Haunting Moments: True Accounts Of Paranormal Encounters

Once in our life, we experience things that make us question reality. Things and encounters that we only see in movies could happen to us, for real. 

Ghostly hauntings, supernatural phenomena, or creepy coincidences, these things may frighten us, but they also make our everyday lives quite interesting.

Get ready to delve into these stories that will give you the goosebumps. These paranormal encounters will keep you up at night. Come check these out!

1. The Dreamt Shotgun

My father passed away last year. One item he always said he wanted me to have was a shotgun which had originally belonged to his grandfather.

For years he had this shotgun stashed in the attic. After he passed, I went into the attic to look for it, only to find that it wasn't there.

A few months later, I had a dream in which I asked him where he had put the shotgun. He told me it was in the closet of a spare bedroom. I called my mother and had her check, and sure enough that's where it was.

Now my father may have told me that when he was alive, and the dream was little more than a memory, but I certainly don't recall that being the case.


2. Eerie Premonition Of A Toddler

My mom told me this story the other day and it freaked me out. When my oldest sister was little, like 3, she asked my then-pregnant aunt to pick her up to hold her.

My mom said she was like "She can't pick you up, honey, she has a baby in her tummy." And then my little sister was like "That baby is unalive!"

My mom freaked out, but my aunt and grandma were fine and were telling my mom it was all good, she was just a toddler and didn't know what she was saying.

Well lo and behold my aunt went to the doctor the next day for a routine pregnancy checkup and the baby was unalive. Give me the willies just thinking about it.


3. The Haunting Gesture

I was trying to sleep in my room back when I was younger and lived with my folks. I must have been maybe 17 or 18. I opened my eyes while rolling over to get comfortable.

I saw a black figure just outside my door (who I thought was my stepfather in the dark) with his hands up by his chest making "scary finger" motions at me.

These are the ones you might do sarcastically after a scary story or a witch might do when casting a spell, just moving fingers wildly in my direction.

I should note that this figure had no defined shape. It looked like squiggles that moved in a vague shape and I chalked it up to the lack of light and my stepfather.

Well, I look over and say "What the hell are you doing?" thinking it was a really stupid, creepy thing to do at night.

Well in that moment it vanished. Just gone. It was at that moment my heart sank and I became petrified with fear. One of the few moments I was scared out of my mind and couldn't comprehend what I just saw.


4. Rocking Chair Mam

My grandfather passed away just a few weeks after I was born. Never met the guy, never knew what he looked like. When I was 5 years old, I started to see this man in our rocking chair. I called him the rocking chair man.

My parents thought it was that "imaginary friend" stage, but it started to bug them when I told them every single day. They finally questioned me about it. I told them every detail I could remember.

Finally, they showed me a picture of a man. It was my grandfather. To this day, I'm 22 now, every time I dream, he is in the background somewhere.

I remember when I dreamed about my high school graduation and I looked in the stands and I saw him with my parents.

I like to think that he's just watching out for me and being there when he's not there. So I am a true believer in the paranormal.


5. Jennifer’s Farewell

I attended the same university for my Bachelor's and my Ph.D. There was a lovely woman by the name of Jennifer, who was my Reading in the Content Area instructor.

The guys all swooned over her (she was gorgeous) and I loved her because she read us The Giver out loud. She was an awesome instructor (and was doing her PhD in Literacy).

Fast forward a few years, and Jen has moved to South Carolina to teach literacy. I'm now in my PhD program, and in the same grad student office she used to work in, with other Literacy people that were her colleagues.

And then, we get the news that her life was ended by her boyfriend. Everyone is devastated. It was a huge blow to the department, as she was genuinely loved by everyone who knew her.

So a few days after her funeral (her body was brought home), I was in the office suite at school very early in the morning, when nobody else was around.

The grad students had a fishbowl office (10 of us, with group desks) within a larger office suite that was locked and had light motion sensors.

I'm walking in and pass a locked door with windows, and I see a woman with short, dark hair walk the other way inside. Which was weird, because the lights didn't flicker on when she moved.

So I walked around the corner to the door with a key code and let myself in. I walk inside, and head to where I saw her. The lights flicker on when they sense me. Nobody is there. It's just me, and an entire suite of empty offices.

I swear to God, it was her, saying goodbye to a place she spent so many years, and where she had so many friends. It spooked the hell out of me but made me sad, too.


6. When Spirits Signal Farewell

About 20 years ago, my mom came out of the shower, pale, shaking, and hysterical.

