James Clyburn Calls For Democrats to Unify Prior to the Republican National Convention

During a weekend appearance on MSNBC, Congressman James Clyburn called for Democrats to unify prior to the Democratic National Convention. 

Clyburn has long been an important surrogate to President Joe Biden. When Biden was slipping during the 2020 Democratic Primary season, it was the South Carolina Democrat who helped him win the race in his state, propelling him to the Democratic nomination. 

So it was no surprise to see Clyburn be the one to urge his fellow Democrats to get behind Joe Biden. This week, more Democratic lawmakers called for the current President to drop out of the race and more could be coming in the next week. 

"We are not unanimous in our support for the president but we are certainly unified in that support," Clyburn said. "This process, this drama that they created — it may not be healthy, but it is curable. But we must stay focused, stay steady. We will win this race if we do so."

Saying that he doesn't see how Biden could be replaced at this point, Clyburn continued, "I have never seen in modern times a wide open convention be successful in November. It has not happened, and I don’t think it will happen now.'

The South Carolina Rep closed

"I think that we’d better go into Chicago unified as one part and one big love fest that we will share with the American people. We are not unanimous on anything. but we are unified. We are a unified party and we are unified in support of Joe Biden."