Man Forced To Pay $65K In Child Support For Kid Who Isn’t His Strikes Back

The Letter

Andrew had always been a responsible and law-abiding citizen. He had a steady job, a loving wife, and two children whom he adored.

However, Andrew’s world was turned upside down when he received a letter from the Child Support Agency, demanding that he pay $65,000 in child support. Andrew’s world as he knew it, came crashing down.

What Did It Mean?

When Andrew received the damning letter, he was left baffled at its contents. It attested that he owed an exorbitant amount in child support fees.

He had no children out of wedlock and he couldn’t even begin to understand what this meant for him and his family. It felt like he was in a world of trouble and he didn’t even know how to get out of it.

Living Happy, Normal Lives

Andrew and Molly had been married for 20 years and they had three teenage children. They were doing quite well for themselves and lived in a beautiful leafy suburb.

Andrew was happy in his job as a graphic designer and Molly was a middle school teacher. They lived normal lives until everything was turned upside down by the letter he received.

Keeping It Quiet

At first, Andrew withheld the letter from his wife. He first had to compose himself after receiving something like this. Never in his life had his reputation as a man and a father been questioned.

He and Molly were a team but it was a lot for him to take in and he didn’t know how she would react to something like this.

Telling His Wife

But he knew he had to eventually tell her. If she found out on her own, she would be furious with him. But he needed to first look into the situation.

He only had three children and all of his past girlfriends were never pregnant, not that he knew of. Suddenly, Andrew became hot and flustered. What if there really was a kid out there that was his?

Andrew Had Support

It wasn’t easy for Andrew but when he eventually told Molly about the letter he was relieved to find that she was very understanding and wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery as well.

Andrew felt lucky to have his wife by his side and he knew that together they could get through anything. He was in a battle to clear his name.

The Shocking Truth

He immediately contacted the Child Support Agency to get to the bottom of this. After a series of phone calls and paperwork, he was stunned to discover that the child in question was a 20-year-old named David.

David’s mother, Jane, claimed that Andrew was the father, but Andrew had never even met her before. He knew that he couldn’t possibly be the father, and yet he was being forced to pay $65,000 in child support. The truth was hard to swallow, and Andrew felt like he was caught in a never-ending nightmare.

Fighting Back

Andrew was not going to sit back and let this happen to him. He was determined to fight back and prove that he was not the father of David.

He hired a lawyer and began the legal battle to clear his name. It was not an easy fight, but Andrew was not going to back down. He had to clear his name and protect his family from the emotional and financial burden of the situation.

An Uphill Battle

The legal battle was an uphill battle. Andrew and his lawyer had to go through countless documents and paperwork to prove his innocence.

They were met with constant resistance from Jane and the Child Support Agency, who seemed to be determined to prove that Andrew was the father, despite the lack of evidence. Andrew was left with sleepless nights and a growing sense of despair as the case dragged on.

Family Strain

The legal battle began to take a toll on Andrew's family. Molly was constantly worried about the financial burden of the case and the toll it was taking on her husband.

The couple's children were also affected by the tension in the household. Andrew had always been a pillar of strength for them, but now he was constantly stressed and preoccupied with the case. Their once happy home was now shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.

Financial Burden

The legal battle had already taken a toll on Andrew's finances. He had spent a significant amount of money on legal fees and was struggling to keep up with his household expenses.

The thought of having to pay $65,000 in child support fees for a child that was not his was unbearable. He knew that he had to find a way out of this situation or risk losing everything he had worked so hard to build.

The DNA Test

Andrew and his lawyer had been trying to get a DNA test done to prove that he was not the father, but Jane and the Child Support Agency had been resistant.

However, after months of legal wrangling, they finally managed to get a court order for the test. Andrew was relieved to finally have a chance to prove his innocence and put an end to the nightmare.

Clearing His Name

Andrew wanted to do everything in his power to clear his name. He knew he was being scammed and he couldn’t let his children see this happen to their father.

His marriage depended on it. He could see his beloved Molly was taking strain and that she was beginning to wonder if there was a child that was his after all.

Nothing He Could Do

Andrew tried to reason with the agency, but they were unrelenting. They insisted that he was the father and that he had to pay up or face the consequences.

He knew that they saw the woman and the child as the victim in cases like this. His life was thrown into chaos. He was constantly stressed and anxious, and his marriage began to suffer as a result.