“My aunt spoke to me and she is here to pick someone up. I know she is talking about my father.” She said to my dad and I.

Her aunt passed away many years ago. Two days later, my grandfather (mom's father) was in the hospital. He was in a coma and passed away shortly after that from undetected lung cancer.


7. Dreams Of Departure

The night before my grandma passed away, my older sister who was away at college had a very lovely dream about her, and my uncle dreamt of getting a phone call from her where she sounded very happy and excited.

He remembers her telling him she felt "so much better.” She had Alzheimer's and had been unresponsive for the last few days leading to her passing.

I will never dismiss the idea of an afterlife or at least something happening to our souls. I just don't believe multiple happenings with different people are purely coincidental.


8. Grandma’s Easter Farewell

Not me but my aunt, a woman who to my knowledge has never told me an untruth. Around Easter time many years ago the family was eagerly awaiting her grandma (my great-grandma) to arrive to celebrate with them. She was due Friday.

Thursday night, after everyone had gone to bed, my aunt was woken by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and, much to her surprise, saw Grandma smiling down at her.

All grandma said was that she was very, very, sorry for not being able to be there for Easter. She wished my aunt a good night and said she was glad she got to see her before she went.

My aunt thought nothing of it and went to bed. The next morning they got the phone call that Grandma had passed away in her sleep the previous night.


9. Mysterious Melodies At 3 AM

A few years ago, my best friend and I moved into a rented house. It was definitely a weird house and I got some weird vibes out of it.

Every night when I went to sleep, I would hear music. Not singing, just music, like someone had a distant radio on, and not any song I could ever name.

I had dreams every night of a crowd of faceless people with a little boy standing in front. He never spoke but I could tell he was trying to tell me something.

The fridge would often open on its own and the cats would hiss at corners and such. We would smell cigarette smoke coming from the back room at three o'clock every day.

My aunts were (still are) big into ghost hunting so they set up cameras in my house one night. We didn't catch much, but one of the cameras was spun in circles for about fifteen seconds and at three in the morning.

The front porch light turned itself on got bright and then faded off. When I moved out of the house after two years, I had trouble sleeping because I didn't have the music anymore. It was a strange, strange house.


10. Midnight Haunting at Company HQ

My company HQ in Germany was supposedly haunted. I figured the guys, non-commissioned officers, and even the 1st sergeants were just messing with me before I had to be CQ.

So it's like 2 am and I start hearing noise coming from upstairs. A broom being pushed down the hallway, voices, hell I even smelled cigarette smoke.

I go outside to see if there are any cars in the lot, even though to get into the building you had to go right past me. Nobody parked outside, so I went back inside. I'm still hearing voices and the other stuff.

I slowly creep up the stairs and I can hear the voice speaking German. I get to the top. Nothing. No people, voices are gone, no brooms left out. But the smell of cigarettes was still in the air.


11. A Tale Of Witchcraft And Supernatural

My mom grew up in a rural part of Guatemala where witchcraft was a real thing and has so many stories of the weird things she and her brothers and sisters experienced there.

Of all the stories she tells, the creepiest one deals with a young apprentice to a witch doctor who traveled around the country healing people. His life was ended West of Guatemala City and they had arranged to bring his body back to be buried there.

They paid a bottom dollar to have someone go pick up the body and bring it back in his pickup truck. The guy gets there, loads the coffin on his truck, and starts heading back, but his truck breaks down on the way.

He gets out and frantically tries to get the truck back on the road, as he has to be back in time for the services to start. He is completely alone in the dark hours of the early morning.

A man in a nice suit comes from out of nowhere to help him out. The man gets his truck back in working order and walks back down the road into the darkness. The guy gets the body back in time and after some prep, they begin the services.

He happens to walk by the open coffin to pay his respects and sees that the corpse in the coffin is the very same man who had helped him with his truck. To this day, I get shivers thinking about it.


12. The Ghostly Message

My dad passed away in a motorcycle accident a few years ago and after he passed away, weird things started happening at my dorm when I got back.

The clock would fall off the wall and change time, batteries would separate themselves from remotes, and bangs and knocks were regular.

But the weirdest thing that happened was when I was back home from college and I took a shower, got dressed, and headed back into the bathroom to finish getting ready and the mirror was just clearing off the steam.

Lo and behold I see smear marks faintly that look like lettering. So I tip the mirror cause it's one of those triple pane medicine cabinet mirrors.

