'clock in the morning, I hear a loud crash and look out my street to see a truck hobbling down the road with smoke coming out of it. Needless to say, the kids were not as upset about their snowman the next day.


5. Stronger than before

When I was a little kid we lived in a very rural area and there had been repeat issues on our road with some jerk breaking mailboxes in the middle of the night.

After losing mailbox #5 or something similar, one of our neighbors got four extremely thin strips of balsa wood, put them together to form a "post", filled the center with concrete, and put the new mailbox on top.

The next night, the jerk tried to hit it with an aluminum baseball bat while leaning out the window of a truck. They never came back after that.


6. Traffic Massacre

I remember in college I was walking down a sidewalk and some kid on a bicycle rode by me and spit on me. As he rode off and laughed to himself he neglected to listen to me throw down my bookbag and take off after him.

At the time I could run a 1:58 half mile, so I doubt he could have escaped even if he'd seen me chasing after him. I caught him within just a few seconds.

I pulled him off his bike and told him if he didn't wipe it off and apologize I was going to throw him into traffic (we were right next to a busy road). He was pretty shaken up, and I doubt he'll ever do that again.


7. Mr. Repairman

I would always help my family, friends, neighbors, and anyone they knew with anything without asking for anything in return (child care, computer problems, house repairs, etc.)

I lived with an older woman out in San Francisco in an old Victorian for 4 months. Since I arrived, I fixed and replaced quite a few things around the place. Plumbing, faucets, hose, heaters, couch, toilet, toilet seat, washing machine.

About a week before I left, she wanted me to build her a bookshelf. I told her I'd do it if I received compensation. She got angry saying that it was just a bookshelf and that I could build it with no problem.

She fails to notice that she doesn't have the equipment to build it and I'd probably have to rent the tools. I told her if she wanted one to just buy it, and that I'd help her put it together.

She got even angrier and said, "I give you a place to stay and you won't even help me build a shelf?" I couldn't hold it in any long. I screamed at her.

"I PAY to live here. I pay for my stay, my food, and whatever else I use up while here. You could have spent money hiring someone to fix everything that I did in this place. I bet the cost of repairs would be more than what I pay per month living here."

So a week later, with her still angry at me, I left without paying last month's rent. Honestly, that serves her right.


8. Flipping the tables

There was a kid in my math class who would sit and tout his "superiority" over me and tell me how much better he is than me in every facet of life.

I sat there in class for a good 3 months enduring this. I never replied except to ask him to " please go away" or "Can you leave me alone? I'm trying to listen/work."

I even asked my teacher twice if I could move away and she said no. Then one day, with him making fun of me as usual, something inside of me finally snapped and I turned to him, all of my pent-up rage swimming in me, and said "Shut the heck up before I punch you in your smug face."

He then gets up and says "cmon let's fight". I almost got up with him before the sweet Amish girl that I was friends with said " Don't do it, sit down now."

I regained my composure for a minute and sat down. He sat down and said "That's what I thought Jerk" I just calmly turned to my teacher and said, " Can I move please?"

She said no and I just turned around, gripped the kid's disk, and flipped it, with him in it, completely over and turned back to my teacher and said "How about now?"

I had never felt more satisfied and angry at the same time in my life. No one cared about the kid because they all knew what happened. A football player even came up to me and just said "I would have thrown the desk after flipping it.”


9. Tastebuds of metal

So there's this wretched woman who owned a boutique next door from the restaurant where I work. One day she came into the pub and was her usual witchy, entitled self.

She ordered a club sandwich with extra extra extra crispy bacon and an extra spicy Bloody Mary since apparently her taste buds stopped working years ago...

I go to the bar to get her Bloody Mary, I douse the ice in Tabasco sauce and fill it up with vodka and our already spicy Bloody Mary mix.

Then I add a bit more Tabasco sauce just for myself, around a full ounce of Tabasco in a 10 oz glass. To my surprise, she loved it! Ugh...

It came time to send the sandwich order to the kitchen. I put her order in and added a custom modifier to the ticket. In my frustration, I wrote. "Set the bacon on fire and put the ashes on the sandwich."

When her order was almost ready the cook asked me if I was serious about it. I replied, "Well, she ordered a club with extra extra extra crispy bacon."