The P.I.

Desperate for a way out, Andrew hired a private investigator to look into the matter. The investigator discovered that the mother of the child had been involved with several men around the time of conception and that Andrew was not the only possible father. 

This could be the breakthrough that he needed to finally clear his name.

New Information

Armed with this information, Andrew approached the agency once more, but they still refused to budge. They claimed that they had already made their decision and that Andrew was the one who had to pay.

Frustrated and angry, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He launched a public campaign to raise awareness about his situation and to highlight the flaws in the child support system.

Going On Social Media

He wanted to highlight the fact that they weren’t willing to listen to his side of the story. He could state his case in any way shape or form.

He was so angry at this point, that he was willing to do anything. By going on social media, he was getting the case exposed and hopefully, Jane would be exposed as well.

The Pressure Mounts

Andrew’s story went viral, and soon he had the support of thousands of people around the world. They rallied behind him, demanding that justice be served.

The pressure began to mount on the agency, and they were forced to take a second look at Andrew’s case. Andrew breathed a sigh of relief, was he finally getting the break he needed?

His Only Chance

He was finally getting his second chance. The agency had to allow him to have the DNA tests done, it was his only way to prove that there was no way that this child was his. It wasn’t even a child, it was a grown man that was 20 years old.

It was a trying time in his life, but Andrew had come this far, there was no stopping him. 

The DNA Test Results

Finally, the day of the DNA test arrived. Andrew and Jane’s DNA samples were collected and sent to the lab for testing.

Andrew was on edge as he waited for the results. He knew that if the results came back positive, it would be a devastating blow to his family. After what seemed like an eternity, the results finally arrived. Andrew's lawyer called him with the news.

What Were The Results?

Andrew’s heart raced. He knew that he couldn’t possibly be the father but what if there was a chance that he was? Molly clutched his hand as they listened to the lawyer on speaker.

The DNA test had come back. Andrew and Molly could finally breathe a sigh of relief. But there was still a mystery to solve even more important than who the father was.

A New Beginning

The relief that Andrew felt was indescribable. He finally had proof that he was not responsible for the child and that he did not owe any child support. This was fantastic news for him, he had his life back and could try to move on to new things. 

But it wasn’t that simple, there was still some unfinished business that he had to attend to. And it wouldn’t be easy.


Andrew could finally breathe a sigh of relief and begin to rebuild his life. Although the legal battle had taken a toll on his family, they were grateful to finally have closure on the matter. 

But something was still nagging at him. He knew that he couldn’t leave things as they were. He had to take the higher road and get to the bottom of things once and for all.

Who Was Jane?

Even though he had won the case, there was still something that was bugging him. Andrew wanted to know who this Jane woman was and what role she had in his life. He would do a bit of detective work to figure things out.

He needed to know the reason behind the woman’s motives. If he figured that out, then he could put a stop to everything.

Chosen His Family

Why had she chosen him and his family to concoct this scheme? How did she know him? There seemed to be more to the story than he thought and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

He didn’t understand how the woman was so knowledgeable about him. He needed answers, but they would be harder to gather up than he expected. That’s when he got some help.

Getting Some Help Again

He once again phoned his P.I. and asked him to dig a little deeper to find out who and what exactly Jane was up to. He barely knew the woman from a bar of soap yet she was affecting his life in such a big way.

He just wanted peace of mind. Why was it him that she was so fixated on? He didn’t like his family being targeted.

Targeted Andrew

Why had she targeted Andrew and where had she gotten all his information from? It was a scary thing to think about. He couldn’t take this woman lightly, she had tried to be his undoing, after all.

This was serious to Andrew. He couldn’t let something like this happen to him and his family ever again.

Uncovering the Truth

After just a few days, the P.I. reported back to Andrew with his findings. And it was not pretty. He was able to uncover all of Jane’s secrets. 

Andrew knew he could rely on the P.I. to get things done, but what he had found was something that he could never prepare himself for. Her history would have him feeling sick to his stomach.

Her History

Andrew discovered that Jane had a history of making false paternity claims. She had claimed that several men were the fathers of her children over the years, and Andrew was just one of many victims of her schemes.

It seemed that she had done this for years and never once gotten caught. He now had the evidence in his hands, what would he do with it?