I see “Hey” spelled out in his handwriting with the elven I symbol that was in The Lord of the Rings that my dad would put everywhere. This was probably more than 6 months after he passed.

I have no idea where it came from since it was only me and my mom in the house and I know she wouldn't do that. The crazy part is that a week before that I had broken open a glow stick and it splashed on the mirror.

But, the writing was under the splashes and none were smeared or touched. Still to this day cannot explain how it happened. We took the entire mirror off the wall so it wasn't ruined.


13. A Shared Ghostly Encounter

Not me but my dad. When he was younger, he used to see a woman in a white nightdress holding a candelabra walking along the hallway at his old house. No one ever believed him but he thought it was his grandmother.

Fast forward more than 20 years and he's talking to someone he works with. This girl says she used to see a woman in a white nightdress holding a candelabra in her old house. My dad asks where she used to live and it was his old house.


14. Mysterious Encounter with the Ghost Cat

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time at this house that was the headquarters for a small theater company that I work for.

There were several stories that people had about seeing various ghostly things there, but one of the ones that kept coming up was a ghost cat that a couple of different people claimed to have seen.

Now, fast forward to two years ago. My girlfriend and I were staying at the house for a few weeks while we were working on a show. She had only become involved at the theater recently, so didn't know any of the old stories.

An actual cat was living there at the time, and we always slept with the door closed because we were both allergic. So one night I woke up to her getting out of bed, and saying something like "Come on, Persephone, get out of here.”

She then bent down as if to pick something up, then gasped, then a moment later climbed back into bed. The next morning she told me that she had had a dream where she heard the door open, and got up to see a cat in the room.

She figured Persophone had pushed the door open and come in. So she got up to pick her up and put her out again, but when she reached down to grab the cat, it just disappeared.

Since that's not what's supposed to happen, she just figured it was a dream. So I said to her "I think you met the ghost cat, actually,” and she was like "What ghost cat?"

So I told her the history of it, and she asked me to describe what people had seen (a white, short-haired cat, as opposed to Persephone, who is grey and long-haired). at which point she sort of freaked out.

What she had seen had appeared to be white, but she had just assumed it looked that way because of lighting or something. Not the world's creepiest ghost story, I'll admit, but it was very strange nonetheless


15. Time Warp Mystery

About ten years ago I was walking one night with my sister. We were passing a familiar point on the road when suddenly we both found ourselves about 200 meters back the way we had just come.

We are approaching the familiar point for the second time. She turned to me and said, "What just happened?" We both experienced the same thing like we had just been pulled back twenty seconds in time.

Neither of us could explain it. No spooky ghosts, but there is a lasting feeling that something deeply unnatural has happened.


16. The Window Man

I have very early memories, and most of them are scary, but I had one thing. When I was very young (I am talking between ages 2 and 3), I used to see this man who looked just like my dad.

He held his cheeks to make this goofy face (kinda like this but a 40-year-old man), only the dude's face was like that without even holding it.

I recall playing legos with my brother in our room, and the guy walking by the window, turning slowly to look in, bulging eyes, and starting yelling.

I would sit on the floor frozen in fear. My brother didn't see these things and now that I think of it, this man I saw was never directly in front of me.

I only saw him through windows. I am pretty sure I was one of those kids who hallucinated when they were very young.


17. Chasing the Silent UFO

I saw a "UFO" once. I grew up in a really small town (population around 500), that was the only thing besides cornfields and emptiness between a bigger city and an Air Force Base.

One night I was sitting around playing my video game when my mother came rushing up the porch and into the house screaming that a UFO had followed her all the way home.

Naturally my dad and I just kinda laughed, then we saw the look on her face and bolted outside. There was was can only be described as a very round/smooth version of the B2 bomber.

It was this creepy metallic and shiny color. It would look near invisible unless you were right under it and it would reflect this huge FOV from the ground light bouncing back off of it.

Also, I was probably 10 years old so my memory and judgement of distance could be faulty, but as I recall the aircraft was almost totally silent and only traveling around 40 mph.

I realize aircraft cannot sustain lift at that speed, but honestly, my father and I followed it in a car for as long as we could (ran out of road), and were easily able to keep pace with the thing.

From my memory, the design was a newer version of an already existing US military aircraft but it was still freaky as all hell.


18. Mystery Of Floating Coffin

Several years ago in my hometown of Galveston, Texas, I took a job on a shrimp boat with a friend of mine. All I had to do was cook dinner and then handle a winch setting.

I can barely remember that part of the job. An hour or more would go by before I was needed, so I flipped through a few magazines.