He held up a spatula with 3 slivers of black, burnt meat that hardly looked like bacon at all. I chuckled thinking he had pulled a joke on me. At this point, I was like, "screw it! That's what she asked for!"

He finished preparing the club, I brought it out to her ready and willing to take it back and have a new one made. She ate 3/4 of the club and took the rest home, said it was the best time she'd been there... Tried as hard as I could to be a jerk and it didn't work...


10. “You asked for it”

I work as a teller for a bank and a brand new customer was making a deposit for 50k (the first deposit ever into the account). So of course there is going to be a hold on the check. 

I've always been nice and extended the offer to call on the check the next day and if it clears, I'll manually release the hold.

This dude was a jerk from the start. He got very defensive and demanded there was no hold. I tried to explain I'll call on the item and that I have a contact at the drawing bank but he kept cutting me off. He then demanded I close his account.

Instead of trying to talk him out of it, I didn't give a crap. One less rude customer is a win for me. So said okay and closed his account out for him right then and there. 

The dude was so dumbfounded I didn't try to convince him to keep it open. He ended up walking to my branch manager and started to complain about me. I yelled over "Mr. You asked me to close your account, don't forget to mention that".


11. Louder than you

There was this guy who lived next to me in an apartment building, and every morning at 8:30 he would leave his apartment to go to work.

I work till late and would usually be asleep at this time. Every morning he would ring my doorbell like 5 times and then go to work.

I then proceed to get up and check the door, see there's no one there, and then I can't go back to sleep. He thought it was funny and that I didn't really care, but in all honesty, I needed the sleep.

So one day I got up at 8:25 and when he came, before he knocked I opened the door I had a bullhorn waiting and shouted at the top of my lungs, "BACK OFF". I honestly thought he crapped himself. He never did that crap again.


12. Tit for Tat

I live in an apartment complex that has community laundry. People have been opening up dryers to check if there's laundry in them (it's loud so you can't really hear if the dryer is going).

I see this girl open up 2 dyers which are full of wet clothes and leave them turned off.

After she finds empty dryers and leaves, I set her settings to "fluff no heat" and time to 10 minutes.

There's nothing more irritating than coming back after 50min-1hr and finding out you have to wait another. That will teach her a lesson.


13. Raise your kids better

It was our last night in Fiji so we thought we'd treat ourselves and go out for a nice dinner, We go to a restaurant that would normally be out of our price range but screw it it'll probably be our last family holiday.

For the entire entrée and main course, these two little freaking bastard kids are running around screaming, between tables, around the waiters, trying to get into the back of the house.

The waiter asked their parents to keep them seated to which she responded 'Don't tell me what to do'. What happens next time they run past our table? my foot just happened to be in the way... The kid hit the floor and skidded like two meters...

Everyone knew it was me, but no one said anything at the time partly because my family was trying not to laugh. Still don't feel bad.


14. Training behaviors

A couple of months ago, a teenager was sitting in front of me in the movie theater and kept pulling his phone out to check Facebook, of all things, during the movie.

Every time his phone lit up, I started kicking the back of his seat. It took him a few rounds of that to make the connection between "phone on" and "seat kicking", but when he eventually made the connection, he gave up.


15. “Crappy” Revenge

Someone smashed the pumpkin I had on my front porch for Halloween. I was so mad that night I took an old purse and crapped in it.

I then put it on the same step my pumpkin was, and then hid in my room and watched out the window.

I don't know if it was the same kid that smashed my pumpkin that later tried to steal the purse but a kid came and picked the purse.

The happiness I took from that moment of a kid reaching his hand in the purse while he was walking away to steal the money more than made up for the anger of a smashed pumpkin.


16. Always listen to your big brother

When I was in High school my family had come over for Thanksgiving dinner and my younger brother by about 2 years (also in High school) started to badmouth and talk back to everyone in a yelling manner.

While always being prone to migraines, I was still the "let's talk this out in a nice and calm matter" kind of guy. That night, however, I had a severe migraine and was getting highly annoyed by his yelling.

After asking him kindly to stop and getting blown off, in front of my entire family, I just swept him up and slammed him on the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of him.

I figured since I'd never done anything like that before I would just get a slap on the wrist. Everyone just looked at me as though they couldn't believe their eyes.