Emotional Turmoil

Andrew was shocked and angry at the revelation. He couldn’t believe that he had been dragged through years of legal battles and emotional turmoil for a child that wasn’t even his. 

He even empathized with the poor kid. He knew that she couldn’t have been treating him right if she was capable of things like this. But that wasn’t even the most shocking part.

Emotional Turmoil

Andrew was shocked and angry at the revelation. He couldn’t believe that he had been dragged through years of legal battles and emotional turmoil for a child that wasn’t even his. 

He even empathized with the poor kid. He knew that she couldn’t have been treating him right if she was capable of things like this. But that wasn’t even the most shocking part.

More Information

Andrew put down what he was reading. He had no idea how cruel and conniving humans could be if given a chance. He knew a lawsuit might have just been in his favor after finding out this information.

But just when he thought things would be smooth sailing, another problem would arise, just like the first one. This one was harder to back out of.

Considering A Lawsuit

A lawsuit would be a long and hard-fought one, but what else was he supposed to do? If he didn’t fight it, then he would be guilty of something he never did. 

In the eyes of the community, he would be painted as one of the worst things a family man can be branded - an adulterer. It would ruin everything he had worked so hard for.

Secret Information

No, he had to make sure that it didn’t happen to him. But he was unaware of some startling information that would make it a lot harder to believe him. 

It was about the woman that had abruptly caused chaos in his life. She had a secret weapon that would bring sympathizers onto her side. It would cause Andrew countless grief.

Taking Advantage

She was the woman. After all, in cases like these, they are often the victim. She would make sure to take advantage of that fact and play on the heartstrings of everyone in the community.

But would Andrew’s reputation as a loving family man and a good all-round guy be enough for people to stand by him? The last thing he needed was his reputation ruined by the woman.

Hiding Behind A Mask

The secret info was that the woman trying to ruin his life actually knew far more about Andrew than she should have. 

It was so much, in fact, that he would have felt sick to his stomach knowing how much she could try to manipulate him. She was hiding behind a mask, and she wasn’t at all who she said she was.

Someone Else

The woman was, in fact, someone else in disguise. Andrew couldn’t blame himself for being so clueless. It had been many years, and he remembered his youth not always being perfect.

That’s exactly where she came from. She was a manifestation of his past creeping back up to haunt him. And when he found out exactly where she came from, he’d feel the blood rush to his face.

She Knew Him

The thing that Andrew was blissfully unaware of was that she knew him well, or at least she used to. She didn’t know this version of Andrew, but rather a version of him that he didn’t like to think about.

It was a person he grew out of before he could say he tried. He tried his best to be a good man now, but in his past, that wasn’t always the case.

Digging Up More

The P.I. had continued digging up more dirt and sending it whenever he could. But this time, he attached a disclaimer to the document he had sent Andrew. 

It said, “Be careful. You may not want to open this one.” Andrew felt his face drain of color. What did he mean by this? He hadn’t thought of his past in many years, but he was about to relive it.

Dark Past

“Some of us are lucky enough to escape our dark past. I’m sorry yours has to come out again because of her.” The note continued. Andrew was on edge. He felt as if someone had punched him in the gut.

Through morbid curiosity, he slowly slipped out the rest of the document and continued to read through it.

Another Revelation

Just when Andrew thought he had heard enough, the P.I. gave him a bit more information and this was the bit that made him stop dead in his tracks. 

He wasn’t expecting things to run deeper than they did. But then he heard that it wasn’t just done for the money. The wicked woman had other motives for what she was doing to him.

Reading On

As Andrew continued to read the document that the P.I. had put together for him, his knuckles turned white as he balled his hands into fists. He was furious at this new revelation. He had not expected this.

The woman actually knew Andrew very well, he may not have noticed at the time, but once he read the rest of the document, his blood would be boiling.

A Personal Vendetta

What he read made his blood boil. It turned out that “Jane” was someone he had known all along. 

She was a lot closer to him than he could have ever imagined, and it’s how she knew so much about him.


She was an ex-girlfriend of his called Jessica that never really accepted that they had broken up. She was obsessed with him and wouldn’t let him move on when she couldn’t. She swore her revenge upon him.

She was his girlfriend in high school and Andrew had even forgotten about her altogether. He was astounded that someone would hold a grudge against him for so long.

Good Reasons

Andrew had good reasons for forgetting all about her. He never admitted this to anyone, not even his current family. 

