During Tuesday's broadcast, the Morning Joe panel talked about Donald Trump's continuing messaging on the issue of abortion.
Last week, Donald Trump said that he felt that Florida's proposed 6-week abortion ban didn't give women enough time. Trump would come out just a day or two later and say that he was now supporting the ban.
The issue for the Republican is that he knows his position is incredibly unpopular, but he also has to act in the best interest of his party. When discussing Trump's changing stance, Mika Brzezinski brought up Trump's common line that babies could be executed saying, "That was just a ridiculous lie."
Jonathan Lemire then weighed in:
"It's reflective of how his campaign is, frankly, panicking about the abortion issue. I have talked to those in Trump World who have said the former president himself has acknowledged privately that abortion might be the biggest problem his campaign faces this November. We know that publicly he's tried to downplay it, privately advisers are worried about where this stands. Hence the remarkable flip-flops in the last week."
Willie Geist would later follow, "Abortions that happen after 21 weeks or 24 weeks are extremely rare. Women don't want to have an abortion at that point and it means that something medically is wrong and they have to have an abortion. That's not an elective thing that women do casually."