I then left and fell asleep and the next morning everyone pretended it didn't happen. THE END. He behaved a lot better next time,


17. Acting my size

I'm a pretty big guy, but I am very light on my feet. Whenever I go into a crowd, I am very polite and I can stop on a dime when people dart in front of me.

I just got back from London, and this is a city where people give zero craps about anything, especially on the Tube. Nobody waits for anyone to get off, they just shove their way in.

I had enough. I started laying shoulders into people as I got off. An oblivious young woman of 5' 2" and 115 lbs with her eyes glued to her iPhone did not stand a chance.

Slightly taller French men cursed at me (I'm sure what they were saying was brutal, but I couldn't understand them). Perhaps my crowning achievement came at Harrods.

I was walking in a straight line and going with the flow. Two Asian women started to go upstream. One of them tried to squeeze in between me and a tea display.

I wasn't yielding. She spun full circle and started yelling at me. However, she wasn't paying attention and walked straight into the tea display, which collapsed. I felt like I was in the video for Bittersweet Symphony.


18. Sweaty Slap

When I was in grade school a kid came to our school. His name was Brandon. Brandon was a tool. For about a week our class was nice to him, being the new kid and all, but after that people generally treated him like crap.

I felt bad watching all of it, the kid had obviously had a hard life, so I treated him nicely despite everyone else. You'd think that he might respect the effort I made to be nice to him and be nice back, but nooooo.

The guy was one of the biggest jerks to me ever. He called me names, said I was an idiot, told me I'd never get girls, everything. Great.

Flash forward about 6 years. He went to the same high school as me. I gave him rides home, I helped him with homework, I talked to him when he was alone, and yet he was still just as big of a prick.

So, the summer after junior year, a group of about 30 kids from our school went on a trip to Europe. We visited a couple of different countries.

It was a hot day in Berlin. We were jet lagged, running on little sleep, physically tired, dehydrated, and on top of that it was almost 100 degrees out.

I had just about had enough of everyone, especially Brandon. As we were walking I pulled out my water bottle to take a drink.

Brandon walked up and thought it would be a good idea to take it out of my hands and use the remaining water. I promptly stuck my hand down my pants, wiped it across my butt to gather as much sweat as possible, and slapped him across the face with it. It felt great.


19. Mom on my side

From the ages of 6 to 16, my little brother was a horrible mean jerk, and I tried my best to simply tolerate it in my shy and mild manner. 

But one day when he must have been being particularly horrible I was standing in the kitchen and he walked in and called me ugly. 

When he said that, I slapped him so hard he actually collapsed on the floor screaming. My mom comes in and he tells her frantically "She hit me!!" 

My mom looks at me, looking wide-eyed and terrified I'm sure, and looks at him, and looks at me, and says "Well, maybe you shouldn't have been standing so close to your sister" and then leaves.


20. Changed my ways

I used to be Mr. Reliable, always helping people with computer problems, moving, and any general help they needed. I stopped after someone asked me to help them with something for 30 minutes, which turned into 4 hours.

Now I dodge everything and have no problems saying No to people. It is really sad how angry people get when you refuse to go out of your way to help them.


21. Pay the Fee

You can avoid saying no simply by quoting your per-hour price. I'll help people I know actually need it, but when they abuse my kindness they get charged.

I had one person go ahead and pay it, with the full knowledge that it would be about 4-5 hours of work at $150/hr.

I made a nice amount of money that day and the person stopped asking me for help every 2-3 hours.

I may seem like a jerk but honestly, my time is important too. If someone won’t value or appreciate my time then might as well make some money off of it.


22. Drunk Ideas

There was a set of golf clubs outside a charity shop in my village when I was walking home pissed. My intoxicated brain thought "We should steal them " so I took a few and carried them halfway home.

Then I realized I didn't want to go to jail for stealing from a charity shop, (although now I am sober I don't see why I thought I would be arrested), so I took them back and then stumbled home. 

I guess I'm simply just not cut out to be bad. Some people are just meant to be angels I suppose. 


23. “Not in my house”

On a night out with friends, I got slightly drunk and had a nice buzz going on. There was this one group standing next to us at the bar with all couples by the looks of it except this one girl.

Well, this said girl started chatting up this random guy she seemed attracted to, but as this was going on out of nowhere some other girl with a really disgusting stuck-up attitude walked right in between them and interrupted the conversation.

