Fox News whipped up their latest faux outrage about Kamala Harris on Tuesday, accusing her of wearing earbuds in an attempt to avoid questions.
Donald Trump, his campaign and the Conservative news media have had a terrible time coming up with a line of attack against Kamala Harris. And when they can't find policy reasons to bash the Vice President, they can just create faux outrage.
Their latest talking point involves Harris wearing earbuds when getting off planes. According to Fox News this is a way for her to avoid taking questions shouted by Fox reporters.
Guest Todd Pirro told host Kayleigh McGee White, "Kamala Harris is now being called out for a new tactic of avoiding questions from reporters by wearing earbuds, the move sparking outrage on social media."
Ignoring the fact that people under the age of 70 regularly wear earbuds on planes to listen to music or take phone calls Pirro plowed forward saying, "She's applying for a job, Kaylee, where you can't just pop in the ear buds when Xi or Putin threatens you."
White then weighed in:
"How are we as voters going to evaluate you and give you our mandate to serve as our representative in the White House. And this is what Kamala Harris seems to forget that, yes, the president is a public servant on behalf of the American people."