Morning Joe Reveals a Sure Sign Trump Isn't Confident He Can Win the Election [VIDEO]

During Monday's broadcast of Morning Joe, the panel said that Donald Trump's ramped-up election lies are a sign that he isn't confident about winning this fall. 

Things have gone badly for Donald Trump over the last few months. He once expected to win most swing states and even talked about campaigning in Virginia and New Jersey. But now he is facing off against Kamala Harris he has to worry about losing traditionally Republican states. 

Over the last week or so, Trump has become more aggressive in claiming that the Democrats plan on cheating in the fall. Joe Scarborough began by noting, "Donald Trump's own staff members watched in 2020, and do you know what they said? The person who was in charge of actually watching the election, that Donald Trump put in charge, Chris Krebs said it was the cleanest, fairest election on record."

The host later continued:

"Now, am I saying this because I think Donald Trump's ever going to change his tactics? No, he knows he's lying. He admitted last week he was lying. He said he lost by a smidge, whatever he said. No, I'm saying this for the people that actually continue to spread his lies and know differently."

Scarborough closed, "you know, the pace that has picked up so much over the past couple weeks about Donald Trump saying, 'Oh, they're going to steal the election, they're going to steal the election,' it suggests the man doesn't have a whole lot of confidence that he's actually going to win this election."