She starts talking really loudly at this girl and asks her what the heck she thinks she's doing. She said clearly, that this guy was way out of her league!

I'm known at this place and everyone around noticed this loud obnoxious witch of a girl. I don't know why but this really got me pissed off.

I took my pitcher of beer and held it above my head so it seemed as if I just didn't want anyone bumping into me and spilling it. I started walking towards this girl and as soon as I got close enough, I did a fake trip and spilled this whole pitcher right on this girl's head.

I looked up with a fake shocked face and kind of grinned while saying sorry. Laughs were had as this girl rushed out of the place crying in embarrassment.


24. Mess with me and I’ll block you in

My co-op had some run-ins with the frats that lived across the street. One night one of 'em drove by and chucked some mortar shells (of the firework variety) at/in our front door.

Nobody got hurt but our carpet was singed pretty badly so much so that we had to change it. Later that night I took an axe to one of their trees and felled it across the entrance to their parking lot.


25. Keeping the movie Icy

Went to see Cloverfield at the movie theater with my then 6-year-old. We'd been following the goofy online clues leading up to the film's release, etc. We get there, and there's a bunch of teenagers sitting about eight rows ahead.

One girl is unbelievably loud - during every lull in the action she brays "I call Bullcrap!!". Maybe funny the first time, but after almost an hour of jittery action and crashes? Not so much. Shush.

End of the movie, my kiddo is hanging on the edge of her seat for the ending. The final scene, very dramatic, the screen goes dark - and for the 50th time..."I CALL BULLCRAP!"

So I grabbed my overly huge drink cup, took a handful of ice out of the bottom, and threw it as hard as I could at the back of this girl's head From several rows back.

Real mature, I know. A 34-year-old suburban mother should know better. Loud McMouthy down front starts shrieking and trying to figure out who did it.

I just stay put until I can start acting like a grownup again. The look on my kid's face, though! She seemed simultaneously appalled and tickled. I did ask that we please not mention this to Grandma.


26. Equally obnoxious

The other day I was on the bus back from school, sitting in front of a girl talking on the phone really loudly to the point where people were commenting on it across the bus.

I pretended to get a phone call, and answered in an equally loud voice, "Hey, I'm on the bus, can I call you back? I know, everyone hates the really loud guy on the phone in public!"

People laughed, and I just went back to reading. I’m pretty sure she got the message cause she shut up immediately.


27. Fair fights are for suckers

Due to certain unfortunate circumstances, I was quite different from my peers in high school. As a result, I was bullied physically and emotionally.

The biggest bully was this big bastard, over a head taller than me, smart as a bag of bricks, a sports hero. All the other kids were his underlings, pretty much.

I had to endure all kinds of physical mistreatment. Nobody did anything about it. I was told it was my fault etc. When I had enough, I made a plan.

I stalked the big bully, finding out his usual route between school and home. He had this moped he used. One night, I sabotaged it outside his home, slashing tires and unplugging random parts.

That action forced him to walk to school. I skipped a couple of classes, leaving early. I made preparations and waited for him.

He lived in a new part of town, still under construction. His route took him through an overpass surrounded by woods. When he walked out of the overpass, I whacked him in the face with a hockey stick from a blind angle.

Screw fair fights, the guy was bigger and older. I hit him so hard that the initial strike broke the hockey stick. I was seeing red and going for the balls. When he was on the ground, I proceeded to stomp on him, especially on his hands, with combat boots.

The wild joy of sadistic violence was very satisfying. When he stopped trying to get up, I told him I'd hurt him and his family if he or his cronies would ever touch me again.

I think I was bluffing. I think. I had a bad youth. They never laid hands upon me again. I've never hit anyone since and I'm nearing 30.


28. Leave the quiet kid alone

One day in high school art class a kid waited until the teacher went to the men's room across the hall, and came over to the table where I was painting, and sprayed me in the face with oven cleaner.

I was Mister Goody Two Shoes. I never did anything wrong. (At least, not that anybody knew about.) It was the last semester of my senior year and for 12 years I'd been a good boy. But I'd had it.

I closed my eyes when he sprayed, quickly grabbed some nearby paper towels, and wiped my face off. I then walked around the table to the guy, who was laughing so hard he didn't even see me coming... and then I threw him across the room.