One, a Readers' Digest had a story about an actor from Canada who lived in Galveston around the turn of the century. He passed away and his family in Canada wanted him buried back in Canada.

They couldn't afford to send his body home again. So, he was buried in Galveston. Years later, a hurricane struck and decimated 2/3 of Galveston with powerful flooding.

Four or five years go by, and the actor's casket washed up in his hometown in Canada. Apparently, the flood waters had washed his coffin out to sea where it eventually floated home.


19. A Friend’s Midnight Visit

My grandad told me the other day about his supernatural encounter. He said that he had a friend who he had known for around 35 years and worked with for over 20 of those years.

When this happened (about 2 years ago), the friend had passed away a short while previous to the encounter.

My grandad stated that he woke up in the middle of the night and saw him standing at the end of his bed, dressed in a fancy suit.

My grandad told me that if he could describe how he looked in a word it would be "dapper" and that this was how my grandad remembered him dressing as a young man when they would go out partying together.

My grandad didn't feel at all scared, but actually very calm and happy instead. My grandad's friend smiled at him and my grandad smiled back, and then he vanished.

Not in a Hollywood fade-out waving kind of vanish, but a blink and he has gone vanish.

My grandad is aware that it could be very easily his mind playing tricks on him, but that didn't stop him from having a big smile on his face when he remembered the story and remembered his friend by telling me.


20. Messages From Beyond

When I was in high school, I dated this marvelous girl. She was charming, sweet, and had the perfect smile. Sadly, she got in an ATV accident and passed away due to head trauma.

This destroyed me and I was a wreck. But exactly a week later, if I remember correctly, I got an e-mail from her saying that she was so excited to hang out with me that summer. It strangely made me feel better.

I don't know if that message was in the drafts folder for a long amount of time and then automatically sent, but I was happily surprised that somehow she "spoke" to me after her passing.

I also got a text message from her phone that week, but no one had touched the phone. Since she had passed her parents and brother wouldn't go in her room.


21. Military Aircraft Sighting

I saw a low-flying triangular craft in Northern Minnesota. It hovered above a parking lot for a minute or so, then slowly slid out of sight.

It was very large, and roughly 100 to 200 feet above ground. I researched similar sightings, which are numerous, and there are some theories but nothing concrete.

Notably, this happened about 20 miles from a US Air Force base. Thankfully I was with one other person who witnessed this.


22. Mystifying Ray in Therapy Session

I was in the middle of a session with my therapist. We were starting deep meditation/hypnosis. I had finally achieved what I would describe as the deepest state of relaxation I'd ever gotten to.

About 5 seconds into this deep meditation, the room got incredibly bright (as far as I could tell with closed eyes) as if I was looking at the sun with my eyes closed. My therapist stopped mid-sentence just then.

She didn't speak for five seconds and I asked her if everything was okay. She said, "I think you just produced a ray." She refused to tell me what she meant and she dropped me as a client the next week. I still have no idea what happened.


23. Haunted Snowglobes

My Mom always bought snowglobes for my grandma, when my grandma passed away my mom took them back to our house. My mom put them all up on the shelves that go around the entire living room.

A few weeks had passed and my mom found a video that she wanted my brothers and I to watch because it reminded her of our grandma. We all sat down to watch it and of course, near the end of the movie, our mom was crying.

Right when the movie ends all of the snowglobes went off at the same time. The figurines didn't move on any of them, just the music.

We all huddled together of course because we were scared and my mom suddenly said, "Mom?" And all of the music stopped and the room became extremely cold.

My mom suddenly felt uncomfortable and had all of us run and get into the car and she drove us to our godmother's house. She cried for hours until she got a call from our dad saying he'd be home in a few minutes and should head back.

When we all got back inside it was warm again, but all of the snowglobes were shattered on the ground except for 1, the one that was my grandma's favorite.


24. Haunted Closet And Nightly Visit

In my bedroom in the house I rent, there are weird things that keep on happening all the time. At 2:30 am every single night, I usually hear loud bangs that come from the inside of my closet.

Sometimes, I hear someone whispering in my head as I'm lying in bed, but the thing that creeps me out the most is feeling pressure on the edge of my bed like someone just sat down on it.


25. Unseen Hand

When my wife (then girlfriend) and I were in our second apartment, I saw scary things all the time, but the first encounter was the weirdest.

I was hanging curtains, standing on a poofy chair, when I started to lose my balance. I felt a hand on my bottoms steady me. I finished drilling in the last screw, then turned around to thank my wife. No one was there.

