Joe Biden Tears Into Donald Trump's RNC Speech From Delaware

Sick at home with a case of COVID-19, Joe Biden tore into Donald Trump's recent address at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. 

Since their debate nearly a month ago, the fortunes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been moving in different directions. While the Republicans were holding their convention, Biden was home sick. Still, the current President couldn't help but take some shots at the man who held the office before him. 

In response to Trump, Biden used Twitter, which was once one of Trump's favorite messaging methods. "I’m stuck at home with COVID," he wrote. "So I had the distinct misfortune of watching Donald Trump's speech to the RNC. What the hell was he talking about?"

Referencing lies told by Trump, Biden focused in on the pandemic that took over Trump's final year in office. "Let’s start with this. Donald said he ‘did a great job’ with COVID. Folks, this is the same guy who told us to inject bleach while over a million Americans died."

One of Biden's most stinging marks was about how long Trump droned on, the biggest criticism of his speech from the other night. The President tweeted

"Honestly, I thought the worst lie he told all night was when he said, ‘in conclusion’ and then kept going. I’ve heard enough. And if you’re with me, pitch in to our campaign."