As the rest of the class got out of my way in terror, furniture flying as they scrambled to get away from me, I walked over to the kid, lying crumpled on the floor, put my boot on his neck, and made him beg for his life.

I then calmly returned to my table and resumed painting. The teacher came in to find me painting quietly, the kid lying on the floor trying to pick himself up, and the rest of the class cowering in the corner in terror.

He asked what happened, and they told him what I did. He looked at me in surprise, and I said "Now would I do a thing like that?"

He thought about it for a minute and decided that no, I wouldn't, and told the rest of the class to stop horsing around and get back to their paintings.

Word got around the school that day that I had "lost it" in class and to keep away from me. On the bus home, a kid decided he was going to test that, planted himself in the seat behind me, and started flicking my ear rather painfully with his finger.

So I turned around and hit him in the face as hard as I could with my calculus book. Being a bully he had no tolerance for pain or expectation of retaliation and started bawling to the bus driver about what I'd done.

The driver had seen everything... but explained to the kid that he hadn't seen anything. The kid hadn't bothered to notice that the driver was my best friend's father.

The kid then started shouting about how he was going to report this to the bus company and get the driver fired. The kid also hadn't bothered to learn who the driver was, or that he actually owned the bus company.

The kid got written up for misbehaving on the bus and got kicked off the bus for a week. Nobody ever hit me in school again and I have never hit anyone who didn't attack me first.


29. Foul, evil gasses

I'd had a bad day and my hatred for mankind was strong. so I took revenge. In this particular place, there were two sets of doors maybe five feet apart, turning that part of the corridor into a little compartment.

I passed through the first door, waited for it to close then opened the second just a little...and dropped the most evil, satanic, beer & kebab "Have you got a dead skunk up your butt?" fart I've ever delivered.

I then scuttled through the second door, slamming it shut. So basically, I created a fart-trap, basically. I regret nothing at all about what I did.


30. Umbrella Thief

I worked in a hardware store in high school. When it was raining, I had a game where I would passively try to make customers forget their umbrellas.

Say if someone was looking at a hammer, I would approach with a second hammer and suggest they see which one feels better in their hand.

They'd have to put down their umbrella to compare the two and then I'd guide them to some other part of the store to check out or buy nails or whatever.

I'd then go back and collect my prize after they left. I didn't even really care about the umbrellas. It was just a fun way to mess with people and pass the time.

If they were generally cool to deal with, I'd remind them that they came in with one as they were going out the door. But if they annoyed me, I kept it. I had about two dozen umbrellas by the time I quit and left for college.


31. Karma is a witch

I had quite the incident at work this one time. We work on commission, and somebody blatantly lied and stole a $1200 commission from me.

I confronted him and told him to pay me, but he only offered me $100. I told him until he paid me the amount I was owed, I was going to make sure I cost him $12,000.

From that point on he hit quite a dry spell and made about half of what he normally does for the month. Customers flaked on him or whittled his commissions down to nothing.

For months nothing went quite right. He'd fly into rages about how much I was costing him (but still wouldn't make things right and pay me what he stole).

He'd curse me every chance he got and hasn't dared cross me since. The funny thing was, I never did a thing. I just let him think it was me.

I wanted him to believe I really did cost him 10x what he stole. Every customer that bailed on him, every deal that went bad, he was sure I caused it to collect on my imaginary debt. As far as I know, he believes it to this day.


32. Revenge of the pettiest order

I broke up with my ex a few months back. A week afterwards she confessed that she had cheated on me. Multiple times. With multiple people at the same time.

She then had the gall to say that "we never talked about being monogamous", despite living together for 6 months at this point.

So, after getting checked for everything that persists where the sun doesn't shine, I went to see her. I basically seduced her all over again and had my way with her all night.

Call it closure if you will. Then when she looked at me and said "Are we ok now?", all I could do was look her straight in the eyes and say "No. Now we're even". Then I left.


33. Motorized Nightmares

I was visiting a friend in New York for New Year's. His apartment building was having some heavy parties, the whole building was alive.

I felt pretty good, I'd finished the semester with good grades and had done an excess of volunteer work, which is a requirement for my school's program that basically puts you a little bit above the normal students.

I walked down the hallway, basking in the golden happy shine that burst from all around me. I got in the elevator. It was a bit full with people just standing around, but there was definitely enough room.