I expected my lady there. As soon as I turned around, that's when the feeling of the hand left my bottoms. My wife had been in a completely different room the whole time.


26. The Smiling Visitor

I was living in an apartment with 3 roommates at the time. I was working all sorts of weird hours and would stay up late most nights.

Our apartment had 2 hallways that formed a capital L. My room was at the "top" of the L, and the bathroom was in the corner of where the lines meet. With the door being in the inside middle of the small section.

In the outside corner was the living room. I walked out of my room to go to the bathroom, no need to turn the light on as this was a trek I had made hundreds of times before.

As I left the bathroom I turned to go back to my room. Just as I turned off the lights in the bathroom, there standing where the short hallway and the living room meta teenage girl.

She was wearing a white flowery dress, just smiling. She didn't look "evil" just a normal person standing there smiling at me. I freaked out and went running for my room.

About 20 minutes later I finally came out of my room. Turning all the lights on as I went through the apartment.

She was nowhere to be seen, however where I saw her standing was noticeably colder than the rest of the apartment should have been for an August evening.

Creepy, but not the worst part. I lived there for about another year, and I never saw her again. After I had moved out I was hanging out with my one roommate who had a bedroom at the end of the small hallway, right next to the bathroom.

We were talking and I told him that I never felt comfortable in the apartment after something happened. To which he responded, "Oh, you saw her too." I nearly drove off the road when I heard this.

We then both described her, finishing off each other's sentences describing her. He had seen her twice. I was indifferent about ghosts before that.

Now I believe in them or believe in something. It was very creepy and every time I told the story the hairs stood up on my arms.


27. The Watchful Window

We used to live in a very old house where my dad's great-grandparents had raised their kids. Out of 9 children, only 4 lived to adulthood, all of the others passed away in the house along with his great-grandfather.

Needless to say, the place was creepy. We could never keep blinds up in the upstairs window that faced east, grandma said that his dad would always look out that window with his coffee in the morning.

One day my mom and I were alone in the house and decided to experiment. We closed all the curtains in the upstairs room and then went outside to look at them.

All the curtains were still closed except for the window pointing east, it was open about 6 inches in the middle (enough for someone to look out of). I'm not saying that house was haunted, but it really was!


28. A Ghostly Invitation

My great-grandpa told me this one. One time when he was younger, he went to visit some old friends and their daughter. He arrives on a horse (he was a rancher in Texas).

The little girl walks up to him and says "Hi Paul! I'll take your horse. Dinner is ready, you can go in and sit down." So he walks inside and sits at the table.

The parents walk up to him and say "Um, hi. Who let you in?" He says, "Your daughter took my horse. She said I could come in." They look horrified. "She's been unalive for 6 months."


29. The Haunting of the Abandoned Mental Hospital

Me and some buddies were bored one night and decided to head out and poke around an abandoned mental hospital. The only way in was through the autopsy room, the rest of the place was pretty much sealed off.

We go in, me another guy and two girls. As soon as we get into the autopsy room, one of the girls starts hyperventilating and crying. She said she just couldn't be there anymore.

We tried everything we could to convince her everything was going to be fine, to no avail. She wanted to leave, and wanted to leave now! Disappointed, we decided we had to leave.

The two girls were walking in front of us, one trying to comfort the other, while me and the other dude walked a bit of a way behind.

I don't know what brought me to look back, morbid curiosity maybe. But I did. Now, I'll admit it was dark, but the moon was out so it wasn't pitch black. Still, I know what I saw.

A window on the second floor, what looked just like a little girl in a white dress staring back at us. I looked for a good ten seconds, stopped my buddy, and had him look without taking my eyes off the thing.

I asked him specifically "Do you see that?" I thought I may have been seeing things, or maybe it was a trick of the light. But no, we both saw it and stared for a good 20 seconds after.

I might have thought it was some kind of trick, but after 20 seconds or so, it moved. We noped out of there, passing the girls and screaming at them to get in the car.

Is it possible it could have been some other people there, who happened to bring a girl who might have looked from a distance to be a lot younger than she was? Yes.

There were no other cars around though, so whoever it was would have had to walk a pretty good distance to get there. It could have also been a homeless family that was using the place for warmth. Who knows.

All I know is what I saw. It was a little girl, in a white dress, staring at us. From the second-story window of an abandoned mental joint. At 2 in the morning.


