Legal Expert Honig: Clarence Thomas Gave Aileen Cannon Road Map to Drop Case

In a Monday CNN appearance, legal expert Elie Honig explained how Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas gave Aileen Cannon the roadmap to drop the documents case against Donald Trump. 

On Monday, Aileen Cannon dropped the federal case against Donald Trump under seriously dubious reasoning. The case is sure to be appealed, but Cannon has done everything see can to help the former President. 

Host Jim Acosta asked, "[I]f this case has been going on for months and months, why did Judge Cannon all of the sudden do this now? Is it basically that Justice Thomas put this bug in her ear and she said, “Okay, that sounds good. Let’s pull the rip cord here?"

Honig answered, "Well, Justice Thomas definitely gave her a roadmap, and it seems she has largely followed that roadmap in issuing this opinion. As for the timing, the briefing has happened over the last couple of weeks and months, and the argument just happened a few weeks ago. So this would be the time when that decision would be made."

The legal expert would close his remarks, "One difference here, though, that’s important to note is that Jack Smith has never been confirmed by the Senate, whereas at least Robert Mueller and David Weiss had, at various prior points in their career, had been vetted and confirmed by the Senate. So there’s a slight distinction here. But look, we do have a different outcome here with this judge than we’ve seen with other federal judges. And that tees this up for appeal."