I walked in. I turned around towards the door. And I see this really fat woman in a motorized wheelchair. I'll never forget that chin she had.

Calling it a double chin wouldn't do it justice. It was like Mickey D's dumped their lard in a bucket, the bucket was eaten, digested, and pooped out by the pearl diver, and then dumped in her chin skin.

It's sort of bad to judge people by their appearance but she looked like pure evil. She had the grumpiest face I'll ever see in my life. Probably because of all of that pearl diver lard.

She was about 30 feet from the door down the hallway going a steady 5 miles per hour. She looked right into my eyes and knew what was coming.

There was some room for a wheelchair if we squeezed tight, and I felt like being a jerk. So I slowly raised my hand and pressed the close button. She knew I did it.

And then what sort of made me feel bad was that she leaned forward in her motorized wheelchair. Like sprinters or cyclists buckling down and getting stuff done.

Alas, she was already going full throttle. I doubt that the aerodynamic maneuver did much. I know it didn't. Because the door closed. And it was silent in the elevator. As it rose, we heard the screams of the Woman in the Motorized Wheelchair.


34. Fooling everyone

I *had a friend who was never diagnosed, but was probably some sort of autistic, because she could never find any flaw in herself and was absolutely convinced that the whole world was against her.

I tried to be a nice person to her for 5 whole years, always giving and never getting anything back. At the end of high school, I was in charge of making the yearbook because I'm pretty handy with Photoshop/graphic design.

It was a pretty big deal for me because this was a way to show my skills to a lot of people. She absolutely insisted on helping, but hardly did anything and what she did, she messed up and blamed on me for not explaining obvious things more clearly.

At a certain point, I snapped and told her what a horrible person she was. I went to the one teacher who didn't believe her whiney act and made sure she wasn't credited for anything.

I also made sure that I was the one who was allowed to speech speak at the graduation. I made her cry and she's still pretty pissed at me, 2 years later.


35. Crossword Puzzle

My best friend in high school was in charge of the yearbook and this girl who made his life a living hell was named Steph.

He lined up ALL of the wording/article on the page featuring her in the yearbook so that all of the first letters of each line (read vertically down) spelled out "Screw you Steph" perfectly.

To this day she still doesn't know her senior year pride and joy recognition page is plagued by that. Talk about the ultimate revenge.


36. Out of character

It was the first time I was in Ibiza and before that vacation, I was a very polite and generally a nice guy. On the first day in Ibiza, all of my fuses melted and I went completely berserk.

I got pissed and stoned, went to a nightclub, and had a party with some British folks. After that party at 5 o'clock in the morning we headed to San Antonio.

It was there where we had a massive fight with some chavs and all ended up beaten up in a police station. Literally, that was the greatest day of my life.


37. Missed the train

I was running to catch a train, maybe 10 feet away when the "doors closing" signal started flashing. In front of me, a dude was entering the train so slowly that the doors would close right behind him.

So I pushed him to the side, jumped through the halfway-closed doors, and made it inside.

The guy on the other side of the window looked shocked at first, but in the few seconds before the train pulled out, I could see the surprise turn to anger.

I couldn't help but smile over my little victory, while he spit against the glass pane and flipped me off. Didn’t matter, I’d won.


38. All because of a tattoo

I had been working for an ice cream shop for over three years. I did everything the manager did and received 8.75 an hour. I was their best employee, I know this because the owners used to always tell me this.

I got a tattoo, which was not against corporate rules, and two out of three of the owners did not mind. One of the owners, however, began cussing and yelling at me on a daily basis despite everything I had done and was never doing anything wrong.

I actually helped build their store up even more since I had started working there, but because of this tattoo, I was somehow now a "crappy employee" in one of the owner's eyes.

So one day (last week actually) I was working with her, and she went to the back to use the restroom after scolding me for again no apparent reason, and I jumped out of the drive-through window, ran to my car, and left her there alone.

The only thing I left behind was a note taped to the drive-through window which read, "I have had enough of your disrespect."


39. Quitting in the most epic way

I worked at a Deli as a delivery driver. Basically, they require way too much from a delivery driver, as we have to prepare the food that the line uses and keep them stocked up at the same time as taking deliveries.

We also were in charge of stocking the freezer every 2 days when the trucks came.