30. The Bright Star And The White Coyote

I went to pick up my daughter from a dance on the waterfront. I was early so I walked near the lake. I saw something very bright not moving at about 20 degrees up (Sirius was at about 40 degrees that night).

Then I looked down and saw a pure white coyote walking along the water's edge. Even though I purposefully made a lot of noise to not startle the coyote, it didn't acknowledge I was there.

I looked back at the "star" which was still not moving but suddenly went from exceptionally bright dimming down to nothing. I looked back at the coyote and it was gone too (although it was a very dark night).

This all happened at 12:30 am The next morning I woke up to a phone call telling me my best friend had passed away in Norway. He passed away at 6:30 am local time, 12:30 am my time.


31. Miraculous Escape

About 20 years ago, I was t-boned on the passenger side of my car by a drunk driver who ran a red light. I went flying across the intersection, and my car was stopped by slamming the driver's side into a utility pole.

I don't remember being hit. I only remember someone helping me out of the broken window. My car was totaled, and I did not have a scratch, bruise, or sore muscle to remember the accident by.

When the police showed up, they did not believe that I was in the car crash, and had to rely on witnesses to attest to the fact they helped me out.

I sometimes think I was somehow "protected" by something I don't understand, and that I was to go on to accomplish something major in my life. Then I get a little sad, because I don't think I accomplished that.


32. The Flash Of Knowing

About 20 years ago I was in a foxhole just behind enemy lines and had the only paranormal experience of my life. In a flash, I knew the future.

I saw what would happen, approximately when, the lighting conditions, the angle the person would walk up from, everything. It was different from just thinking about the future or wishing, it was just a flash of knowing. Hard to explain.

A couple of hours later, it happened exactly that way. I've never forgotten it but it's never happened again.

I don't understand why it happened, it wasn't crucial or anything, at least I don't think so. Wish it could have been lottery numbers or something.


33. Unexplained Battery Drain

When we lived in our last apartment, my wife swore there was a ghost in our kitchen. I never saw anything personally, but she says she felt its presence.

I had one, and only one strange experience in the four years we lived in that place. One day I was sitting in the living room playing some video games when all of a sudden the controller died.

I thought it was weird because I had recently changed the batteries. I grabbed the other spare controller, and that one was dead, too.

I grabbed the receiver remote to turn down the volume, and that remote was dead, too. Same with the TV and Fios remotes. I grabbed my laptop, which I had recently charged, and it was also dead.

So I grabbed my cell phone to text my wife that something weird had happened. It was also totally discharged.

Naturally, my wife blamed the kitchen ghost. I'm more skeptical than that, but I've never heard a better explanation for the simultaneous power drain in all my battery-powered devices, so I'm willing to chalk it up to a paranormal experience.

The last time I posted this someone said it could have been an EMP, but wouldn't that have disabled all electronics rather than just draining batteries?


34. Phantom Footsteps

I lived on an old farmhouse that work provided me with. The stairs were very creepy. One night I was home alone in my room and someone opened the doors to the stairs. It walked up the stairs and stopped at my door.

I opened the door to see but no one was there. I heard it very clearly. But it wasn't the only time. Another time I heard someone going up and down the stairs so I turned on the lights and it instantly stopped.

I turned them back off and went back to my room to lie down and it started again. This happened a few times.


35. Supernatural Sky Signal

A small tire fell out of the night sky back when I was around 17 years old or so. I was driving down a two-lane country road and it landed about 30 yards in front of my car and rolled off into some grass.

Not strictly paranormal, but it was very eerie. It didn't make a sound. I can't say for sure it really happened but I wasn't drunk and I've never been prone to hallucinations.


36. Ghostly Encounters

When I was about 5 me and my mom would play this game. She would sit on the step leading to the back door of my house, and I would ride my tricycle around in a circle and pretend to grab a gem from her.

I called this game Volcano because I'd pretend like I was riding my bike around the edge of a volcano grabbing precious gems. Anyways, one day were were playing this game, and this lady pulled into the driveway.

She was completely white, pale white like someone had dumped flour on her and she was wearing a white dress, like a Victorian-era dress, with lots of lace and puffy from the waist down.

She also had one of those sun umbrellas although she wasn't using it, it was closed up and she was holding it by the handle. Anyways, she walks up to the edge of the carport, and I ride my tricycle to the edge to meet her.

I just sit there and stare up at her and she looks down at me. After a minute or so she leaves. I turned around and asked my mom who that lady was and my mom said, "Who?" I told her, "That lady that was just here."