But he was not always the man he was today. The relationship he had once had with Jessica was terrible. It was borderline abusive and the best thing he had ever doen was get out of it. But she was back.

Remembering Awful Things

Then he racked his brain and started remembering all of the awful things he had suppressed so many years ago. He remembered the therapy he went through after they broke up.

Jessica was a monster from hell who made sure he was miserable. She had taken advantage of his generosity and naivety at the time. She was the single worst person he’d ever met.

Decided To Run

At the time, Andrew was fairly young and not the man he was today. He was scared of Jessica and instead of filing a restraining order against her, he decided to just run away from his past.

He thought that it would never catch up to him. But it seemed that all of the abuse would come rushing back when she finally found him again. But this time would be different, he would make sure of it.

Confronting His Past

He thought he was done with her now, but it seemed that she wasn’t done with him. She had returned from the past and came to haunt him. 

She was a reminder that he couldn’t forget about his past. He knew that to be finally free from her he would have to confront her. It would be the single hardest thing he had ever done in his life.

Only One Thing To Do

Andrew knew that there was only one thing that he could do. He needed to make sure that the community saw him as the victim and not as anything else. He knew just how manipulative this woman could be.

But he hoped that the evidence he had and his character would be enough to win if he stepped forward, something he never did those years ago.

Seeking Justice

Andrew wasn't going to let the situation slide. He knew that Jane/Jessica had put him and his family through hell, and he wanted her to pay for her actions. She couldn’t do this to his family like she had done to him so long ago.

It felt good to finally be confronting her like he should have before. He would do anything to protect his family from the tyrant.

Filing A Lawsuit

He filed a lawsuit against her for defamation and emotional distress. He was determined to seek justice and make her pay for the damage that she had caused. 

He hoped that she would back off once he brought up what she did to him in the past and the fact that she was lying about who she was now. But only time would tell who would be the victor here.

Lawsuit Progressed

As the lawsuit progressed, the tides began to turn in Andrew's favor. The evidence was overwhelming, and it became clear that Jane had lied about the paternity of the child.

The court ruled in Andrew's favor, and Jane was ordered to pay a significant amount of money in damages. Andrew finally felt like justice had been served.

Seeing Her Face

Seeing Jessica’s face again was hard, even if it was in court. Memories came flooding back. He had to shove them down for the moment to make sure he would beat her at her own game.

Seeing her face contort when the judge ruled in Andrew’s face was satisfying. The vile woman’s smug expression changed drastically. It looked as if she had never faced defeat before. It was marvelous.

Couldn’t Breathe Easy

It should have been a momentous day for Andrew and his family. But the strangest thing came over him. He felt uneasy like he still had a target on his back. 

He hated the feeling of dread he had for the last few months. Would it ever go away? He would just have to turn to his family for emotional support and hoped that he would finally recover from this ordeal.

But The Story Doesn't End There

Despite the victory in court, Andrew knew that the trauma of the experience would stay with him and his family for a long time to come. He had to find a way to move on and rebuild their lives. 

The experience had made him more vigilant about protecting his family, and he knew that he had to be more careful in the future.

Finally Over

After the legal battles were over, Andrew and his family started to rebuild their lives. It wasn't easy, but they were determined to move on from the trauma of the experience. 

Andrew learned from the experience and would be more cautious in the future. But he was just glad that it was all behind him. But the community had a surprising response.

Community Response

Even though Andrew had won, he expected the court case to drag his reputation with the community through the mud. But when he checked his social media, it seemed that it was the opposite.

Even just walking to the store to get some groceries, he saw people recognize him from the legal battle and tell him how much they supported him.

Social Media

There was a huge uproar on social media, defending him and praising him for having the courage to do what he had done. He expected people to side with Jessica because of how manipulative she was.

But it seemed that the community saw through her facade and knew that he was the true victim. This was the closure he needed.

Ruining Her

Even more to his astoundment, people told him to check “Jane’s” social media page. He was scared. He didn’t want to bring up old scars but decided to trust the community as they trusted him.

He took one look at the page, and his mouth fell open. He couldn’t believe what was happening to the woman.


Andrew had only ever heard of cancel culture. He had never seen it in action before today. He saw the thousands of comments on every post the woman made calling her out to be canceled.

He knew that she would never live this down and finally got the closure that he needed. Now he could move on with his life with his happy family and the perfect wife.