The panel of Morning Joe blasted H.R. McMaster on Tuesday morning for failing to go far enough in condemning Donald Trump's behavior in office.
McMaster is currently promoting a book he wrote about his time in the White House and it is not all the complimentary to his former boss. But while the former General said that he would not be willing to work for Trump again, he stoped short of really blasting the former President.
The Morning Joe talked about what McMaster's duty toward the country is, with Eugene Robinson saying, "I think there's just a stark contradiction in the position he is taking."
The Washington Post scribe continued:
"I do understand the reluctance and reticence of retired generals, certainly serving generals, to speak out on politics, what he calls partisan politics. The military, you know, serves whichever party is in office and whichever president is in office, civilian control is certainly a hallmark of the way this country has always operated and should always operate."
"The president of the United States thinking he can win [Putin] over with a smile and a meal, or whatever Donald Trump thought, was shocking to me, hearing that from Gen. McMaster," Mike Barnicle then weighed in.
Barnicle continued, "We've had other generals – Barry McCaffrey, Gen. John Kelly, other generals speak out adamantly about the dangers, the dangers of a second Trump administration. I thought Gen. McMaster sort of toed the line on that, and I was surprised by it."