My mom had no idea what I was talking about because no lady was there, it was just me and my mom. Not very spooky but pretty weird.

Also one time there was a storm and I was looking out my window and I saw a powerline fall, sparks, and everything, then I saw the powerline go back up and reconnect, it was like watching it in reverse.

Oh, and another time I was in my room at night drying my hair, and I heard some music coming from outside my window, and I thought, oh great my neighbors are having a party, the music kept playing.

Finally, I looked out my window to see what was up, and there was nothing, no party, nothing. It's also worth noting that no electronics were on in my house at the time.

I was the only person at home. The man singing was singing the words, "Pack your bags.” I don't know, freaked me out.


37. Echoes Of Childhood Dreams

When I was young, I’d have a recurring dream. The dream had no real story behind it, it was just odd little clips of my life so far. The dream always ended the same way. It would just kinda fade to black and I’d hear voices.

One said, “I just had the weirdest dream.” A female voice would reply “What about?” The first voice would then go on talking and at that point, I’d wake up.

So about 8 months ago, at least 30 years later I had the dream again. It was the weirdest thing. I could remember all those little clips, most of which I had long since forgotten about.

I felt this overwhelming joy to be recalling all those lost childhood memories. The feeling was so intense, it was like being so happy I could cry (never felt that before). But the end of the dream was different this time.

This is the God's truth. Instead of fading to black and hearing the voices, I just woke up. I was lying there feeling confused about the dream.

Is this the same dream I had when I was little? I rustled my wife from her sleep and said, “I just had the weirdest dream.” She replied, “What about.”

I was wide awake, playing out the ending of the childhood dream. No kidding, everything I said to her over the next minute or two to describe the dream was actually as I had heard it when having the dream back when I was 8 or 10.

It was like this hardcore case of déjà vu. I have déjà vu from time to time and I think it’s cool, but this blew my mind.

The next morning after the dream I was already starting to question myself about whether I had those dreams when I was young, or was it something my dream invented. But if I did have them, was I somehow peering into the future?

I’m all about logic and science. I don’t believe in ghosts, the supernatural, or even God for that matter. I believe there’s an answer for everything, but I’ll be crazy if I have an inkling as to what this is about.


38. The Ghostly RV Encounter

When I was 7, I was having a sleepover with my cousin at her house. We played with Barbies and a sweet Barbie RV.

Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an old lady in a dress or nightgown walk through the giant Barbie RV and the door to the garage. I never told anyone anything about it.

10 years later, my aunt and uncle were selling the house that on when I witnessed the strange encounter. My dad was like, “Finally, they can get rid of that haunted house with the annoying old lady.”

I was like what do you mean? He described the "ghost" and it was what I thought I saw when I was 7 years old.

Again, I never told them what I saw and they confirmed it without knowing my story.

I am a skeptic and this is the only thing that makes me question that.


39. Whispers Of A Haunted Bridge

I used to do the ghost-hunting thing with friends back in high school. One of the many times we visited a particular "haunted" spot (a bridge with a Civil War era hanging story).

This one friend of ours started acting weird, talking about bad spirits and evil. His speech pattern alternated between unintelligible muttering under his breath and unusually angry, which wasn't characteristic of him.

Illegal substances or alcohol were not involved. Ultimately, he started yelling, banging his head against the steering wheel, and then ended up fainting on someone's lawn.

We all thought he was faking the whole thing, to freak out some of the more open-minded people we had along with us, but he didn't respond to a sternum rub.

Paramedics were called, and he woke up shortly after they arrived, claiming to not remember anything after visiting that bridge.


40. Enigma Of The Sky Lizards

I am probably late to this thread, but I witnessed something very strange while I was living in Africa. I used to live in Zimbabwe until I was about 9 years old, and one day at school we had gym class outside.

It was a normal swimming lesson, and nothing out of the usual happened, it was pretty much an average swimming class. After the class was over, I spent a while longer in the showers.

For whatever reason, I was the last person to leave the pool area. On my way out, I saw a couple of things fly past me at a fast speed. At first glance, I thought it was just a pair of dragonflies playing around in the air.

They flew back towards me, and I noticed that they were considerably larger than a normal dragonfly. What I saw, and I swear on my life, was two lizard-like creatures, with dragonfly wings. About the size of a dove, or a medium-sized bird.

They flew around the pool for a couple of minutes, playing with each other in the air, and then suddenly, they flew off and were gone. I drew pictures of the creatures and showed them to teachers, parents, and an uncle who is a biologist.

