New British Prime Minister Says Joe Biden Is "On Really Good Form"

The Special Relationship between England and America was reinforced at the White House with a lot of good faith and good humor between the President of the United States and the new British Prime Minister.

Keir Starmer, in Washington for the NATO summit and its 75th anniversary celebration, spent a little over an hour in private conversation with President Joe Biden.  

Starmer deftly avoided the barrage of questions from the American press regarded the President's mental acuity. 

A recent study proved the President's debate performance did little to impact his support. In fact, his voter support after the debate increased more than Trump's.   

Asked whether the President was senile (the disrespect, I swear), Sir Keir immediately answered "No", and praised President Biden's understanding of world issues during their bilateral meeting.

He later told the British press that he found President Biden to be "on good form" (gotta love that Britspeak!) and was absolutely "mentally agile."

He also said his American counterpart has "shown incredible leadership" and was particularly "keen" to discuss the war in Ukraine.

The PM said the President was “absolutely across all the details” (that means he knew his stuff, unlike the ingrate who claimed he "didn't even know what NATO was" at his latest unhinged rally) in discussions on every issue including Ukraine, Gaza, and European relations.

The President and the PM also chatted about England's recent soccer victory over the Netherlands, with President Biden joking that the win Biden joke that the win was all because of the Prime Minister.”

President Biden also said he felt really “optimistic” about the NATO alliance and called the United Kingdom and the United States the “best of allies.”