So the story goes, it's one of the busiest days I have ever seen, and I come in at 5 pm.

The driver before me didn't do ANY work, and thus I had 2 shifts worth of work, on top of a huge truck coming in, my only co-worker calling in (knowing it was a busy day), and about 15 deliveries (a metric crap ton).

I told my boss that I needed help and she blew me off. Instead of leaving the work to do for someone else, I stayed with my angry boss until 3 hours after closing getting all of the work done.

The next day the owner called me in and said that I was getting my hours cut severely because of how long it took me to do "my tasks" the night before.

I tried to explain the situation and he wasn't having any of it. The manager from the night before was closing (we were having another busy day, and I was the only driver).

I got about 6 deliveries all at once, looked over, and saw her eating and talking with a friend. I took the deliveries, dropped them off at her table and flipped her off, and told her to take them.

I walked out the door and never came back. It was freaking awesome to see the look on my co-worker's faces. She was caught so off guard.


40. No favors for bad people

I found a bunch of money on the side of the road. About 15 feet away from the money found a wallet. I went home and Google searched for the owner of the wallet.

The person was a douchebag (recently arrested last year for discharging a firearm at 2 am into the neighbor's apartment while "cleaning"

That said firearm and nearly shot his neighbor). I immediately kept the money and burned the wallet. Spent money on my kids and had a great weekend. Don't feel bad at all.


41. Let it all fall

A couple of years ago I was riding the Cal-train home, about a 45-minute ride. It was the weekend of March 15th, and there was a large group of very intoxicated people judging to be in their late 20s or early 30s dressed in wedding gowns.

This one woman was shouting the whole time, literally falling onto people, spilling her beer on me and other passengers, shouting insults at my friend, and all the whole, the conductor did nothing.

While she regaled her tale of seeing her father's genitalia for the seventh time to the entire car, the train slowed and she stumbled backward toward the stairs.

I reactively put my arm out to catch this woman because that is instinctively the kindhearted person I am, but I...I don't know what overcame me.

Her selfishly annoying and inconsiderate behavior just drove me to insanity; I sat back down and let her fall. Too bad she caught herself on the second step on the way down because I was totally prepared to watch Darwinism at work


42. Blurry Night

That time I made out with a drunk, engaged, stripper at my first-ever Homecoming dance. To be fair, I didn't know that she was engaged, or a stripper.

What I did know, was that I had been the boring, innocent, doormat for all my childhood life and when I went to that Homecoming at college I wanted to catch up on a bit of the stupid things I did.

So I made out with some hot chick I just met. It was my first kiss. If it didn't end up being so amusing then I would probably feel worse about it, but even my mother laughs at it now.


43. Time to chop it up too

So my dorm room was located right outside the common room. About 15 drunk college kids are having the time of their lives while I'm trying to sleep at 4 am when I have to wake up at 7:30 am for a final.

I was so pissed at these jerks after telling them to shut up multiple times with their music blasting that the next day I just grabbed my scissors and cut the chord on their expensive speakers. No guilt. No regrets. No more loud music. Felt great.


44. Serves you right

When I was 19, I worked in a supermarket deli. All the regular customers loved me, except one guy. He was probably in his mid-50s and very conservative.

The only reason he didn't like me was because I had long hair and tattoos. He was extremely rude to me every time he came in. He would say things like "If I was your father I would cut off that hair in your sleep".

He even told the store manager to fire me because "having an employee with tattoos is a disgrace". So one day after my shift, I grabbed a large cup of coffee and as I was leaving the store, I saw him getting out of his shiny silver Mercedes and walk into the store.

He didn't notice me, so I walked right up to his car, and dumped my steamin' hot, light, and sweet coffee all over that motherfreaking car, then strolled off satisfied as heck. Never got caught.


45. Bullseye

Last weekend, I was waiting at a crosswalk. The cars began to stop as they were supposed to, so I started to cross the road.

There was an open lane and I noticed that there was a car up the street that had every intention of just blowing through the crosswalk.

This REALLY pissed me off (especially because it was one of those really serious crosswalks that have a bunch of flashing lights and all that).

As the car approached, I conjured the best loogie that could muster and spit. It happened to fly full force through the open window of the car and nailed the woman driving square in the face. The instant gratification was absoluteness priceless.