Nobody had seen or heard of these creatures, and nobody believed me I still wonder what kind of creatures they were.


41. Ouija Board Blaze

When we moved into the house, there was a ton of old crap left in the attic by the former (very old) occupants.

One of the many items left behind was a very, very old-looking Ouija board, made out of wood and lined with what I always assumed was velvet. My mom was creeped out by it and told my dad to throw it away.

My dad disposed of it by throwing it into the fireplace, which had a pretty good fire going at the time.

Within about 20 seconds, the fire exploded, shattering the highly heat-resistant glass doors covering the fireplace, and thick black smoke billowed into the house (even though the flu remained open). Super creepy.

Someone explained that the board likely had air pockets in it, and/or the paint on it was an accelerant of some kind.

It also could have had nothing to do with the board and just been a coincidence (we usually put into the fire old logs that had been sitting outside for some time). Still creepy.


42. The Mysterious Crying Baby

Just a few months ago, I had to babysit my cousin's baby while my cousin went grocery shopping. I was just watching TV in the living room with the baby sleeping on the couch.

I reached forward to grab the soda that I was drinking when all of a sudden, the baby started crying. I quickly went over to him so I could calm him and send him back to sleep.

But when I see him I'm shocked to see that he's still sound asleep and the crying is still occurring. We were the only ones in the house. The closest neighbor is half a block down.


43. Grandma’s Chapstick Miracle

When I was in high school my grandma passed away unexpectedly. In the week following her passing, we were at my grandfather's place,

My mother and aunts were cleaning out the place of her belongings to make her passing easier on my grandfather. On her bed, my mother had laid out trinkets that they didn't know what to do with and that they were going to just throw away.

My mom told me to take whatever I wanted so I noticed a llama statuette that my grandmother had bought on her trip to Peru many years ago, so I took it. I kept this llama on my dresser as a memento.

I used to work at a grocery store as a produce clerk. We had the earliest shifts in the store (6 o'clock if I remember correctly) and being a high schooler it was very difficult to wake up in the morning.

On a weekend shift, my alarm didn't go off and I woke up 5 minutes before my shift. I remember it was a particularly dry winter and working in the produce your skin/lips would get dry and crack very easily.

So as I was rushing to get ready to leave I couldn't find my chapstick and I was hurrying between the washroom and my room looking for it and just as I had given up on finding it I heard "Bang!”

I'm a little startled by it so I decide to investigate and see that my llama is no longer on the dresser. So I went to pick it up. Lo and behold, it had fallen right next to my chapstick.

Without consciously thinking about it I just muttered "Thanks, Grandma.” That's when I thought, "Oh crap" and left for work.


44. Haunted Hi-Fi

This happened to my parents. We were at home and it was nighttime so my brothers and I had already gone to sleep. My parents had decided to rent a movie and watch it while we had been asleep.

While they were watching the movie, suddenly the volume turned up to full when neither of them had the remote. They grabbed the remote to try and turn it back down to no avail.

This was considering we had stereo sound speakers connected for, you know, a better experience. As they were trying to turn it down a booming, deep laughter came from the speakers.

The scene did not have anyone laughing. The voice just laughed diabolically for what seemed to them a minute. And then without warning, the volume went all the way down and the laughing stopped.

That night my mom unplugged the speakers and stored them away in a storage room in the back. My brothers and I didn't notice them gone, since we had only had them for a couple of days.

One time, we were in our current home when we were barely moving in. We found the speakers in some box and we asked my mom why we never used these for tv and stuff.

She then told us the story I just recounted and explained to us how she thought it was maybe the speaker being haunted by some demon. It kinda freaked my brothers and me out, but we now use them all the time with no problem. At least not yet.


45. Hello From Beyond

Last year my very good friend and roommate passed away. It was of course the most difficult thing I've had to live through so far.

A couple of months later, on what would have been her birthday, an alarm clock that had been unplugged and sitting on a shelf in the closet started going off and woke me up.

It hadn't been used in years, not only was it without a power source but there was no alarm set. I thought it was a fluke but the idea that maybe Megan was saying hello was enticing.

Later that day when I got into my car my tablet, which was on shuffle, started skipping songs all by itself. I was heartbroken thinking that there was something wrong with it.

It skipped a couple dozen songs and then stopped on her favorite one. A song that she had lyrics from tattooed on her foot. I knew it was Megan just saying hello to me on her birthday. It was the most comforting experience I have ever had.
